Detailed Style Show Format

Show Starts

  • Introduce yourself & tell your story. Then ask them several questions to validate them and show how you can add value to them.

“1.How many of you women feel you are wearing many hats?

2.How many of you feel you are last on the list...or maybe you don’t even make the list?

3.How many of you feel you don’t have scheduled time with your friends? And really if you don’t

schedule relationship time it just won’t happen?

4.How many of you feel like you have a closet full of clothes but never really feel like you’ve got the

right thing to wear...and you certainly don’t have any time to research fashion...or maybe you don’t

feel like you know how to put a great look together?

5. How many of you would love to go shopping but think where would I even fit that into my day? And

shopping on-line is a gamble because you can’t see it, feel it, or touch it...and it’s not an experience

it’s just convenience.

Well, I can solve these problems where you won’t feel like you have to go out and get new things.

·  I’m going to show you how to recycle and update what you already have.

·  I’m going to give you simple solutions on how to save you time and money & pull your style together with endless looks.

·  I’m going to show you how to make smart decisions & smart purchases that will give you more mileage for your wardrobe.

·  And we’re going to RELAX and HAVE FUN together with your friends!

·  We are actually killing 5 birds with 1 bringing the shopping experience to you!

  • Thank your Style Partner and present gift or Style Partner VIP Card, if applicable.
  • Let guests know that you will be giving them tickets throughout the show for some fabulous drawings at the end. They can earn the tickets two ways: by doing simple things you request, and by making you happy, i.e. by laughing at your jokes, oohing and awing over the jewelry, etc.
  • Pass out mini purses and sell the sizzle on why they want them! Have them choose what they want but tell them “Don’t peek…there’s something inside!”
  • Pass out Show folders.
  • Give ticket – “Fill out top of Guest Survey. Make sure phone # is a good one, so I can get

in touch with you if I need to. When you’re done, hold your pen up, and I’ll give you a


  • Give ticket – “If you answer the following two questions, you will get a ticket.” (Have them

answer the questions on the guest survey.)

1a. If you opened your purse and it had an extra $1,000 in it, would you be able to use it?

1b. If you answered yes, how you would use it?


Discuss how you have learned a simple recipe to make getting dressed and looking great easy. It takes the guess work out.

“Your clothes are the backdrop and your accessories play the LEADING ROLE in YOUR LOOK. You can pull together your look with accessories. It’s like a house that looks plain until you add the decorations, pictures, and pillows.

  • It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! (Demonstrate on your mannequin)

1. Start by wearing mostly neutrals as your backdrop. Neutral on neutral makes it

easy to pair everything in your closet because they all go together. Black, white, gray, kakhi, denim.

2. Then add fashion...a scarf, a vest, a jacket, etc…

3. Then bring your look to life with the “WOW” factor...JEWELRY!

This COLLECTION will help you transition your wardrobe for the season…and, I’m even going to show you how you can get a COLLECTION OF YOUR VERY OWN for FREE! Tonight is a night to celebrate YOU and let you have a get away for a couple of hours from the stress of life.

Now each of you are going to help me with the Style Show by narrating and reading with energy & excitement from these cards I’m going to pass out.

  • Pass out The Collection Cards and share Premier’s Golden Guarantee. Have each guest read a card (or two) while you demonstrate the jewelry on the mannequin.”

Introduce Three Options

“There are three types of people that I see at all my shows, and I need three volunteers to show you the options available to you tonight.” Bring up three volunteers one at a time.

First Option

“The first type of person that I meet at every show is a customer. This is someone who says, ‘I love this jewelry! And, I want this, this and this’…and she buys it! For example, Susie (volunteer) has found 3 pieces of jewelry that she loves.” Hand her 3 pieces of pre-selected jewelry. “And because she purchased 3 items tonight…guess what? She gets to take advantage of my customer special which is ____. She got the pieces she wanted and a sale, too! Then, say to the customer, “Are you Excited? Great…thank you for volunteering…here’s your ticket.”

