


APRIL 2009



I: KAYEMBA SIMEO; hereby declare that this piece of work on “The Impact of Household Incomes on Children Enrollment to Formal Education in Nama Sub-County of Mukono District” has been done by me. Neither whole nor part of it has ever before been submitted for an award in any institution of higher Learning.

Signed…………………………. Date……………..……………



This is to certify that KAYEMBA SIMEO carried out a Research Study on “The Impact of Household Incomes on Children Enrollment to formal education in Nama Sub-County of Mukono District” under my supervision and is now ready for submission.




This Piece of Work is Dedicated to "the Best Mother in the Universe" NANSUBUGA DEISY for the Vital role she plays in my life. You are and will always be the best mother in the world, and I promise never to let your efforts down.


In the first place I wish to acknowledge the welcoming nature of the people of NamaSub-county in Mukono district for the spirit they showed me in the time of my research and willingness to help whenever called upon is greatly appreciated.

I have been particularly fortunate to have the guidance and academic mentorship of Mr. Aleko Godfrey. His wisdom and research expertise are deeply appreciated.

This work would not have been possible without the support of my mother Deisy Nansubuga who facilitated me financially, morally, and this gave me not only the zeal but also the capacity and capability to take informed decisions while carrying out the study.

Further gratitude goes to Nakisozi Sylvia and Nakiyimba Elizabeth, appreciated for their countless efforts put into this piece of work especially during the process of data collection.

Finally; Kiweewa Godfrey, Batenga Florence, Zimbe Andrew and Benedict for their Moral and Emotional contributions;

May God bless all of you and reward you abundantly.


Emphasizing the fact that Education is of great importance and plays a great role in the Development of any given society, it was easy to identify that Education has not contributed a great deal to the development of Nama sub-county due to the characteristics of the area and the people, for example wide spread ranging poverty, idol and disorderliness, witchcraft, human sacrifice, and many others. This is because Education attained in the area generally is not the best both in quality and quantity. For the purpose of this study, Household incomes were studied as a factor influencing Education attainment, to scientifically establish the true impact of income on education in the area.

This study was aimed at Establishing the Relationship between household incomes and Children enrollment to formal education in which a school going age studied was 6-23 years. Therefore the study sought to establish the impact from the beginning to completion of at least a certificate, in a formal discipline in accordance with Uganda’s standards.

Questionnaires and an interview guide were used to collect raw facts from the people, in the two parishes of; Namubiru and Mpoma with which generalizations for the whole sub-county were reached. Raw data was scientifically treated using mathematical expressions to determine ratios, percentages, elevations and relationships in order to reach reliable conclusions.

Findings were presented in tables, explanatory notes, charts, and figures. The major finding of this study depicted that the magnitude of household incomes partially influence the children’s attainment of formal education in Nama sub-county but other factors too were responsible for the status of the formal education attainment in the area, and among these the major one was government policy towards education in form of UPE and USE.

The study recommended in relation to the findings; empowerment and awareness creation on education and its role in the development of the area, emphasizing of Practical Subjects in the education system to see to it that education plays a significant role in development in the area, lobbying of government, NGOs and Civil Society to play a central role in Education Provision and establishment and strengthening of a monitoring and evaluation criteria in the schools especially those under UPE and USE.










1.1 Background of the Study------

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Research Questions

1.5 Scope of the Study.

1.6 Significance of the Study

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

List of Abbreviations


2.1 Introduction------8

2.2 Education

2.2.1 Importance of Education

2.2.2 Education as a Fundamental Human Right

2.2.3 Challenges of Education

2.3 Incomes

2.4 Relationship of Incomes, Education and Funding


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Study Population

3.4 Sample Population

3.5 Sampling Procedure

3.6 Instruments of Data Collection

3.7 Data Analysis and Processing

3.8 Procedure and Plan

3.9 Limitations of the study findings


4.1 Introduction

4.2Data Presentation

4.3Household Incomes

4.4 Data Analysis------

4.4.1 Introduction


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Summery and Discussion of Findings

5.3 Conclusion

5.4 Recommendations

5.5 Suggestions for Further Study



APPENDIX I: Letter of introduction from Kyambogo University.

APPENDIX II: Letter of Introduction From LCI Chairman Namubiru Parish.

APPENDIX III: Questionnaire for family heads who can read and write and are entitled to salaries.

APPENDIX IV: Interviewguide for family heads who cannot read and write and are not entitled to salaries.

APPENDIX V: A Tally Table representation the household incomes, children . who are in and out of school according to sex, and location……….…………46


1) TABLE I: Main Source of Livelihood of Households by Sex of Head and Urban-Rural Distribution in Mukono District

3) Table 4I: Showing the number of children, their formal education acquisition status, sex, and location against the House hold income ranges

4) Table 4II: Number of children specifying those in and out of school against income ranges of the House holds.

