Meridian Health System

CARE: Clinical Advancement and Recognition of Excellence Program


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Directions for Portfolio Development: CLINICAL SCHOLAR

  1. Read the directions and examples for each section, Clinical Practice, Education, Shared Governance and Research.
  1. Complete the fill in forms for:
  • Cover page
  • Manager Endorsement
  • Clinical Practice
  • Self Education
  • Peer Education
  • Patient/Family/Community Education
  • Shared Governance
  • Research
  1. Attach your Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  2. Each section must be completed and verified.
  3. Do not submit copies of articles, packs of education materials, copies of meeting minutes, school papers, etc.
  1. Print the completed application beginning with the Cover Page.
  1. Submit your completed portfolio in an Interoffice Envelope. Do not use

3 ring binders, sheet protectors or submit original documents.

*Your portfolio will not be returned.

BCH – 2NDt floor Nursing Supervisor Office

JSUMC – Mehandru 2 Nursing Office

OMC – Same Day Surgery

RMC – Nursing Administration 2nd Floor

SOMC – Nursing Resource Office 3rd floor

* Please show your unit rep/educator before submission.

Incomplete applications will be returned.

What Are Your Credentials?

What Is the Preferred Order of Credentials?

The preferred order is:

  • Highest earned degree
  • Licensure
  • State designations or requirements
  • National certifications
  • Awards and honors

Why Is This Order Recommended?

The education degree comes first because it isa “permanent” credential, meaning it cannot be

taken away except under extreme circumstances. The next two credentials (licensure and state

designations/requirements) are required for youto practice. National certification is sometimes

voluntary, and awards, honors, and otherrecognitions are always voluntary.

What Are Examples of Credentials?

Educational degrees include doctoral degrees (PhD, DrPH, DNS, EdD, DNP), master’s degrees (MSN, MS, MA), bachelor’s degrees (BS, BSN, BA),

and associate degrees (AD, ADN).

Licensure credentials include RN and LPN.

State designations or requirements recognizeauthority to practice at a more advanced level inthat state and include APRN (Advanced Practice

Registered Nurse), NP (Nurse Practitioner), andCNS (Clinical Nurse Specialist).

National certification, which is awarded throughaccredited certifying bodies such as the AmericanNurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), includes RNBC

(Registered Nurse-Board Certified) and FNP-BC(Family Nurse Practitioner-Board Certified).

Awards and honors recognize outstandingachievements in nursing such as FAAN (Fellowof the American Academy of Nursing).

Reference: ANCC:American Nurses Credentialing Center. How to Display Your Credentials. ANCC, 2011.


The Gold Standard for Nursing Excellence


And the Forces of Magnetism that they contain

Transformational Leadership / 1. Quality of Nursing Leadership Knowledgeable, strong nurse leaders are committed to strong advocacy and support for nursing.
3. Management StyleManagers involve staff at all levels of the organization. The nurse leaders provide
continuous communication with staff. Feedback is encouraged and valued.
Structural Empowerment / 2. Organizational StructureNursing departments are decentralized with unit-based decision-making and strong nurse representation in committees throughout the organization.
4. Personnel Policies and ProgramsSalaries and benefits are competitive. The organization offers creative and flexible staffing.
10. Community and the Healthcare Organization
Hospitals maintain a strong community presence that includes a variety of long term outreach programs.
12. Image of NursingNurses are seen as essential to the hospital’s delivery of patient care by all members of the health care team.
14. Professional DevelopmentThe organization emphasizes orientation, in-service education, continuing education, formal education and career development.
Exemplary Professional Practice / 5. Professional Models of CareNurses have responsibility, accountability and authority in the provision of patient care
6. Quality of Care: Ethics, Patient Safety and Quality Infrastructure Nurses believe that they are giving high-quality care to their patients and that their organization will settle for nothing less than high-quality care.
7. Quality ImprovementStaff nurses participate in the quality improvement process, see it as educational and believe it helps improve patient care within the organization.
8. Consultation and ResourcesKnowledgeable experts, particularly advanced practice nurses, are available and utilized.
9. AutonomyNurses are allowed and expected to work autonomously, consistent with professional
standards, as members of the multidisciplinary team
11. Nurses as TeachersNurses are permitted and expected to incorporate teaching in all aspects of practice.
13. Interdisciplinary RelationshipsNurses, physicians, pharmacists, therapists and other members of the healthcare disciplines treat each other with mutual respect and have positiverelationships
New Knowledge, Innovations,
and Improvements / 6. Quality of Care: Research and Evidence Based Practice Nurses believe that they are giving high-quality care to their patients and that their
organization will settle for nothing less than high-quality care.
7. Quality ImprovementStaff nurses participate in the quality improvement process, see it as educational and believe it helps improve patient care within the organization.
Empirical Quality Outcomes / 6. Quality of CareNurses believe that they are giving high-quality care to their patients and that their organization will settle for nothing less than high-quality care.

