Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 1
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Non-Partnered vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
nonpartnrd Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 161 100.00 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 2
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Age in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
prntage Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
28 1 0.63 1 0.63
29 1 0.63 2 1.25
31 1 0.63 3 1.88
32 2 1.25 5 3.13
33 6 3.75 11 6.88
34 9 5.63 20 12.50
35 4 2.50 24 15.00
36 3 1.88 27 16.88
37 3 1.88 30 18.75
38 5 3.13 35 21.88
39 10 6.25 45 28.13
40 9 5.63 54 33.75
41 10 6.25 64 40.00
42 7 4.38 71 44.38
43 6 3.75 77 48.13
44 7 4.38 84 52.50
45 6 3.75 90 56.25
46 9 5.63 99 61.88
47 9 5.63 108 67.50
48 9 5.63 117 73.13
49 15 9.38 132 82.50
50 2 1.25 134 83.75
51 3 1.88 137 85.63
52 5 3.13 142 88.75
53 4 2.50 146 91.25
54 3 1.88 149 93.13
55 1 0.63 150 93.75
56 5 3.13 155 96.88
58 2 1.25 157 98.13
60 1 0.63 158 98.75
65 or older 2 1.25 160 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 3
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Education
Cumulative Cumulative
prnteduc Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
< high school 4 2.50 4 2.50
high school degree 31 19.38 35 21.88
some college 25 15.63 60 37.50
college degree 43 26.88 103 64.38
some grad school 11 6.88 114 71.25
grad/prof degree 39 24.38 153 95.63
other 7 4.38 160 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 4
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Race
Cumulative Cumulative
prntrace Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
White 134 88.16 134 88.16
African American 9 5.92 143 94.08
Other 9 5.92 152 100.00
Frequency Missing = 9
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 5
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Ethnicity
Cumulative Cumulative
prntethnic Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Hispanic 6 3.80 6 3.80
non Hispanic 152 96.20 158 100.00
Frequency Missing = 3
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 6
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Employment
Cumulative Cumulative
prntjob Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
parttime 9 5.63 9 5.63
fulltime 139 86.88 148 92.50
other 12 7.50 160 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 7
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Health
Cumulative Cumulative
prnthealth Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
excellent 74 46.54 74 46.54
good 74 46.54 148 93.08
fair to poor 11 6.92 159 100.00
Frequency Missing = 2
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 8
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Ill vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
prntill Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
no 134 83.75 134 83.75
yes 26 16.25 160 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 9
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Number of Children
Cumulative Cumulative
nchildren Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
1 37 22.98 37 22.98
2 80 49.69 117 72.67
3 34 21.12 151 93.79
4 or more 10 6.21 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 10
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Sex
Cumulative Cumulative
childsex Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
male 89 55.28 89 55.28
female 72 44.72 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 11
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Age in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
childage Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
2 10 6.21 10 6.21
3 3 1.86 13 8.07
4 11 6.83 24 14.91
5 11 6.83 35 21.74
6 6 3.73 41 25.47
7 9 5.59 50 31.06
8 10 6.21 60 37.27
9 8 4.97 68 42.24
10 10 6.21 78 48.45
11 14 8.70 92 57.14
12 9 5.59 101 62.73
13 12 7.45 113 70.19
14 9 5.59 122 75.78
15 13 8.07 135 83.85
16 13 8.07 148 91.93
17 8 4.97 156 96.89
18 5 3.11 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 12
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child School Grade
Cumulative Cumulative
childgrade Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 37 22.98 37 22.98
1 6 3.73 43 26.71
2 12 7.45 55 34.16
3 7 4.35 62 38.51
4 9 5.59 71 44.10
