March 14, 2010
Welcome! If you are a guest today we would invite you to fill out one of the blue cards found in the pews or sign the guest register in the entry way. We would also love to have you join us for coffee & cookies following the morning worship service.
THE SR. HIGH YOUTH will meet tonight after the evening worship service to watch your favorite You-Tube videos and for an extended time of singing and prayer.
CLASSIS PACIFIC NORTHWEST will meet here at Cloverdale URC this Tuesday, March 16, from 1:00–5:00 PM. Mr. Brad Lenzner will undergo an ordination exam. Please remember Mr. Lenzner and the Classis in your prayers.
THE PILGRIM PEOPLE BIBLE STUDY will meet this Wednesday, March 17, at 7 PM at the home of John & Kasey Boles to discuss part 2 of Doug Wilson, the CREC, and the Federal Vision Theology.
THE MEN’S BIBLE STUDY will meet this Thursday morning at 6:15AM for prayer and to continue our discussion of covenant theology. We will discuss the covenant of redemption and the covenant of grace (chapter 13 in Berkhof).
THE DORDT COLLEGE CONCERT CHOIR from Sioux Center, Iowa, will present a concert this Thursday, March 18, at 7:30PM here at Cloverdale URC. This concert is part of a music tour of seven states and a Canadian province. The 51-voice Concert Choir under the direction of Dr. Benjamin Kornelis, will perform works by Bach, Parker, and Gjeilo, as well as folk songs from the British Isles, American spirituals, and other traditional selections from around the world. Admission to the concert is free, with a freewill donation received to help defray tour expenses.
ATTN SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS: The Sunday School children (grades 1-6 only) will be singing during our morning worship service next Sunday. Please have your child(ren) at church at 9:45AM next Sunday morning. We will meet and line up in the Fellowship Hall.
ATTN ALL MEMBERS OF HOUSEHOLDS #5 & #6 (Leaders: Henry & Carrie Vander Stelt/John & Judy Vander Woude/Terry & Claudette Wright/Janine Ropp): We will be having a potluck luncheon next Sunday, March 21, after the morning worship service. Please contact Carrie (288-1367) or Judy (888-4210) this week to let us know if you are attending. Please feel free to invite a friend!
ATTN JR. HIGH YOUTH: We will meet again on Wednesday, March 24, to talk about “why we believe the Bible.” We will also discuss the differences between the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE – SS SUPERINTENDENT: We are in need of someone to take over the responsibilities of SS Superintendent in the fall. If you feel called to this position or need more information, please speak to Alyssa Groen.
ATTN ALL HOUSEHOLD LEADERS: We will be having a meeting during Sunday School on Sunday, March 28. We will meet in the first room to the left in the new addition. Please make every effort to attend. We need to have as much input as possible about the last year. If you have any questions, contact Tracy Vander Stelt.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION UPDATE: Our remaining balance to Cole Valley is currently at $24,939.00. Thisneeds tobe paid in 3 payments between now and May. Our remaining balance to Nampa Christian is $55,191.63. This amount must be paid in full by the end of July. This adds up to a total obligation of $80,130.63 that must be collected in General Fund offerings in order for us to make these payments. Please continue to pray for this program as we move forward through the remainder of the school year.
DEACONS REPORT: General Fund collections continue well below the budgeted amount. In addition to the March payments to Nampa Christian and Cole Valley of approximately $20,000 and the normal day-to-day expenses of the church, our quarterly obligations of $7,500 will be due to our missionaries. We again ask you to prayerfully consider your gifts in the upcoming weeks.
ATTN ACCOMPANISTS: We have some new music to replace other versions in the accompanist manual you received a few months ago. Please take the packet with your name on it from the mailbox in the kitchen labeled “accompanists.” If you have any questions regarding this music, please speak to Sara Cooke.
FAMILY VISITATION: The Elders continue with family visitation which is a time to encourage spiritual growth and unity within the Body of Believers. Our scripture reference this year is I Thessalonians 1:2-10. The Elders ask that you review the schedule inserted in the bulletin today. Please make every possible attempt to keep your scheduled time, but if you have a conflict that cannot be changed, please contact your Care Group Elder so adjustments can be made.
GAS VOUCHER GAP MINISTRY: Love INC has many clients who are looking for employment. Many are having a hard time making ends meet, yet still need to drive to job interviews, run errands and transport children to various appointments, school, etc. To help with the Love INC Boise Gas Voucher ministry, you are encouraged to drop your spare change in the gas can provided in the narthex.
SOAP-N-SUDS PANTRY is open for business here at Cloverdale URC. If you would like to donate items to this pantry, or donate items to Boise Love INC, please place items in the gray bin next to the Love INC closet in the narthex. Also, if you would like to help with this ministry, please speak with Jason Cooke.