Second Option

“Now, the next person that I meet at all shows is my Style Partner. This is the type of person who sees lots of pieces she loves & would love to create her own special 'Collection” and update her wardrobe. Or maybe it’s someone who loves getting together with her girlfriends or someone who really likes more jewelry than she can afford to buy right now. Well...You are not going to believe how much free jewelry a Style Partner will get just for having a few friends over for your own Friends & Triends Event. We’re at an evening Style Show tonight, but you can have one during the day; you can have one at your office…You can even have one at a restaurant...or wherever! Now ladies, that doesn’t mean you have to have 20 people over to your house and kill yourself cooking and cleaning. I do a lot of great shows with just a handful of ladies

who couldn’t care less about your baseboards with all that cute jewelry to distract them! And it doesn’t even have to be at your house. You could invite some girlfriends to a coffee shop or you can do an office show. (Bring up the next volunteer.) So, I want to show you how much free jewelry you can actually earn! Our 2nd volunteer is Mary (volunteer) and she’s going to shop!


“Now, we’re going to pretend that her Style Show is a $500 Show, which is Premier's national average. When a Style Partner holds a show, she will get 30% of her total show retail in Free Jewelry. Every piece of jewelry I hand her will represent $25 in free jewelry (Turn to Style Partner). So, when you hold a $500 show, you will receive $150 in Free Jewelry. All of this is YOUR free jewelry!! This is FABULOUS!!” (Drape 6 pieces of jewelry around her neck and arms.)

“My Style Partners also get to buy things at half price! Because her show was $500, she gets to buy up to 8 items at half price!!” (Drape more jewelry while counting out loud…1…2…3…)

“You’ll also receive a special Style Perk from me when 3 of your friends decide to each have their own Trends & Friends Event anytime in the future!

To the Style Partner, say, “Okay, so you’ve got 30% of your sales in free jewelry and you have bought 8 items at half price! Are you happy?” (Then turn to guests). Plus, ladies, when 3 or more of you decide to have your own “trends & friends event” with your friends sometime in the future & earn your own DREAM COLLECTION, then Susie will receive a very special Extra Style Perk from me. So ya’ll be thinking about it.” (Thank the volunteer, hand her a ticket, and have her take a seat.)

PRESENT THE BOOKING ACTIVITY. To everyone say, “Now it’s time to play a fun game where FREE gifts for YOU are involved!

  • It’s called CHANCE & HONOR. So how many of you are lovin’ your purse and are just a little curious to know what’s inside? Well, I have some exciting news! You are going to have an opportunity to keep your purse AND find out what’s inside in a second. It’s sooo easy; all you have to do is play my game. Let me tell you how it works. Inside the purse you’re holding is a little slip of paper that says one of three things: ENJOY, TREASURE HUNT or YOU’RE STYLIN’! If you choose to play and the slip inside says “Enjoy,” you get to keep that adorable purse…plain and simple. If you choose to play and your purse says “Treasure Hunt,” you get to pick something fabulous out of my treasure chest. If you choose to play and the slip inside says “YOU’RE STYLIN” then you are the REAL winner because you get all of it. You get to keep that cute little purse you’re holding AND take a trip to my treasure chest, AND you also get ME to come play in my fabulous jewelry box with you and your friends at your own Style Session! And YOU will get all of your favorite Wish List items for FREE!
  • Now remember, the name of this game is Chance and Honor. And all that means is… if you decide to play, you’re taking a chance at what you win but you’re guaranteed to win something great! And the honor part means that if you get a “YOU’RE STYLIN” you’ll honor that Style Session with me because I’m honoring you with all these great gifts. Fair enough?
  • Ok, does everyone understand how it works? Oh, and there’s one more surprise for you! There is ONE purse with a slip of paper that says “Big Winner--$25 in FREE Jewelry!” And I can tell you right now…that no one has picked it yet. Does anyone want to trade in your purse for a second chance to win that extra FREE $25 additional free? If you get it, that means you keep your purse, take a trip to my Treasure Chest, have me over to shower you in

lots of FREE JEWELRY…AND get that extra $25 FREE! (If no one has picked the one with the EXTRA FREE JEWELRY, go around and let ladies pick another purse…keeping all the returned purses in your hand until they’ve all switched.)