5 14 8.70 85 52.80
6 13 8.07 98 60.87
7 7 4.35 105 65.22
8 11 6.83 116 72.05
9 12 7.45 128 79.50
10 10 6.21 138 85.71
11 13 8.07 151 93.79
12 8 4.97 159 98.76
13 2 1.24 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 13
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Number of Chronic Conditions
Cumulative Cumulative
nchronic Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
1 120 74.53 120 74.53
2 27 16.77 147 91.30
3 5 3.11 152 94.41
4 or more 9 5.59 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 14
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Arthritis vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
arthritis Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 151 93.79 151 93.79
1 10 6.21 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 15
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Crohn's Disease or a Bowel Disorder vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
crohns Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 139 86.34 139 86.34
1 22 13.66 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 16
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Cystic Fibrosis vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
cysticfibrosis Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 137 85.09 137 85.09
1 24 14.91 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 17
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Diabetes vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
diabetes Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 127 78.88 127 78.88
1 34 21.12 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 18
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Hearing Impairment vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
hearing Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 153 95.03 153 95.03
1 8 4.97 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 19
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Sickle Cell Disease vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
sicklecell Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 154 95.65 154 95.65
1 7 4.35 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 20
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Duration of Chronic Condition in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
duration Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0.2 1 0.65 1 0.65
0.6 2 1.31 3 1.96
1 1 0.65 4 2.61
1.1 2 1.31 6 3.92
1.2 2 1.31 8 5.23
1.3 3 1.96 11 7.19
1.5 1 0.65 12 7.84
1.8 1 0.65 13 8.50
1.9 2 1.31 15 9.80
2 9 5.88 24 15.69
2.2 2 1.31 26 16.99
2.3 2 1.31 28 18.30
2.4 2 1.31 30 19.61
2.5 1 0.65 31 20.26
2.7 1 0.65 32 20.92
2.9 1 0.65 33 21.57
3 3 1.96 36 23.53
3.1 1 0.65 37 24.18
3.2 4 2.61 41 26.80
3.3 1 0.65 42 27.45
3.5 1 0.65 43 28.10
3.6 1 0.65 44 28.76
3.7 3 1.96 47 30.72
3.8 4 2.61 51 33.33
3.9 1 0.65 52 33.99
4 7 4.58 59 38.56
4.1 1 0.65 60 39.22
4.2 3 1.96 63 41.18
4.5 1 0.65 64 41.83
4.6 3 1.96 67 43.79
4.7 1 0.65 68 44.44
4.8 2 1.31 70 45.75
5 5 3.27 75 49.02
5.1 1 0.65 76 49.67
5.5 1 0.65 77 50.33
5.6 2 1.31 79 51.63
5.7 1 0.65 80 52.29
5.9 2 1.31 82 53.59
6 6 3.92 88 57.52
6.1 1 0.65 89 58.17
6.3 2 1.31 91 59.48
Frequency Missing = 8
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 21
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Duration of Chronic Condition in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
duration Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
6.4 1 0.65 92 60.13
6.6 1 0.65 93 60.78
6.8 1 0.65 94 61.44
7 2 1.31 96 62.75
7.1 1 0.65 97 63.40
7.3 2 1.31 99 64.71
7.5 1 0.65 100 65.36
7.6 1 0.65 101 66.01
7.7 1 0.65 102 66.67
8 4 2.61 106 69.28
8.2 1 0.65 107 69.93
8.4 1 0.65 108 70.59
8.6 1 0.65 109 71.24
9 1 0.65 110 71.90
9.5 1 0.65 111 72.55
9.6 1 0.65 112 73.20
9.8 2 1.31 114 74.51
9.9 2 1.31 116 75.82
10 2 1.31 118 77.12
10.8 1 0.65 119 77.78
11 9 5.88 128 83.66
11.1 1 0.65 129 84.31
11.4 1 0.65 130 84.97
11.8 1 0.65 131 85.62
12 4 2.61 135 88.24
12.8 1 0.65 136 88.89
13 6 3.92 142 92.81
13.2 1 0.65 143 93.46
13.6 1 0.65 144 94.12
15 3 1.96 147 96.08
15.1 1 0.65 148 96.73
15.9 1 0.65 149 97.39
16 4 2.61 153 100.00
Frequency Missing = 8
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 22
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Number of Respondents from Family
Cumulative Cumulative