Reference: ANCC Magnet Overview, Nursing Excellence. Your Journey. Our Passion., MAGBRO07v2 5M 08/08

Clinical Practice Questions-Template pg. 14

Discuss the following as they relate to your clinical practice. Provide specific examples whenever possible. If you like, you may include evidence to support your responses.

1. Describe how and when other nurses or members of the interdisciplinary team have come to you for your clinical judgment on challenging patient care problems/issues.

2. Provide examples of situations where your identification of early, unexpected or subtle changes in a patient with complex needs or in complex patient care situations led you to take action that would improve the outcome of the situation. In each case, describe the actions that you took and the specific outcomes that resulted from your actions especially as they relate to the key performance indicators that your unit or the hospital is following.

3. Discuss a situation in your clinical practice when you advocated for a patient, family or a group of patients. How did your advocacy result in improved outcomes for the patient/family? Describe any changes that resulted in the unit or hospital policy with regard to this patient or group. Provide specific examples.

4. Describe your experience in mentoring/precepting students or other nurses. What did you do to support the successful transition/advancement of the preceptee and/or mentee? Include outcomes (What happened to the individual who you precepted/mentored? How quickly did the nurse preceptee progress? What is your current relationship with the preceptee? Does he/she still come to you for guidance?).


Case Study- Template pg. 15

Use the following outline for the Case Study. All 7 points must be included

  1. Description of the Case
  1. Assessment: How did you assess the situation? What data did you use? Did this situation involve the collection of data for Performance Improvement or research?
  2. Problem Identification or Nursing Diagnosis: From your assessment of this clinical situation, develop your problem list.
  3. Implementation (Interventions Selected)
  4. What actions did you take to address the problems that you identified? Identify clinical pathways, plans of care, or clinical practices used in this situation.
  5. How did the actions you selected ensure the best possible outcomes for your patient?
  6. How did your actions demonstrate the collaborative approach to delivering seamless health care services across various settings?
  7. Evaluation: (Include Patient Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators). Include how you identified changes in a patient or in the patient care situation that led to an improved outcome for your patient.
  8. How did you advocate for this patient or group of patients and how did this result in improved outcomes or in a change in unit or hospital policy with regard to this patient or group?
  9. Identify how what you have learned in this case has led to improvements in your practice.

Education Questions and Documentation

Complete all three sections

1. Self-Education: How have you expanded your knowledge base through educational achievements over the past year related to your area of clinical expertise?

Describe how your continuing education is related to your clinical practice.

  • Achievement of certification in area of specialty (Encouraged but not required).

Complete the template on pg. 16.


2. Peer Education: How have you created/maintained a learning environment that

facilitates the development of staff members, students, and/or interdisciplinary

colleagues? Complete the template on pg. 17.

Examples include:

  • Presentations on a health care topic: one on one, group learning activities: Power Point presentations, evaluations
  • Posters on pertinent patient care topic
  • Instructor or coordinator for Competency Day/Equipment fair
  • Preceptor

Provide proof

3. Patient/Family/Community Education: How you have taken a leadership role in patient/family/ or community education? Complete the template on pg. 18.

Examples include:

  • Patient educational materials developed and/or revised such as brochures, handouts, cards, forms with directions, posters, etc.
  • Speaker bureau activities: marketing materials such as brochure for the event
  • Organizes a community event or takes a leadership role
  • One on one teaching to family and/or members of a family or group.
  • Provide proof

Shared Governance Documentation– template pg. 19

1. Discuss how you have demonstrated leadership in patient care, on your unit, or at the hospital, professional or community level.

The Clinical Scholar should demonstrate mastery of the following:

Staff nurse skills considered critical in professional governance models include:

  1. Demonstrates ability to engage in decision making about patient management issues. (Examples: Is a vocal advocate for patients with family and other health care providers; does not shy away from controversy over patient management issues; has an adequate knowledge base to participate in decision making regarding treatment.)
  2. Demonstrates ability to engage in the development of standards of practice. (Examples: Knows what current standards are for patient population served; is aware of current nursing/health care research in specialty area; has worked on committees to set standards of practice for the unit.)
  3. Demonstrates ability to engage in Performance Improvement (PI) monitoring. (Examples: Is active on unit-based PI committee; is knowledgeable about nursing department QA program; can state desired outcome measures for patient population served on the unit.)
  4. Demonstrates expert conflict resolution skills. (Examples: Rarely requests/needs intervention by managers to solve conflicts; manages intra- and inter-departmental conflicts in a constructive way; has acquired formal skills in conflict management via continuing education.)
  5. Demonstrates expert negotiation skills. (Examples: Is able to negotiate requests for scheduling with peers; is able to negotiate with patients in the setting of patient goals; has acquired negotiation techniques in formal continuing education programs; is able to identify situation where negotiation is an alternative to win-lose situations.)

