Chapter 16: Early earth and the origin of life
16.1 Life began on a young Earth
•Planet Earth formed some 4.6 billion years ago
•The early atmosphere probably contained
•H2O, CO, CO2, N2, and some CH4
•Volcanic activity, lightning, and UV radiation were intense
•Fossilized prokaryotes called stromatolites
•Date back 3.5 billion years
16.2 How did life originate?
•Organic molecules
–May have been formed abiotically in the conditions on early Earth
16.3 Stanley Miller’s experiments showed that organic molecules could have arisen on a lifeless earth
•Simulations of such conditions
–Have produced amino acids, sugars, lipids, and the nitrogenous bases found in DNA and RNA
16.4 The first polymers may have formed on hot rocks or clay
•Organic polymers such as proteins and nucleic acids
–May have polymerized on hot rocks
16.5 The first genetic material and enzymes may both have been RNA
•The first genes may have been RNA molecules
–That catalyzed their own replication
16.6 Membrane-enclosed molecular cooperatives may have preceded the first cells
•RNA might have acted as templates for the formation of polypeptides
–Which in turn assisted in RNA replication
•Membranes may have separated various aggregates of self-replicating molecules
–Which could be acted on by natural selection
16.7 Prokaryotes have inhabited Earth for billions of years
•Prokaryotes are the oldest life-forms
–And remain the most numerous and widespread organisms
16.8 Bacteria and archaea are the two main branches of prokaryotic evolution
•Domains Bacteria and Archaea
–Are distinguished on the basis of nucleotide sequences and other molecular and cellular features
16.9 Prokaryotes come in a variety of shapes
•Prokaryotes may be shaped as
–Spheres (cocci)
–Rods (bacilli)
–Curves or spirals
16.10 Various structural features contribute to the success of prokaryotes
External Structures
•The cell wall
–Is one of the most important features of nearly all prokaryotes
–Is covered by a sticky capsule
•Some prokaryotes
–Stick to their substrate with pili
•Many bacteria and archaea
–Are equipped with flagella, which enable them to move
Reproduction and Adaptation
–Have the potential to reproduce quickly in favorable environments
•Some prokaryotes can withstand harsh conditions
–By forming endospores
Internal Organization
•Some prokaryotic cells
–Have specialized membranes that perform metabolic functions
16.11 Prokaryotes obtain nourishment in a variety of ways
•As a group
–Prokaryotes exhibit much more nutritional diversity than eukaryotes
Types of Nutrition
•Autotrophs make their own organic compounds from inorganic sources
–Photoautotrophs harness sunlight for energy and use CO2 for carbon
–Chemoautotrophs obtain energy from inorganic chemicals instead of sunlight
•Heterotrophs obtain their carbon atoms from organic compounds
–Photoheterotrophs can obtain energy from sunlight
–Chemoheterotrophs are so diverse that almost any organic molecule can serve as food for some species
Metabolic Cooperation
•In some prokaryotes
–Metabolic cooperation occurs in surface-coating colonies called biofilms
16.12 Archaea thrive in extreme environmentsand in other habitats
•Archaea are common in
–Salt lakes, acidic hot springs, deep-sea hydrothermal vents
•Archaea are also a major life-form in the ocean
16.13 Bacteria include a diverse assemblage of prokaryotes
•Bacteria are currently organized into several subgroups, including
–Gram-positive bacteria
– Cyanobacteria, which photosynthesize in a plantlike way
16.14 Some bacteria cause disease
–Pathogenic bacteria cause disease by producing
–Exotoxins or endotoxins
16.15 Bacteria can be used as biological weapons
•Bacteria, such as the species that causes anthrax
–Can be used as biological weapons
16.16 Prokaryotes help recycle chemicals and clean up the environment
–Is the use of organisms to clean up pollution
•Prokaryotes are decomposers in
–Sewage treatment and can clean up oil spills and toxic mine wastes
16.17 The eukaryotic cell probably originated as a community of prokaryotes
•Eukaryotic cells
–Evolved from prokaryotic cells more than 2 billion years ago
•The nucleus and endomembrane system
–Probably evolved from infoldings of the plasma membrane
•Mitochondria and chloroplasts
–Probably evolved from aerobic and photosynthetic endosymbionts, respectively
16.18 Protists are an extremely diverse assortment of eukaryotes
–Are mostly unicellular eukaryotes
•Molecular systematics
16.19 A tentative phylogeny of eukaryotes includes multiple clades of protists
•The taxonomy of protists
–Is a work in progress
16.20 Diplomonads and euglenozoans include some flagellated parasites
•The parasitic Giardia
–Is a diplomonad with highly reduced mitochondria
–Include trypanosomes and Euglena
16.21 Alveolates have sacs beneath the plasma membrane and include dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliates
–Are unicellular algae
•Apicomplexans are parasites
–Such as Plasmodium, which causes malaria
–Use cilia to move and feed
16.22 Stramenopiles are named for their “hairy” flagella and include the water molds, diatoms, and brown algae
•This clade includes
–Fungus-like water molds
–Photosynthetic, unicellular diatoms
–Brown algae, large complex seaweeds
16.23 Amoebozoans have pseudopodia and include amoebas and slime molds
–Move and feed by means of pseudopodia
•A plasmodial slime mold is a multinucleate plasmodium
–That forms reproductive structures under adverse conditions
•Cellular slime molds
–Have unicellular and multicellular stages
16.24 Red algae and green algae are the closest relatives of land plants
•Red algae
–Contribute to coral reefs
•Green algae
–May be unicellular, colonial, or multicellular
•The life cycles of many algae
–Involve the alternation of haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte generations
16.25 Multicellularity evolved several times in eukaryotes
•Multicellularity evolved in several different lineages
–Probably by specialization of the cells of colonial protists
•Multicellular life arose over a billion years ago