19th June 2015
Dear Parents,
Thank you for the very generous contributions received so far towards Mr and Mrs Kemp’s leaving gift. The children will be presenting them with a special card and gift next Wednesday during afternoon assembly. If any parents would like to drop in to say thank youpersonally, they are very welcome to do so at 3.15 pm.
Update on Lollipop situation: We have been informed by ESCC that there was an error regarding pay on the advertisement we sent out. The hourly rate is £7.08 per hour, not £6.69 as previously mentioned. We have had an offer of cover for 2 mornings a week from one kind parent. Is there anyone (or more than one person) who would be able to cover the other 3 mornings? For more details please speak to Laura or Claudia in the office.
Mufti Day – This will be on Thursday 25th June in aid of the fete. Please bring £1 to school in return for wearing your own clothes.
Lions and Panthers Musical afternoon – Parents of these classes are invited to join them at 2.45pm on Friday 26th June in the hall when they will share their learning with you.
Summer Fete Saturday 27th June – The PTA would be very grateful for donations for the following items:
Tigers, Lions, Panthers – Tombola prizes, such as bottles, cans or new gifts.
Leopards – Sweets (not chocolate).
There will be a collection point in the playground between 23rd and 26th June for dropping off. Contributions of home-made cakes would also be appreciated the day before. Please could raffle money and unused tickets be returned to the school office by 23rd June?
Helpers are required for setting up on the morning on the 27th from 8.30am onwards. Please speak to a PTA member if you are able to help in any way.
Re-cycled school uniform Georgina (Alfie’s mum) will be selling school uniform at the fete. If any families have any good quality uniform they no longer need, please hand in at the school office.
Moving up day Wednesday 1stJuly This is when the children spend a morning in the classroom that will be theirs in September. For those staying in the same class, they get a taste of being the higher year group as the younger children join them.
Sports Day Friday 3rd July–Parents and families are very welcome to join us at Catsfield Playing Field from 1.30pm onwards. The PTA will be selling refreshments and the day will end with a family picnic and the traditional Village v School cricket match which begins at 6pm. If you would like to be considered for the school team, please speak to Mr Elms.
Battle Under 12’s youth football team We have been asked to make families aware of the following:
Battle Baptist FC is a FA Charter Standard Club with a high standard of conduct, respect and sportsmanship. The Club is starting an under 12s Youth Team for boys in school years 5 and 6. FA qualified coaches will focus on fun and technical development, while ensuring all FA Safeguarding requirements are met. Training begins in July on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm at Battle Rec. The first session will be free. Please register your child’s interest by e-mailing
Inset Day Monday 22ndJune We hope you have a very pleasant long weekend and we look forward to seeing you at school on Tuesday. Panthers and Leopards – don’t forget your swimming things!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S.Clark