Oriel High School

Maidenbower Lane


Crawley RH10 7XW

Headteacher: Philip Stack BSc MA NPQH

Deputy Headteachers: Helen Everitt BSc NPQH | Tim Matthews BA

Academic year 2014/2015

Dear Parents and Carers

Re: Ingredients required for Year 8 Food Technology this carousel rotation

Key Stage 3 students study Design and Technology for five periods a fortnight on a carousel system and work with many different materials and technologies across the different Design and Technology disciplines. Over the course of this carousel rotation, your son/daughter will be studying Food Technology as part of their Design and Technology curriculum.

Students are expected to bring in their own ingredients for Food Technology practical lessons. I hope by writing you this letter, this will allow for advance planning when purchasing the necessary ingredients, maybe taking advantage of special offers when you see them available in the shops.

There will be four practical lessons this carousel rotationwith two of these practical lessons being ‘own design’ lessons where your son/daughter will take a standard recipe and develop it to make it their own. For these own design lessons, it is not possible to put down what you son/daughter will need until they have designed their dish. Dates for the practical lessons are also listed, however, although every effort is made to ensure these dates are met, due to unforeseen circumstances these may have to change. If they do, your son/daughter’s Food Technology teacher will inform them of the new date using their planner in the usual way.

Ingredients required
Practical 1 / Tuna or Tomato Pasta / 1 small can of tuna in oil (optional)
1 small onion
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoons mixed dried herbs
1 can of chopped tomatoes
1 stock cube (any flavour)
200g pasta (any type of pasta)
To garnish:
A hand full of parsley or gratedcheddar cheese
Practical 2 / Own designed pasta dish / The ingredients for this practical lesson will be decided by your son/daughter once they have completed their final design for their own pasta dish. They can use any type of pasta for the dish, dry or fresh.
Practical 3 / Basic cookie dough / 150g plain flour
100g butter, softened
75g caster sugar
1 egg (yolk only)
1 tsp vanilla extract
Practical 4 / Own designed cookies / The ingredients for this practical lesson will be decided by your son/daughter once they have completed their final design for their own cookies.


In addition to this letter, ingredients required for Food Technology practical lessons will be noted as a homework entry in your son/daughter’s planner and are also available via the school website. A copy of this letter can also be downloaded from the school’s website at

You may be aware that the school receives additional funding for students in receipt of free school meals. As such, the school can provide ingredients for these students, with no cost to parents. However, we are aware that some parents may still wish to provide ingredients for their son/daughter, and as we do not wish to purchase ingredients unnecessarily, we would ask that you complete and return the attached reply slip if you would like the school to provide all the necessary ingredients for your son/daughter. Please return the slip to your son/daughter’s Design and Technology teacher as soon as possible. If we do not receive a reply slip, we will assume that you will be providing ingredients as listed on the previous page.

Should you have any further questions regarding Food Technology this carousel rotation, please contact your son/daughter’s Design and Technology teacher in the first instance. Finally may I remind you to send your son/daughter to school with a suitable container, clearly namedthat they can take their practical work home in.

Yours sincerely

Mr. C Maynard

Subject Leader

Design and Technology


Ingredients required for Year 8 Food Technology

Student ______Mentor group ______

I am in receipt of free school meals and I would like the school to provide ingredients for my son/daughter.

Parent/Carer ______Date ______

Telephone: 01293 880350 | Facsimile: 01293 880351
Student Absence Telephone: 01293 880363 (24 hours)
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