February 16, 2014 Morning Worship 10:30am

6th Sunday After Epiphany

Greeting the Gathered The Love of Jesus Christ be with you!

And also with you!

The Welcome & Announcements

The Prelude The Prelude marks the beginning of worship.

Please observe silence as the Prelude begins

The Call to Worship

“Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of

the Lord. I will praise You with an upright heart, when I learn Your righteous ordinances.” ---- Psalm 119: 1 & 7

*The Hymn of Praise #233 Hymnal

“Blest Are the Uncorrupt in Heart”

(to the tune of “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”)

The Prayer of Confession:

Eternal God, our judge and redeemer,

We confess that we have tried to hide from You, for we have done wrong.

We have lived for ourselves, and apart from You.

We have turned from our neighbors, and refused to bear the burdens

Of others. We have ignored the pain of the world, and passed by

The hungry, the poor, and the oppressed. In Your great mercy,

forgive our sins and free us from selfishness, that we may choose Your will, and obey Your commandments; through Jesus Christ our Savior.

The Silent Prayer of Confession for Our Individual Sin

The Assurance of Pardon:

You are God’s chosen people! By His forgiveness, you are holy and dearly loved. Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness

and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect harmony. Amen ----Colossians 3:12-14

*The Gloria Patri Hymnal #579

The Anthem “Give Me Jesus”

The Prayer for Illumination

The Scripture Lesson: Matthew 5: 21-37 (NTP 4)

The Sermon: “Sermon on the Mount: 3 of 4”

Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed Hymnal p. 14

The Offering & The Offertory

*The Doxology Hymnal #544

*The Dedication & Pastoral Prayer with Our Lord's Prayer

*The Hymn of Response #403 Hymnal

“What A Friend We Have in Jesus”

The Charge and Benediction

*Passing The Peace & Bearing Christ’s Peace To The World

*The Postlude

*All Who Are Able Please Stand


The family of Frank Daniel (Shirley McClain’s brother), the family of Edwin Jackson (Lonette Cappleman’s father), Ginger Gay Britt, the family of Helen Owen (Sammy Owen’s mother), Clay Chapman (Debbie Connolly’s father), Ralph Doxey, Jr., Laura Walker, Michael & Mary Jones, Binky Rolison, Family of Priscilla Locke (friend of Clay Braddock), Marty Snellgrove (wife of Rev. David Snellgrove), Andy Hewitt, Braden Rolison (son of Brad & Tiffany Rolison), Zack Hopkins, Brenda Wallace, Shirley Saine (cousin to Ann Wigington & Danny Braddock), Julie Farrell & family, Dr. Frank Brooks, Chris Windham, Danny Braddock, Rhonda Shannon, Billie Medford, Mary Kay Deen (MD Anderson-Cousin of Barry Cook), Donna Stroupe Daniel (Shirley McClain’s sister-in-law), First Baptist Church’s pastoral search, our Church, and those unnamed but in our hearts…

HOMEBOUND & NURSING HOME: Bernice Thomas, Edith Sanders, Bernice Lovell, J.D. Thomas, Eloiese Walker, Martha Braddock, Frances Lockhart, Sara McLarty, Bobbie Wells, Clay Chapman, Billie Medford.


The Ripley Presbyterian Church is delighted to welcome everyone who has come for worship this morning.

We are so glad that you are here.

Visitors are invited and encouraged to register by signing

our Guest Register in the Narthex, or by using the

Welcome Cards in the pew rack

and placing them in the offering plate.

(Letter received by Rev. Jody Hill)

“I just love coming to church; you make me want to get up on a Sunday morning and come to church! I love the people…

everyone is so friendly; when you come in the door you know you are loved and welcomed.

When I’m at church, it is like being at home.”


If you are seeking a church home, we would love to talk with you. Please contact our Pastor, Reverend Jody Hill

Phone: 662-512-8226 (cell)

Ripley Presbyterian Church

A Heart for Christ & Community Since 1837

Sunday School : 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.