nresp Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
2 161 100.00 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 23
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Family Management Type
FaMMtype Frequency Percent
Family Focused 40 24.84
Somewhat Family Focused - Fathers More Positive 10 6.21
Somewhat Family Focused - Mothers More Positive 49 30.43
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Fathers More Positive 22 13.66
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Mothers More Positive 31 19.25
Conditioned Focused 9 5.59
Family Management Type
Cumulative Cumulative
FaMMtype Frequency Percent
Family Focused 40 24.84
Somewhat Family Focused - Fathers More Positive 50 31.06
Somewhat Family Focused - Mothers More Positive 99 61.49
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Fathers More Positive 121 75.16
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Mothers More Positive 152 94.41
Conditioned Focused 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 24
------Mother vs. Father=father ------
The FREQ Procedure
Reduced Family Management Type
Cumulative Cumulative
FaMMtype2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Family Focused 40 24.84 40 24.84
Somewhat Family Focused 59 36.65 99 61.49
Somewhat Conditioned Focused 53 32.92 152 94.41
Conditioned Focused 9 5.59 161 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 25
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Non-Partnered vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
nonpartnrd Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 349 84.30 349 84.30
1 65 15.70 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 26
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Age in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
prntage Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
23 2 0.48 2 0.48
25 4 0.97 6 1.45
26 3 0.73 9 2.18
27 4 0.97 13 3.15
28 1 0.24 14 3.39
29 2 0.48 16 3.87
30 2 0.48 18 4.36
31 5 1.21 23 5.57
32 11 2.66 34 8.23
33 12 2.91 46 11.14
34 15 3.63 61 14.77
35 19 4.60 80 19.37
36 18 4.36 98 23.73
37 13 3.15 111 26.88
38 12 2.91 123 29.78
39 23 5.57 146 35.35
40 16 3.87 162 39.23
41 18 4.36 180 43.58
42 23 5.57 203 49.15
43 27 6.54 230 55.69
44 30 7.26 260 62.95
45 19 4.60 279 67.55
46 24 5.81 303 73.37
47 22 5.33 325 78.69
48 23 5.57 348 84.26
49 9 2.18 357 86.44
50 11 2.66 368 89.10
51 16 3.87 384 92.98
52 7 1.69 391 94.67
53 4 0.97 395 95.64
54 4 0.97 399 96.61
55 3 0.73 402 97.34
56 1 0.24 403 97.58
57 1 0.24 404 97.82
58 3 0.73 407 98.55
61 1 0.24 408 98.79
64 2 0.48 410 99.27
65 or older 3 0.73 413 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 27
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Education
Cumulative Cumulative
prnteduc Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
< high school 13 3.14 13 3.14
high school degree 56 13.53 69 16.67
some college 101 24.40 170 41.06
college degree 124 29.95 294 71.01
some grad school 23 5.56 317 76.57
grad/prof degree 74 17.87 391 94.44
other 23 5.56 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 28
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Race
Cumulative Cumulative
prntrace Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
White 347 87.85 347 87.85
African American 37 9.37 384 97.22
Other 11 2.78 395 100.00
Frequency Missing = 19
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 29
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Ethnicity
Cumulative Cumulative
prntethnic Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Hispanic 14 3.45 14 3.45
non Hispanic 392 96.55 406 100.00
Frequency Missing = 8
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 30
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Employment
Cumulative Cumulative
prntjob Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
parttime 112 27.12 112 27.12
fulltime 170 41.16 282 68.28
other 131 31.72 413 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 31
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Health
Cumulative Cumulative
prnthealth Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
excellent 185 45.34 185 45.34
good 160 39.22 345 84.56
fair to poor 63 15.44 408 100.00
Frequency Missing = 6
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 32