Items we stock here for the Soap-n-Suds pantry are:
Detergent Dish Soap Hand Soap Paper Towels
Dryer Sheets Body Soap Toothpaste Toothbrushes
Shampoo Conditioner Hair Gel/Hair Spray
Lotion Q-tips Facial Cleansers/Lotions
Toilet Paper Deodorant Cotton Balls/Squares
Neosporin Band aids Feminine Products
ADDRESS FOR ERIC ROEST: If you would like to send an email or a written note to Eric Roest who is serving our country in Afghanistan, his address is below:
Eric D. Roest
D1-321 AFAR
Salerno, A.P.O. AE 09314
1. Missionary Dawn Williams & family serving in Kenya.
2. Middle East Reformed Fellowship.
3. Classis meeting this Tuesday and Mr. Brad Lenzner who will undergo an ordination exam.
4. Need for Sunday School superintendent.
5. The Niezen family in the passing of Carolyn Niezen last Sunday.
FINANCIAL FREEDOM SEMINAR (A Crown Financial Ministries Seminar) will be conducted this Saturday, March 20, from 8:30AM – 4:30PM at Ustick Baptist Church. The cost for the seminar materials is $25 per person and lunch will be provided. You may register online at or call the Ustick Baptist church office at 938-2121 for more information.
LOVE INC OF THE BOISE COMMUNITY is pleased to announce their first annual fundraising event “Desserts & Delights.” This event will be held Friday, April 9, from 6:30-9:30PM at the Boise First Community Center located at 3852 N. Eagle Rd. in Boise. It will include a silent auction, a live auction, and plenty of scrumptious desserts. Our church has purchased tickets for this event for our members to use. If you would like a ticket or if you would like to help sponsor this event, please see our church secretary, Cathi Kroeze, for more information.
SAVE THE DATE! Join with Boise Rescue Mission Ministries for their 8th Annual Golf Tournament at Shadow Valley Golf Course on Friday, June 18. For more information visit or call Meagan at 954-0588.
SUN: 10:00AM Morning Worship Service
11:20AM Children’s Sunday School
Ages 3–Kindergarten – Fellowship Hall
Grades 1–6 – Singing in Sanctuary
11:30AM Catechism – Grades 7-12 – SS rooms
11:30AM Adult Sunday School – New SS addition
Philippians – Branahl/Crager
11:30AM Adult Sunday School – New SS addition
I Peter – Terry Ribbens
6:00PM Evening Worship Service
7:15PM Sr. High Youth Group
Snacks: Tori Thomas
Snacks Next Week: Lacie Kamper
TUES: 9:30AM Women’s Bible Study @ Cooper’s
The Heart of the Testimony – Video
Snack: Suzanne; Fruit: Tracy
1:00PM Classis Pacific N.W. @ church
WEDS: 9:30AM Ladies Coffee Break @ church
Acts Part 2 Lesson #12
7:00PM Pilgrim People Bible Study @ Boles’
THURS: 6:15AM Men’s Bible Study @ church
7:30PM Dordt College Concert Choir @ church
March Household of Faith Leaders
John & Judy Vander Woude/Janine Ropp/
Terry & Claudette Wright/
Greeters/Guest Book:
Today Rudi & Anne De Winkle/Rick & Lori Van Vliet
Mar 21 Ted & Leslie Vander Schaaf/Rob Howerzyl
Mar 28 Nate & Laura Stenquist/John Vander Woude
O - Sara Cooke O - Sara Cooke
P - Leslie Vander Schaaf P - Kim Van Grouw
March 21
O - Sharon Wigboldy O - Sharon Wigboldy
P - Teresa Smith P - Deb de Jong
March 28
O - Robin Vander Stelt O - Robin Vander Stelt
P - Julie Brands/Kim Van Grouw P - Janet Gonsalves
March Committee contact: Renae Bieri (319-0777)
Infant: Renae Bieri, Rachel Folk, Krisha Vander Woude
Toddler: Priscilla Van Hoogen, Sheri Wick, Tabitha Findley
PM: Julie & Hannah Brands
March 21
Infant: Stephanie Hinton, Dawn Winter, Lynda Miedema
Toddler: Garbriella Van Es, Patti Crager, Siska Reece
PM: Kathi & Nathan Branahl
March 28
Infant: Sue & Sara Pastoor, Katie Monsma
Toddler: Anne & Sheri Vander Veen, Bernice Cooper
PM: Janice De Groot & Colleen Kron
March Tom De Groot
April Peter De Winkle
Today Judd McNicol & Simon de Jong
Mar 21 Gregg Russell & Rick Van Grouw
Mar 28 Ted Vander Schaaf & Jeremy Vander Woude
Mar 14 & 21 Janice De Groot
Mar 28 & Apr 4 Patti Crager
PM Song Service PM Prayer & Share
Mar 21 Bill Pastoor Mar 21 Jim Branahl
Mar 28 Bruce Cooper Mar 28 Bruce Cooper
Today Seth & Tami McKenzie/Rudi & Anne De Winkle
Mar 21 Pete & Phyllis Koetsier/Doug & Nancy Rotman
Mar 28 Jackie Van Es & Tracy English
Cookies for Today:
Lori Van Vliet, Rachel Folk, Leslie Vander Schaaf,
Laura Stenquist, Tabitha Findley