Reverend Jody Hill ~ Interim Pastor

Ms. Jennifer Huddleston ~ Choir Director

Mrs. Lynn Hill ~ Pianist

E-mail: Pastor:

Phone: 662-512-8226 (cell)

Church Admin. :

Phone: 662-837-3765 (Office)

Mail: P.O. Box 556 Ripley MS 38663

302 West Cooper Street



Mon., Feb. 17th, 10:00 a.m. Circle Meeting (Gregg Center)

ALL Presbyterian Women are invited! Hostess: Ann Wigington.

(Please bring canned tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages, etc.)

Wed., Feb 19, 6:00 pm Youth Meal & Meeting

Wed., Feb 19th, 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study (Gregg Center)

“The PROFESSional Christian”

Community Event…

The Ripley Arts Council & the Dixie Theatre present one of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s most beloved musicals, “The King and I”—and our very own Grace Anne Elliott will be performing the role of “Tuptim”!

Performance dates & times are as follows:

7:00 pm on Feb., 18, 20-22

2:00 pm on Feb 23.

Call 662-993-ARTS (2787) for reservations.

And on another “note”…

If you would like to join our choir, just come on back to the choir room (we meet at 10:00 am immediately after Sunday School), and we will find you a robe, hand you a book, and welcome your voice as we praise and honor our Lord in song! We practice the first Sunday of every month at 11:30 (immediately after worship).

Be sure to check out the Camp Hopewell brochures in the narthex---you might spot some familiar faces who worked as staff last summer!


FOR 2014

Vice Moderator of the Session Bobby Elliott

Clerk of the Session Price Elliott

Personnel/Budget Committee Moderator Bobby Elliott

Worship Committee Moderator Jennifer Huddleston

Christian Education Committee Moderator B.J. Horton

& Director

Building & Grounds Committee Moderator Wayne Steverson

Congregational Care & Outreach Danny Braddock

Committee Moderator

Elder Nominating Committee Price Elliott

Co-Moderators Wayne Steverson

Stained Glass Window Committee

Moderator (Elder, but not on Session) Diane Bailey

Endowment Committee Moderator Bobby Elliott

The Session Committees’ list of duties & responsibilities

from our Book of Order and Pastor’s vision for our church are listed on the back side of this page.

Please find a committee where you feel led to serve and get involved!


Jennifer Huddleston

Adult Choir

Communion Dates & Preparation

Home Communion

Coordinate Christmas, Lessons & Carols, Hanging of the Greens,

& Holy Week Events

Pulpit & Organist Supply

Other Duties include:

Bulletins, Vestments

Organ &/or Piano maintenance

Coordinate Ushers List with the church administrator.


Wayne Steverson

Maintain Church Buildings

Maintain Manse

Supervise work of Grounds Contractors

Supervise work of Cleaning Contractors

Supervise Opening & Closing


B.J. Horton

Sunday School Program

Coordinate VBS with PW

Mid-Week Youth Ministry

JR/SR High Youth Ministry

Promote Camps & Summer/Winter Conferences

Youth Christmas Program

Easter Egg Hunt

Halloween Party

Supervise Youth Leader


Bobby Elliott

Promote, manage & develop the Endowment Fund as budget

and economy make feasible.


Diane Bailey

Design phase completed.

Develop funding plan for approval and promote donations when authorized & budget & economy make feasible.


Bobby Elliott

Personnel Staff Review & Policy Development

Leadership Development

Long Range Planning

Administrative Oversight & Operations Manual

Review the reports of the Bookkeeper/Treasurer

Develop/present Budget

Develop audit program

Develop Stewardship Events/Programs

Coordinate w/Clerk

Presbytery responsibilities


Price Elliott & Wayne Steverson

Two Elders appointed by Session from Class rotating off active service. The additional members of the Committee are to be recommended by Groups as set up by Congregation & elected at Congregational Meeting.


Danny Braddock

Visitation of home bound and hospital visits

“Honey-Doers” ministry

Coordinate Fellowship Activities

Annual Roll review and home visitation

Evangelism, new member development & assimilation

Mission Programs, trips, & benevolences:

·  Tippah County Good Samaritan Center,

·  One Great Hour of Sharing,

·  Witness Season,

·  Christmas Joy Offering,

·  Living Waters for the World,

·  Missionary Support: ie, Paul & Dori Pittman,

·  Presbyterian Disaster Preparedness & Response,

·  College/Campus Ministry

·  Grief Support Ministry