Course: IT 153 – Web Development / Instructor:Ms. Faith BrennerSections:01 / Faculty Office: Room C250
Credit Hours:3 Credit Hours
(2 hrs lecture & 2 hr lab per week) / Phone:(217) 875-7211 Ext. 541
Class Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays / E-mail:
Class Time:11:00 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. / Office Hours: / Mon:3 p.m - 5 p.m.
Tues:8 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Wed: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Thurs: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Online Office Hours: TBA
Other Times by Appointment
Class Room:C240
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· WELCOMEo Welcome to this course. The participants drive this course through synchronous and asynchronous discussion and interaction. In this course, you will get a taste of what it is like to be an online student, since in a web-enhanced course, there will be work to do online as well as in the classroom. You may be in for some big surprises in regards to online learning. If you think that taking an online class is easy because you don’t have to go to class, think again! Learning online is much different than learning in a classroom. It requires you to be an active participant and to contribute to the learning process.Your participation and logging on frequently will make this a much more enjoyable experience as well as informative. You are responsible for all course work to be completed in a timely manner and submitted on time. Using the excuse that your computer ate your homework doesn’t cut it! If you are not comfortable with computers, don’t worry. That is what this class is for, to get you comfortable using the computer as well as thinking and working as an “online student.” So kick off your shoes (can’t do that in a classroom), grab a snack (can’t do that either) and let’s get going!
o IT 153 Web Development is a comprehensive introductory course that introduces students to web design concepts, HTML, XHTML, web graphics, and Cascading Style Sheets. Students will learn the basic structure of a web page and web site. The syntax, structure, and coding of HTML/XHTML, multimedia, and CSS will be studied. Various web site development tools, including web-authoring tools, graphic-editing software and multimedia tools, will be utilized. The complete production process including pre-production planning, layout and design considerations, testing, implementing the site, and maintenance are covered. Students will plan, layout, design and develop a complete website that includes professional-looking graphics and utilizes design standards. Students will be developing multiple-page HTML websites to demonstrate proficiency in learned concepts, which will require extensive use of a microcomputer. This course provides the foundation knowledge needed to succeed in web design and development.
o CS 105 – Foundations of Information Technology (or CIS 110 – Business Applications) and IT 131 – Programming Logic
o IT 153 - Web Development is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of web site creation. Students will develop, manage, and maintain professional web sites using HTML, XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets. The complete production process including pre-production planning, layout and design considerations (including site maps and navigation), testing, uploading and implementing the site, maintenance and applicable legal and ethical issues are covered. Professional web design software and production tools are used for graphics development, image manipulation, and page/site layout in the hands-on laboratory exercises.
o A. Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
§ 1. Demonstrate knowledge of website development concepts and terminlogy.
§ 2. Demonstrate knowledge of HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
§ 3. Demonstrate a significant ability to plan, design, develop, manage, and maintain HTML-based websites.
§ 4. Understand the fundamental aspects of all elements found on web pages.
§ 5. Understand use of color on web pages.
§ 6. Understand and use appropriate graphics file formats.
§ 7. Use a professional page layout tool to design web pages.
§ 8. Use a professional graphics tool to create and edit web graphics.
§ 9. Understand and apply the pre-production process.
§ 10. Understand and use layout and design principles to create visually appealing web pages.
§ 11. Understand and use the principles of user interface design to create user-friendly, easily navigated web pages.
§ 12. Design web pages that are accessible to everyone regardless of their physical limitations or geographical location.
§ 13. Understand the process of creating content for web pages including text, images, animation, audio, and video elements.
§ 14. Understand the use of interactivity on web sites.
§ 15. Understand the principles of assembly, testing and optimization of web sites.