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Parent Ill vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
prntill Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
no 321 77.72 321 77.72
yes 92 22.28 413 100.00
Frequency Missing = 1
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 33
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Number of Children
Cumulative Cumulative
nchildren Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
1 92 22.22 92 22.22
2 191 46.14 283 68.36
3 92 22.22 375 90.58
4 or more 39 9.42 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 34
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Sex
Cumulative Cumulative
childsex Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
male 222 53.62 222 53.62
female 192 46.38 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 35
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Age in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
childage Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
2 14 3.38 14 3.38
3 15 3.62 29 7.00
4 18 4.35 47 11.35
5 25 6.04 72 17.39
6 15 3.62 87 21.01
7 19 4.59 106 25.60
8 20 4.83 126 30.43
9 19 4.59 145 35.02
10 22 5.31 167 40.34
11 34 8.21 201 48.55
12 28 6.76 229 55.31
13 27 6.52 256 61.84
14 28 6.76 284 68.60
15 37 8.94 321 77.54
16 40 9.66 361 87.20
17 29 7.00 390 94.20
18 24 5.80 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 36
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child School Grade
Cumulative Cumulative
childgrade Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 79 19.17 79 19.17
1 17 4.13 96 23.30
2 23 5.58 119 28.88
3 12 2.91 131 31.80
4 20 4.85 151 36.65
5 29 7.04 180 43.69
6 33 8.01 213 51.70
7 27 6.55 240 58.25
8 27 6.55 267 64.81
9 31 7.52 298 72.33
10 36 8.74 334 81.07
11 34 8.25 368 89.32
12 29 7.04 397 96.36
13 15 3.64 412 100.00
Frequency Missing = 2
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 37
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Number of Chronic Conditions
Cumulative Cumulative
nchronic Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
1 315 76.09 315 76.09
2 69 16.67 384 92.75
3 15 3.62 399 96.38
4 or more 15 3.62 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 38
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Arthritis vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
arthritis Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 390 94.20 390 94.20
1 24 5.80 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 39
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Crohn's Disease or a Bowel Disorder vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
crohns Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 354 85.51 354 85.51
1 60 14.49 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 40
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Cystic Fibrosis vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
cysticfibrosis Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 366 88.41 366 88.41
1 48 11.59 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 41
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Diabetes vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
diabetes Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 351 84.78 351 84.78
1 63 15.22 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 42
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Hearing Impairment vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
hearing Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 391 94.44 391 94.44
1 23 5.56 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 43
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Chronic Condition Sickle Cell Disease vs. Not
Cumulative Cumulative
sicklecell Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0 392 94.69 392 94.69
1 22 5.31 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 44
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Duration of Chronic Condition in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
duration Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
0.2 1 0.26 1 0.26
0.3 1 0.26 2 0.52
0.5 2 0.52 4 1.04
0.6 2 0.52 6 1.56
0.7 1 0.26 7 1.82
1 2 0.52 9 2.34
1.1 2 0.52 11 2.86
1.2 3 0.78 14 3.65
1.3 6 1.56 20 5.21
1.4 2 0.52 22 5.73
1.5 4 1.04 26 6.77
1.7 1 0.26 27 7.03
1.8 3 0.78 30 7.81
1.9 3 0.78 33 8.59
2 15 3.91 48 12.50
2.1 2 0.52 50 13.02
