
"the video game"

fade in: int - house – room

int - room – kids playing video game

We see the back of four teenager’s heads. We can also see a game playing on a t.v.


Dude this game is awesome!


Yeah! Man I’m glad that you get to test video games!


Dude! You are the luckiest person around!


Hey! Look at the time! I gotta go!


Yeah me too!


I should be going my self!

The three boys leave the room. Jimmy is still playing the video game. We can hear a woman yell.

Jimmy’s mom

Jimmy! There is a telephone call for you!


I’m coming!

Jimmy runs down stairs.

cut to:

int - kitchen – down stairs

Jimmy grabs the phone.


Hello! Yeah! I’ll be there first thing in the morning!

Jimmy hangs up the phone.

Jimmy’s mom

Who was it?


It was the game testing place! They want me to come in tomorrow morning to test a new game!

Jimmy’s mom

Well! That sounds great! Why don’t you go get washed up for dinner!

cut to:

int – game testing center – next day

Jimmy is sitting in a waiting room. A man opens a door and calls to Jimmy.


Well jimmy! It’s good to see you today!


So what new game am I testing today?


Well! This is totally different from any others you have ever played!

They walk into a room where there is a machine!

cut to:

int – machine room

Jimmy’s mouth is open wide and he runs up to the platform.


What is this called?


This is the first ever-virtual reality game!


How does it work?


Well first you sit in this seat. Then you put on the helmet. You will see a screen and it seems like you are wherever you want to be but, without the helmet.


Lets do this!

Jimmy climbs into the seat and puts on the helmet. He sees a screen and chooses the level practice.

cut to:

ext – carls house

Jimmy is standing out side of Carl’s house without the helmet.


Okay! Let’s try something! How about a gun?

Jimmy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun.

Jimmy (cont)

This is awesome!

Jimmy walks up to the house and starts firing the gun. The bullets smash the windows.


This seems so real!

Jimmy takes off the helmet.




I only tried practice mode but awesome!


Now try the advanced mode! Remember to get out of the game just take off the helmet, to do something just say it aloud and it will happen. I sent one of these to your house so you can test it some more!

Jimmy puts on the helmet again.


My house! My parents room!

cut to:

int – jimmy’s house – parents room

Jimmy is standing in front of his dad who is sleeping.

Jimmy (cont)

Machine gun!

Jimmy is now holding a machine gun. He aims it at his dad and pulls the trigger.

jimmy (cont)

This is so much fun!

Jimmy pulls off the helmet.


So you like it?



cut to:

int – jimmy’s house

Jimmy comes through the front door. He sees his mom crying.


Mom! What’s wrong?

jimmy’s mom

Your father was shot tonight!



Jimmy’s mom

Someone broke in and shot him while he was taking his nap!

Jimmy breaks down and starts crying.

cut to:

second situation – int – jimmy’s house

We see the back of four teenager’s heads. We can also see a game playing on a t.v.


Dude this game is awesome!


Yeah! Man I’m glad that you get to test video games!


Dude! You are the luckiest person around!


Hey! Look at the time! I gotta go!


Yeah me too!


I should be going my self!

The three boys leave the room. Jimmy is still playing the video game. We can hear a woman yell.

Jimmy’s mom

Jimmy! There is a telephone call for you!


I’m coming!

Jimmy runs down stairs.

cut to:

int - kitchen – down stairs

Jimmy grabs the phone.


Hello! I’m sorry! I have a lot of work to do so… I can’t maybe next week ok? Bye!

Jimmy hangs up the phone.

jimmy’s mom

Who was it?


It was the game testing center! They wanted me to test anew game but I said I was to busy!

Jimmy’s mom

Okay! Go wash up and get ready for dinner!

cut to:

int – jimmy’s house – next day

Jimmy is sitting in the living room when he hears the doorbell ring. Jimmy gets up and answers the door.

Ups man

Hey! I got a delivery for a Jimmy Spider!


That’s me!

ups man

Sign here please!

Jimmy signs the clipboard. The ups man brings in six large boxes.


Wow! I wonder who sent this!

Jimmy opens the first box. There was a letter inside. Jimmy grabs the letter and reads it aloud.


Dear Jimmy, I hope you enjoy this! This is the first ever-virtual reality game! The instructions are all here! Good luck. Howard

Jimmy brings the boxes upstairs to his room.

cut to:

int – Jimmy’s house – upstairs – jimmy’s room

He opens the other boxes and puts the game together.


This is so cool! According to the instructions it says to put on the helmet and sit in the seat.

Jimmy climbs into the seat and puts on the helmet. He sees a screen and chooses the level practice.

cut to:

ext – carls house

Jimmy is standing out side of Carl’s house without the helmet.


Okay! Let’s try something! How about a gun?

Jimmy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun.

Jimmy (cont)

This is awesome!

Jimmy walks up to the house and starts firing the gun. The bullets smash the windows.

jimmy (cont)

This seems so real!

Jimmy takes off the helmet.

jimmy (Cont)

Wow! I wonder what happens on advanced mode?

Jimmy puts on the helmet again.


My house! My parents room!

cut to:

int – jimmy’s house – parents room

Jimmy is standing in front of his dad who is sleeping.

Jimmy (cont)

Machine gun!

Jimmy is now holding a machine gun. He aims it at his dad and pulls the trigger.

jimmy (cont)

This is so much fun!

Jimmy pulls off the helmet. He puts everything away and goes down stairs.

cut to:

int – jimmy’s house – down stairs – living room

Jimmy sees his mom crying. He runs over to her.


Mom! What’s wrong?

jimmy’s mom

Your father was shot tonight!



Jimmy’s mom

Someone broke in and shot him while he was taking his nap!

Jimmy breaks down and starts crying.



It is my entire fault! I killed my father!

Jimmy wakes up.


It was all a dream! Just a dream!

jimmy’s mom

Jimmy there is a telephone call for you!