§ 16. Understand implementation and hosting of web sites.
o B. SCANS: Additional Occupational & Technical competency objectives for this course are described as SCANS (see SCANS section).
o C. RCC Core Values:
§ Commitment - demonstrate Commitment to improving his or her work
§ Respect - Respect all members of the class and encourage the contributions of each class member
§ Excellence - strive for Excellence by seeking to exceed expectations through vigorous development and pursuit of higher standards for themselves
§ Accountability - develop Accountability for his or her actions
§ Diversity - embrace individual and cultural Diversity that enriches the quality of the class
o D. National/State/Local Skill Standards (Northwest Center for Emerging Technologies - IT ):
§ 1. Programming/Software Engineering
§ A. Perform Analysis
§ A2 Define scope of work
§ C. Design/Develop Program
§ C1 Develop design and interface specifications
§ D. Implement Program
§ D1 Write code
§ D6 Revise and adapt existing code
§ E. Test Program
§ E3 Perform tests
§ 2. Digital Media
§ B. Produce Visual and Functional Design
§ B2 Complete basic design and storyboard
§ B4 Design and evaluate user interface, visual appeal and functional design
§ B6 Select appropriate software and hardware tools
§ C. Perform Media Production and Acquisition
§ C4 Produce or acquire content elements
§ D. Implement and Test Design
§ D1 Implement functional and user interface design criteria
§ D2 Identify, create and incorporate reusable components
§ D3 Create and produce finished content
§ D4 Develop and perform usability and functionality tests
§ 2. Web Development and Administration
§ A. Perform Content and Technical Analysis
§ A1 Gather data to identify customer requirements
§ A2 Research content
§ A3 Define scope of work
§ A4 Prepare and present functional and technical specifications
§ A5 Develop and present concept alternatives
§ A6 Prepare preliminary application
§ A7 Create and refine preliminary design/mockup
§ A8 Review technical considerations and constraints
§ A10 Develop project plan
§ B. Develop Web Application/Sites
§ B1 Develop site map and application models
§ B2 Select design tools and programming language
§ B3 Produce graphics and layout elements
§ B4 Create or adapt content
§ B5 Write supporting code
§ C. Implement Application/Site Design
§ C1 Develop and implement usability testing
§ C4 Facilitate move to production system
§ D. Maintain Applications
§ D1 Update content
§ D4 Recommend application/site improvement
o You will be asked to undertake these activities to help you to learn the subject matter of this course.
§ o Read all assigned articles
§ o Participate in online and/or in-class discussions
§ o Participate in a group project
§ o Complete all learning module activities in a timely manner
o You are expected to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week participating in this course, which includes reading the articles, participating in online discussions, and completing the activities.
o To participate in the online portion of this course, you need to:
§ Have reliable computer access
§ Have reliable access to email
§ Have reliable access to the Internet with a recent version of an Internet Browser
§ Have appropriate study skills and self-motivation (Take the online self-evaluation to see if you meet this requirement)
§ Be familiar with the guidelines of the American Psychological Association Style Guide when referencing all research sources
§ Be an active participant by attending on-campus sessions and/or logging into the course on a regular basis and posting to discussion forums
§ Demonstrate academic integrity and respect for other participants by using appropriate Netiquette
§ Demonstrate accountability by completing all course readings, assignments, discussions, projects, and assessments in a timely manner
§ Have basic computer literacy - know how to:
§ use word processing to create text documents
§ read and send e-mail, including handling of e-mail attachments
§ use an Internet browser to search for information and view web pages
§ manage electronic files to create and save files and to compress and uncompress files
o Required Text:
§ o HTML, XHTML, and Dynamic HTML, 3rd Edition by Patrick Carey, Thomson Course Technology, Boston, MA, 2006
o ISBN: 0-619-26748-8
o Supplemental Materials:
§ o Supplemental materals may also be provided throughout the course in the form of:
§ o Handouts
§ o PowerPoint Presentations
§ o Chapter Notes
§ o Internet resources
§ o Audio Files
§ o Video Files
§ o Flash Movies
o Required Supplies:
§ o Electronic storage media, which can be any of the following:
§ o 3.5” double-sided/high-density (DS/HD) diskettes (multiple diskettes required)
§ o Optical Discs - CD-R or CD-RW discs
§ o Zip disk
§ o USB Flash drive (also known as jump drives or thumb drives) - recommended
§ o Paper
§ o Pen/pencil
§ o Course notebook
o Recommended Supplies/Materials:
§ o Stapler
§ o Graph paper for flowcharting
o Required Equipment:
§ o IBM Compatible microcomputer
§ o 128 MB of RAM or higher recommended
§ o Mouse
§ o Removable Media Drives - depending on the storage media you will be using, you may need the following:
§ o Diskette drive for floppy diskettes
§ o CD-RW or DVD-RW drive for CD-R or CD-RW discs
§ o Zip Drive for using Zip disks
§ o USB port for using USB Flash drives
§ o Modem for Dial-up connection or Network card for direct Internet connection (high-speed connection recommended - DSL, cable, etc.)