2.2 5 1.30 55 14.32
2.3 2 0.52 57 14.84
2.4 4 1.04 61 15.89
2.5 5 1.30 66 17.19
2.6 4 1.04 70 18.23
2.7 2 0.52 72 18.75
2.8 1 0.26 73 19.01
2.9 5 1.30 78 20.31
3 10 2.60 88 22.92
3.1 5 1.30 93 24.22
3.2 4 1.04 97 25.26
3.3 1 0.26 98 25.52
3.4 1 0.26 99 25.78
3.5 1 0.26 100 26.04
3.6 2 0.52 102 26.56
3.7 4 1.04 106 27.60
3.8 6 1.56 112 29.17
3.9 2 0.52 114 29.69
4 12 3.13 126 32.81
4.1 3 0.78 129 33.59
4.2 4 1.04 133 34.64
4.4 1 0.26 134 34.90
4.5 1 0.26 135 35.16
4.6 5 1.30 140 36.46
4.7 2 0.52 142 36.98
Frequency Missing = 30
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 45
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Duration of Chronic Condition in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
duration Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
4.8 3 0.78 145 37.76
4.9 1 0.26 146 38.02
5 15 3.91 161 41.93
5.1 2 0.52 163 42.45
5.2 1 0.26 164 42.71
5.4 1 0.26 165 42.97
5.5 1 0.26 166 43.23
5.6 5 1.30 171 44.53
5.7 3 0.78 174 45.31
5.9 3 0.78 177 46.09
6 12 3.13 189 49.22
6.1 1 0.26 190 49.48
6.3 2 0.52 192 50.00
6.4 5 1.30 197 51.30
6.5 3 0.78 200 52.08
6.6 1 0.26 201 52.34
6.7 3 0.78 204 53.13
6.8 2 0.52 206 53.65
7 10 2.60 216 56.25
7.1 2 0.52 218 56.77
7.2 1 0.26 219 57.03
7.3 4 1.04 223 58.07
7.5 2 0.52 225 58.59
7.6 3 0.78 228 59.38
7.7 2 0.52 230 59.90
7.9 4 1.04 234 60.94
8 7 1.82 241 62.76
8.1 2 0.52 243 63.28
8.2 2 0.52 245 63.80
8.3 1 0.26 246 64.06
8.4 1 0.26 247 64.32
8.5 1 0.26 248 64.58
8.6 2 0.52 250 65.10
8.7 2 0.52 252 65.63
8.8 1 0.26 253 65.89
8.9 1 0.26 254 66.15
9 2 0.52 256 66.67
9.1 1 0.26 257 66.93
9.2 1 0.26 258 67.19
9.4 1 0.26 259 67.45
9.5 2 0.52 261 67.97
Frequency Missing = 30
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 46
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Child Duration of Chronic Condition in Years
Cumulative Cumulative
duration Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
9.6 1 0.26 262 68.23
9.7 2 0.52 264 68.75
9.8 3 0.78 267 69.53
9.9 2 0.52 269 70.05
10 6 1.56 275 71.61
10.1 2 0.52 277 72.14
10.5 1 0.26 278 72.40
10.6 1 0.26 279 72.66
10.7 1 0.26 280 72.92
10.8 3 0.78 283 73.70
11 15 3.91 298 77.60
11.1 2 0.52 300 78.13
11.3 1 0.26 301 78.39
11.4 4 1.04 305 79.43
11.5 1 0.26 306 79.69
11.7 1 0.26 307 79.95
11.8 1 0.26 308 80.21
11.9 1 0.26 309 80.47
12 7 1.82 316 82.29
12.1 1 0.26 317 82.55
12.6 1 0.26 318 82.81
12.7 2 0.52 320 83.33
12.8 1 0.26 321 83.59
13 12 3.13 333 86.72
13.2 1 0.26 334 86.98
13.3 1 0.26 335 87.24
13.6 1 0.26 336 87.50
14 5 1.30 341 88.80
14.3 1 0.26 342 89.06
15 8 2.08 350 91.15
15.1 1 0.26 351 91.41
15.4 1 0.26 352 91.67
15.5 1 0.26 353 91.93
15.7 1 0.26 354 92.19
15.8 1 0.26 355 92.45
15.9 3 0.78 358 93.23
16 9 2.34 367 95.57
16.8 1 0.26 368 95.83
17 6 1.56 374 97.40
17.9 1 0.26 375 97.66
18 9 2.34 384 100.00
Frequency Missing = 30
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 47
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Number of Respondents from Family
Cumulative Cumulative
nresp Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
1 253 61.11 253 61.11
2 161 38.89 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 48
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Family Management Type
FaMMtype Frequency Percent
Family Focused 99 23.91
Somewhat Family Focused - Fathers More Positive 21 5.07
Somewhat Family Focused - Mothers More Positive 114 27.54
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Fathers More Positive 52 12.56
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Mothers More Positive 93 22.46
Conditioned Focused 35 8.45
Family Management Type
Cumulative Cumulative
FaMMtype Frequency Percent
Family Focused 99 23.91
Somewhat Family Focused - Fathers More Positive 120 28.99
Somewhat Family Focused - Mothers More Positive 234 56.52
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Fathers More Positive 286 69.08
Somewhat Conditioned Focused - Mothers More Positive 379 91.55
Conditioned Focused 414 100.00
Frequencies for FaMM Data by Parent Type 49
------Mother vs. Father=mother ------
The FREQ Procedure
Reduced Family Management Type
Cumulative Cumulative
FaMMtype2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Family Focused 99 23.91 99 23.91
Somewhat Family Focused 135 32.61 234 56.52
Somewhat Conditioned Focused 145 35.02 379 91.55
Conditioned Focused 35 8.45 414 100.00