Document name; NTV and RiksTV – Compliance matrix v2.0
RiksTV (2011-01-27)
NTV and RiksTV
Compliance matrix
Table of Index
1. Introduction 3
2. Compliance matrix 4
3. Deviations 6
4. Signatures 7
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Document name; NTV and RiksTV – Compliance matrix v2.0
RiksTV (2011-01-27)
1. Introduction
This document is the NTV’s and RiksTV’s compliance matrix.
The compliance level can be defined by the manufacturer as follows:
Abb: / Means: / Comment:C / Fully Compliant / No further information required
CX / Compliant with exception / Exceptions must be described
AP / Alternative proposed / Alternative must be described
N / Noted / No further information required
NC / Non Compliant / Incompliance must be defined
NA / Non Applicable / No further information required
R / Reserve / If the manufacturer reserve against the requirement the reason must be explained
I / Informational / No further information required
2. Compliance matrix
We, the manufacturer, hereby state that the product item for validation has the following compliance to the following requirements:
# Ref / Definition / Level / Compliance / Comment1 / The product is according to requirements specified in the “2011-01-11_Basic_IRD_Specifications_DTT_Norway_20” / Mandatory
2 / The product is according to the requirements specified in the “MHP_Specifications_DTT_Norway_20” / Mandatory if MHP functionality. / Please note that a test report or certificate from an external test house or MHP middleware provider, stating conformance to the MHP version detailed in the NTV MHP specifications must be sent prior to validation.
3 / The product is according to the requirements specified in the “RiksTV PVR Specifications v2.0” / Mandatory if PVR functionality.
4 / The product is CT approved by Conax. / Mandatory if Conax is embedded / Please note that CT report must be sent prior to validation.
5 / The product is SE approved by Conax with a security level of 3 or higher. / Mandatory if Conax is embedded / Please note that first page of the SE report must be sent prior to validation.
3. Deviations
If one of the relevant requirements in chapter 2 above is marked with any other than “C” - compliant, the non compliant items must be filled into the following table. The table shall be filled in after the following rules:
# Ref: <# Ref>-<chapter number>-<sub chapter>, e.g. 1-11-11.4 which refers to sub chapter 11.4 (Service numbering and list ordering) of chapter 11 (Service lists) in the Basic_IRD_Specifications_DTT_Norway_12.
Definition: The relevant requirement text copied from the specification.
Compliance: According to the compliance table listed in chapter 1.
Comment: Comment to specify deviation
# Ref / Definition / Compliance / Comment4. Signatures
We hereby declare that all the given information and compliance levels stated in this document are results from thorough testing according to the requirements specified by NTV and RiksTV.
We have read and accepted the “NTV Standard Terms and Conditions” for validation of DTT End User Devices” (available on and accept that the testing will not be commenced until full payment for the testing is received by RiksTV and the needed documentation is provided.
Responsible manufacturer assignee:
Place and Date: / Name (block capitals): / Signature:Page 1 / 7