Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) English
2015-2016 Course Syllabus and Policies
Mrs. Angie Young, Schindewolf Intermediate School
or 832-249-5963
“Your mind is like a parachute. It only works if it is open.” Anthony J. D΄Angelo,
The College Blue Book
Course Philosophy
Conceptually, Pre-AP is based on two important premises. The first, ALL students can perform at rigorous academic levels. The second premise isa belief that we can prepare every student for higher intellectual engagement by starting the exposure/development of skills as early as possible. The goal of a Pre-AP class is to develop the skills, habits, and concepts students need to succeed in APclasses and eventually in college and careers.
Advanced Academics Students Will:
Demonstrate a STRONG interest in the subject selected.
Maintain exceptional study skills and demonstrate positive habits related to school.
Consider time commitments: balance school, outside commitments, and family responsibilities.
Ask questions and participate in class discussions.
Do not give up when challenged.
Work ahead on long-term projects and stay organized.
Points of Study:
Short stories, poems, non-fiction selections, speeches, biographies, and autobiographies
Writing process
Grammar and mechanics
Reader’s Workshop
Course Materials:
Students wishing to be successful in a Pre-AP class should be prepared and organized
ELA Test days are Monday and Wednesday
2 red pens 2 colored highlighters
Sharpened pencils
1 ½” or 2” three-ring binder with 5 dividers
Wide ruled notebook paper
1 package of colored pencils
Sticky notes
Black/ white marbled Composition Notebook (1oo count) wide ruled
Literature books may be checked out to take home for the school year. A class set of literature and grammar books are available for daily use.
Grading Policies:
There will be at least 3 major grades per 6-week grading period and 6 daily grades. Every six weeks parents will receive either a progress report or a report card. Progress reports and report cards should be returned within three days.
Assessments , papers and projects 60% Daily grades 40%
Extra credit will not be given to individual students as this is department policy.
Late Work:
Major assignments: Any major assignments such as essays, test, and projects will be accepted with a 10 point deduction per day.
Daily/homework assignments: Any daily assignments will be accepted up to three days late with a deduction of 20points each day.
It is the responsibility of the student to request and make up all work when absent.
Students will be expected to complete some assignments in cursive handwriting. We realize that this is a skill that may have not been perfected and will work with student to learn proper skills. Please assist at home and for extra help:
Classroom Rules:
Be Respectful-show respect for teacher, parents, self, classroom, and others.
Be Prepared-have supplies, books, and assignments etc. with you everyday.
Be Ready to Learn-be in your seat, start your assignment, allow others to learn.
Student Name______Class Period_____
Parent Name (print)______relationship______
Parent Signature______