§ o Sound card with speakers or headphone
o Required Software:
§ o Windows XP operating system
§ o Up-to-date anti-virus software (free anti-virus software available)
§ o Internet Browser:(Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape Navigator 8.1, Firefox 1.5 or higher recommended) for Internet research assignments,and to access instructor's website, college website, and the course management system (WebCT)
§ o Java Virtual Machine installed (required for WebCT 6.0)
§ o Windows printer driver
§ o Application Software:
§ o Acrobat Reader for viewing PDF files
§ o Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 2003 for viewing PowerPoint Presentations
§ o Microsoft Word Viewer 2003 for viewing Microsoft Word documents
§ o Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003 for viewing Excel spreadsheets, graphs, and charts
§ o Multi-Media Players:
§ o RealPlayer
§ o QuickTime
§ o Shockwave
§ o Macromedia Flash
§ o Microsoft Windows Media Player
o Optional Software:
§ o Flowcharting software such as the flowcharting tools found in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Visio - this can be software specifically developed for flowcharts or drawing tools with flowchart symbols
§ o Graphics software (such as MS Paint)
o If you are having problems with the assignments, contact the instructor.
o If you experience technical problems, you may find the course FAQ useful to answer some of your questions, so please consult the course and online learning FAQ first..
o Online Technical Support - If you don't find a fix, contact the instructor (see above for contact information) or you can contact Matt Johnson, for online technical support at (217) 875-7211 Ext.372 or . You may also e-mail the Online Learning Help Desk at .
o Technical Resource Center - The Technical Resource Center is located in C239.To use its services, you must have a student ID.If you do not have a computer to use for this course or you do not have all the software required, you can use the computers in this center to complete your course. If you need to use this center, please contact . Computer tutoring can also be inquired about through this e-mail.
o If you have technical difficulties with your system, you can e-mail for help.
o The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is a place where you will find answers to the most common questions asked by students in this course. Review these first when you have a question - you may just find an answer! (Click on the FAQ topic heading above to take you to the FAQ page).
o Some topics you find may find helpful are:
§ Username and Password Issues
§ Submitting Assignments
§ Technology Glitches
§ How to contact the instructor
§ Resources for Online Students
o Several forms of communication will be used during this course and include the following:
§ Discussion Forum
§ The discussion forum is the heart of this online course. It is where you will discuss your work with your classmates, communicate with your group members, and post several assignments. Discussion forums will be the primary means of communication to all participants in the course (it is public) and will be central to the participatory learning environment which you will experience in this course.
§ Chat
§ For more extended synchronous discussions among multiple class members, we will use WebCT's chat tool. These sessions will be set at times that are mutually agreed upon by all participating members.
§ As an alternative to the public discussion forums, personal e-mail can be used for communication with your instructor and your classmates privately.
§ Messages
§ You can use the instant messaging function to send messages to classmates and the teacher when they are online. This is a synchronous function when used this way. When the person you want to contact is offline, you may send the message through the mail function.