5) Table 4III: Number of children not in school and shows of these; how many have never been to and how many dropped out of school.

6) Table 4IV: A table showing number and percentage of households and the range of incomes they covered in the study.

7) Fig: A Pie chart representing the percentage of children in school to those not in schools in Nama Sub-County………………………………………………………31

7) Table 4V: A table showing the sources of livelihood for the households which were not entitled to a salary in Nama sub-county………………………………….33




1.1 Background of the Study

According to O.P. Dahama (1985), Education is the Process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of human beings. This can either be Formal or Informal.

Education too is a process of imparting and acquiring knowledge and habits through instruction or study. He went ahead and explained that if education is to be effective, it should result in changes in all the behavioral components.

Formal Education is basically an institutional activity, uniform and subject-oriented, full time, sequential, hierarchically structured, leading to certificates, diplomas, anddegrees.

The society in which we live is characterized by substantial inequalities in status, power, race, and above all incomes. Nama sub-county in Mukono district in the central part of Uganda is also having these inequalities, the most substantial one being in incomes, having a big impact on human life in many areas especially in education and standards of living. Notably, incomes in households have had tremendous effects on many aspects of life considerably education, it being a prerequisite for enhancement of development, it prompted the researcher tostudy the relationship between households' incomes and Education in the area.

Just like many other societies in the developing world, the residents of Nama sub-county are facing different challenges in their social life. Poverty that is widespread in the area accounts for insufficiency in many aspects of life, for example Health, Housing, Feeding, General Development and above all Education.

It has always been a culture of many children dropping out of school and resorting to work such as Chapatti Frying, Sand mining, brick making, and many others. The problem of low enrollment and high school drop outs in Nama sub-county is widespread and in all villages of the sub-county, and in this case, it does not only affect the personal development of the people/children who are uneducated but also the development of Mukono District in all aspects.

The ongoing problem affects the sub-county in many different ways that include:

  1. Resistance to development projects in the area because the people who would have taken up initiatives to perform duties in the areas of operation are illiterate and can not appreciate the new development aimed at by the new proposed projects.
  2. Lawlessness and deviant behaviors are a common thing in the region, these are due to the fact that a lot of youths are idol and don't stop at being idol but also use drugs and substances.
  3. As a result of less or no education, witch craft, jealous, theft, and also domestic violence are a spread phenomena in the region. This is witnessed in examples of the theft of such things like; boda-bodas, animals, and many others. In the same area too, human sacrifice has occurred showing the magnitude of witch craft in practice. In addition, many people have been burnt in mob justice in places like Kusatu, trading centre. These and many other evils that exhibit low levels of education in the area have happened and are still happening in Nama Sub- County.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Many persons in Nama sub-county of school going age do not go to school or even if they do, the school drop out rate is too high that even with the recent developments in UPE and USE, education still has less impact on development in the area.

With UPE and USE, all children of ages 6-23 in the area are expected to go to and stay in school. Here the Guardians are urged to work with the government to see to it that all children go to school regardless of the poverty and low income levels in the homes in the sub-county.

The researcher looked at incomes in households to be a major cause of the problem and hence decided to carry out the study "The relationship between household incomes and children enrolment to formal education"; to scientifically determine whether the high or low incomes in a house hold do affect the child's going to and staying in school, or even the studying to completion.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

  1. To establish the Number of the children whose age is school going, that is to say 6-23 years in NamaSub-county.
  2. To compute the ratio and percentage of children in school to those who are not in school in Nama sub-county.
  3. To identify the income ranges and sources of livelihood-ness of households in Nama sub-county.
  4. To determine relationship between household incomes and children enrollment to formal education in Nama sub-county.

1.4 Research Questions

1)What is the number of persons between the ages 6-23 in Nama sub-county?

2)How many of the persons of ages 6-23 go to school and how many do not or dropped out?

3)What are the income ranges and sources of livelihood-ness in the households in Nama sub-county?

4)What is the relationship between household incomes and children enrollment to formal education in Nama sub-county?

1.5 Scope of the Study.

The researcher carried out this study from January, 2008 to May, 2009, and he covered Nama sub-county of Mukono district.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The researcher believes that this study is of essence and great importance to people in not only the study area but also other areas. This study is to benefit people in the following ways:

The Non Government Organizations in the area whose mission is to facilitate the social life and ensuring development in Nama sub-county. These include; CHAIN-Foundation, OFF-TU MISSION, CMU, NOAR'S ARC and many others. The topic is directly in the interest of these organizations because they not only help in formal education but also provide all they can to improve people's incomes in households, hence they will benefit from this study abundantly.

