Minutes of the meeting of the King’s Somborne Village Hall Management Committee
Held on the 19th Sept 2017
In Attendance: John Vanderpump (Chairman) Ian Bradley, Andy Chadwick, Peter Grace, Katie Grant, Katie Hughes, Janet Ingleson, John Ingleson, Pollyanna Monk , Sarah Pennington, Michael Templeman.
1) Apologies: Chris Kirby, Linda Aucock
2) The minutes of the 19th July meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the chairman.
3) Matters arising
3.1)KH explained that the parish council were still wanting the additional CCTV camera, however, during the parish council meeting a conflict was raised by Tony Ward stating that the grant application submitted to the borough council for the multi-purpose annex included money for CCTV. JVP stated that he did not think this was the case and KH will go back to the Parish Council.
Action KH
3.2)Jol confirmed that he has fitted new light switches to the Jubilee Room
3.3)JVP and MT have made an initial budget but are still awaiting figures to complete, MT agreed to discuss under Item 6 later.
Action MT
3.4) JVP explained that the new business letting proposal has been put on hold until further notice.
3.5)JVP confirmed that a letter has been sent to the school head teacherpraising how clean the hall and field were left after they last used it. JVP has received a reply.
4) – Booking Secretary report – SP explained that bookings were going well and 2018 bookings are starting to fill up. The Broughton Flower club have made bookings for the first 6 months of 2018 and provisional bookings for the second half of 2018.
5)JVP reported on behalf of the invoice secretary stating that there was only one outstanding payment, which was from the school, she has been in contact with Catherine Cartwight and is expecting payment shortly.
JVP raised the question of whether there should be a commercial rate for hiring the hall, after a discussion it was agreed that this would be discussed after JVP has meet with Kevin Sawyers who looks after a number of village halls around Hampshire. JVP to report back.
Action JVP
6) Treasurer’s Report, MT stated that the management account has a balance of £18,775, Development Account has a balance of £36,639. JVP confirmed that the clay pigeon shoot account still has approximately £13,000 in for the village hall.
MT now has all the electronic information that he requires and will be updating the information with the charity commission shortly.
MT confirmed that the marquee hire donations can be gift aided to the village hall and he will action this.
Action MT
MT outlined the initial budget plans and explained that 2017 costs will likely increase by approximately £4,200 which could create a shortfall of £1,000. MT will investigate further and look into future bookings to see if bookings have increased for 2017. MT will report again next meeting.
Action MT
7) Health and Safety report. JoI reported that he has carried out a number of tasks since the last VHMC meeting, including fitting a new alarm system in the disabled toilet; completed a light and fire check; a deep clean of the ladies toilets with KH, new light switches to Jubilee room; sealing up gaps in the store room and new felt as rats have been getting in; The induction hot plate has had a PAC test and been returned to the cupboard. Jol has stated that he will no longer be replacing the guttering on the flat roof due to constant damage caused by footballs.
JVP explained that the front door handle had been replaced with a new modern type as the old type broke very easily.
JVP believes he has solved the issue of snails/ slugs getting into the jubilee room and creating a mess.
JVP has been in contact with PHS as the female sanitry bins have not been emptied since July 23rd as the hall has been locked during the day as preschool have not been in session. PHS agreed to empty the bins on Wednesday 20th Sept. JVP to monitor. Jol, JVP and KG agreed to be a point of contact for PHS to prevent this from happening again.
Action MT
SP asked if both flood lights were working correctly. Jol to Investigate
Action Jol
8) Website Report.IB explainedthe changes made to the website and that a‘Facebook’ page has been set up in the hope to increase the rental opportunities for the hall. The Village Hall website now uses Google ‘Calendar’ to show when the hall is occupied with more detail than the old system.
IB agreed to set up a subcommittee to look into an online booking and invoice system. IB to report back
Action IB
9) JVP gave a lengthy explanation on the need to change the arrangements for refuse disposal. It was agreed by the committee that JVP would instruct ACE Lift Away to be the new refuse disposal company for the Village Hall with immediate effect.
10) Preschool plans. JVP briefly explained why the planning application has been withdrawn and that it will be resubmitted when the issues have been resolved.
Action JVP
11) AOB
11.1) The committee agreed that JVP should arrange quotes for cleaning the carpets in the Jubilee room and entrance hall.
Action JVP
10.2) Jol has offered to repaint the jubilee room and JVP to obtain quotes for repainting the hall way and committee room.
Action JVP and Jol
10.3)JVP explained the need to sort out the pavilion floor and will be investigating and testing an area with a new product to seal the floor.
Action JVP
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 17thOctober 7.30 pm
Minutes taken by Katie Hughes