  • On the count of 3, I’m going to ask each of you who wants to play to hold up your purse! One…two…THREE!!” (You want to be sure to have everyone who wants to play hold up their purse at the same time. You hold up your purse and demonstrate raising your purse as you count. Have those who didn’t play put their purses back in your basket/box. Then ask everyone who held up their purses to individually open them and tell everyone what they got. Briefly explain to each woman what she got and what she is eligible for as you go along.)
  • Then walk everyone through #2 on their Guest Surveys and say, “If you played the game, then check ‘Yes' and write the best days that work for you to have a Style Session.” If you played the game and did not win the “YOU’RE STYLIN”' but you would really like to have a Style Show anyway, then check 'Yes" on question #3. Or, if you're not sure but think you might want to have one with me some time in the future, just check 'Maybe later". And if you know that you never ever in a million years want free jewelry…then check “No.” (Big Smile).

(If they said NO during the activity, just think ‘She is a processor…she needs more information. Be sure to chat with each person during checkout!! You need to figure out what her fear is. Maybe she doesn’t understand what’s in it for her or what’s expected of her. Maybe she has a personal issue she is dealing with. Maybe she is thinking about her kids’ schedule or her husband’s work schedule. Maybe she just doesn’t do the ‘show thing’. Remember, it has nothing to do with you. In fact, maybe she has enough money so she can just buy what she wants! And we need those people!!!)

Now, back to the OPTIONS.

Third Option

“Okay, let’s meet the last person that comes to every one of my shows! This is the person who says, “Wow…I love this jewelry, or I would love to be able to wear it all the time, or I would love to be able to stay home with my kids, or get out of debt, or pay for a wedding or braces or 'whatever'. Ask the guests at the show if they know of anyone that could use some extra money coming in each month. Say, “Everyone, right?!? However, many women just don’t have the time to go out and make that extra money. I’m going to show you what repping our line – VERY PART TIME looks like.”

Then, ask for a volunteer to help you with the demonstration. “Susan” has decided to rep the line and become a Premier Designs Accessory Stylist. However, “Susan” is incredibly busy.

Explain that as a Stylist, she will make 50% without quotas or mimimums!!!

“Susan” only has time to do one show the first week of the month. Her first show was an average $400 show. How much money did she make? (Let the guests answer). Now, “Susan” gets paid each time she does a show, so here’s your $200. (Present her with the money). You will continue to walk the guests through the rest of “Susan’s” month.

Week 2 – She was very busy, so she only had time for one show.

$600 OFFICE SHOW = $300.00 profit

Week 3 – Too busy! No shows, but she did have some friends over for dinner on the weekend and

her jewelry was set up on her dining room table. They bought birthday gifts for their

two mothers and spent $200. Her profit was $100.

Week 4 – She has time for two shows. One was a $400 show, so she made $200 profit. And one

was a $600 show, so she made $300 profit.

Ask “Susan” to count her money, and then ask what she would do with $1,000. if she had it coming in each month. Tell guests other answers that women in past have given you (pay off debt, save for retirement, select sports, etc.)

Explain to guests that you were using 3 shows/month, an individual sale, and a catalog show as an example. Jewelers can do as many or as few shows as they want. With Premier, we have no quotas that have to be met. “Every time she does a Style Session, it is like an ATM Machine…she gets cash in her pocket right then! And, she can also make money by helping other women start their own businesses.” Ask her, “Okay, are you excited? Thank you for volunteering. Here’s your ticket; you can have a seat."