The policy makers at the sub-county, districts or even national level for example in their efforts to implement UPE and USE;or even identifying who shall benefit from such programs. This can help them take important and informed decisions while seeking effective implementation.

The study also acts as a source of reference and contributes to the body of knowledge in many areas especially the field of education; education research and household incomes for example by providing a literature review for the future researchers.

The study has helped the researcher to widen his knowledge in the field of education, relevancy of education in the development process, identify the needs of people in education and challenges they face in trying to attain formal education, and the magnitude of literacy and illiteracy levels in the area which in turn has led to labouring to find workable solutions to solve the problems in the area.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

Education: This is a process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of humanbeings by imparting or acquiring knowledge and habits through instruction.

Formal Education: This is an institutional activity uniform and subject-oriented,fulltime, sequential, hierarchically structured, leading to certificates, diplomas anddegrees.

Household Income: in this study, this refers to all Funds from different sources that accrue to households

Households: This refers to homesteads and the researcher studied only thosewith persons with in the ages of 6-23.

SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) -This is an analysis that the researcher used to study the area and give solutions to the study area.

School going age/Children: This refers to Persons between the ages of 6-23years.

List of Abbreviations

CHAIN -Children Health Advocacy Initiative Network

CMU -Christian Mission for the Unreached

NGOs-Non-Government Organizations

OFF TU-MISSION-Offene Turen Missionaries

PPA2 -The Second Participatory Poverty Assessment Process

UPE -Universal Primary Education

USE -Universal Secondary Education

USAID -United States Agency for International Development

UBOS -Uganda Bureau of Standards

SWOT -Strength Weakness Opportunity and Threat

LC -Local Council

LDCs -Less Developed Countries



2.1 Introduction

According to the 2002 Uganda Population and Housing Census, the total population was 795,393. The literacy rate was 79% (of people aged 10years and above), the mean household size was 4.2persons in Mukono District.

(Housing and Population Census 2002)

Education Statistics of the District as Of 2002

Education and ageNumber percentage

• Population 6-12 Enrolled in School158,049 88.6

• Population 10+ Never been to School 70,96513.6

• Population 15+ that had never attended school 67,695 16.8

• Population 15+ that had completed Primary School 184,780 45.7

• Population 20+ that had CompletedSecondary School 24,474 7.7

Literacy Rate

10 Years and above

• Male 211,719 81.8

• Female 199,208 75.8

Total 410,927 78.8

18 Years and above

• Male 138,782 80.3

• Female125,482 70.3

Total264,264 75.3

The report also puts forward that in 2002, the working population with ages 14-64 was 200,184 carrying a percentage of 50.2%. In addition, the working age group between 5-17years was 13,906 taking 4.6% of the total population.

(Housing and Population Census 2002)

2.2 Education

African countries have generally relied on the models and systems of Education that were imposed on them by their European colonizers. Little has changed in these educational systems in the thirty-five (35) or so years since these countries gained their independence. While the elite have generally had access to education that is at par with that available in more educationally advanced countries, the masses have generally been deprived of even basic education (Delors et al, 1996).

Uganda’s formal education system, like that of numerous other African countries, reflects a post-colonial structure with students advancing by examination through Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary levels, historically, education has not been available to all. Lack of economic resources, racial and religious segregation (Ssekamwa 1997)

The world wide effort of Education for all (EFA) has focused on primary Education, particularly in LDCs in the sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda increased its primary school enrollment from 2.7 million in 1996 to 7.6 million in 2003. This rapid primary school expansion substantially increased the demand for secondary education. Limited government funds for secondary education created an educational bottleneck. In response to this demand, laws were passed to allow the establishment of private secondary schools, operated and taxed as business. (Tanner 2006)

In line with the above, higher institutions of learning have gained momentum for example UgandaChristianUniversity, other universities include LugaziUniversity. In addition, many private schools have been opened in Mukono and particularly in Nama sub-county, private schools include; GreenvilleHigh School, Lutengo United, MukonoCollegeSchool, and many more.

2.2.1 Importance of Education

Howard Glennerster recognizes the need and advantage of Education when he notes that; "A fourth, mechanical Marxist view of the world sees education merely as a repressive expression of the capitalist state, impossible to change in many important respects", he emphasizes the need for quality education by adding that the most realistic view of the world sees education as one of the many strands that make up society, capable of possessing some values of its own and more of part of a rapidly changing world, thus a self sustaining education system that he calls the realistic egalitarian view of Education. (Glennerster 1972)