Reeves, S. (1991). Professional governance: assessing readiness of an organization for change. Master’s thesis. University of New Hampshire; Durham, NH.

Provide written proof such as signatures from chairpersons, educators, managers or members of the interdisciplinary team.

Examples include:

  • Policies revised or developed – include references
  • Active participation in hospital/system wide committees in which you have takena leadership role – goals achieved – What is your participation?
  • Active participation in leadership activities in Professional or community organizations
  • Charge nurse – What are your responsibilities? Give an example of your independent and collaborative decision making.

Research Criteria & Documentation


Leadership Criteria & Documentation

Research Criteria- Template pg. 20

Activities for the Clinical Scholar level may include design or implementation of a research, EBP or PI project and dissemination and/or utilization of research results.

Document how you have participated in a Research, Evidence Based Practice (EBP) or Performance Improvement (PI) project as a leader using the attached Project Template.

Research Studies MUST be reviewed & approved by the campus Nursing Research Committee and may need Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval PRIOR to any data collection.

See the IRB webpage for the “Does Your Study Need IRB Approval Decision Tree.”

Examples of research activities include:

  • EBP: Protocol/clinical pathway or policy developed or revised, include the purpose of the change and references (a bibliography or reference list) used.
  • EBP: Promoting and implementing the use of existing research based nursing protocols. What exactly was your role? (NICHE protocols for the older adult)
  • Research: Design and/or implementation of a research project or protocol as a Principle Investigator or Leader.
  • PI: Team leader for PI activities on your unit such as National Patient Safety Goals or Unit specific issues.

Provide Proof such as:

  • Projects must be documented using the Project Template on the next page.
  • Research may be documented in an Abstract.

Do not include copies of articles, policies, protocols or full research proposals.

Leadership Criteria & Documentation - Template pg. 21 & 22

The Clinical Scholar excels in leadership, maintains National Certification and is recognized by peers as an expert who exerts a positive influence upon clinical nursing practice and the professional workplace environment. All activities are aimed at fostering the key components of a caring organization1 . Nursing leadership scholars are frequently invited / consulted to participate in the decision-making process at the unit level, and their activities encompass the Quality, Service, People, Finance, and Growth Pillars.

There is evidence that the Clinical Scholar’s leadership influence extends beyond the borders of their specific Meridian Health hospital campus. For example, leaders may be invited to represent MH on a system-wide or state-wide activity /committee. Additionally, they participate in professional nursing organizations and activities at the local, state, national and/or international levels. Community activities are ways that leaders offer their expertise to benefit residents and any population-based or disease-specific groups (such as the local chapter of the American Heart Association or American Cancer Society). In addition, they may be sought by coordinators of formal education programs in order to serve as instructor, guide, and mentor to students of nursing leadership.

1Reel, S. (2006). The ten habits of a caring organization: Principles-based leadership. EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2006(8), 1-13.

Leadership activities accepted include:

  • Serve in one of the following leadership roles for a minimum of six months within the last 3 years.
  • Elected officer/board member of a professional nursing organization (local, state, or national level)examples include President, vice president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary, committee chairperson
  • Chair or co-chair of approved hospital wide committee, examples include chair or co chair of Professional Practice or Nursing Research.
  • Approved special project leader for hospital or community based healthcare initiatives. (Must be preapproved by your campus CARE committee)

 Activities must clearly relate to Nursing & Healthcare

Activities that DO NOT meet the Leadership criteria:

  • Unit based committees including Shared Governance committee
  • Unit representatives for committees or unions
  • Charge nurse
  • Committee member (must be officer of hospital wide or higher level committee)
  • Team leader for project or education
  • Camp counselor, day care project leader
  • Church or religious leader
  • PTA
  • Instructor, professor, adjunct professor

Portfolio Evaluation

Your portfolio will be evaluated based on the following indicators for each section.

Clinical Practice Indicators

These are the indicators that will be used to evaluate your clinical practice

1. Anticipates patients’ complex needs and can identify subtle changes in the patient’s condition based on depth clinical knowledge and expertise

2. Engages in expert critical thinking and takes the necessary actions to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.

3. Empowers and advocates for patients in a manner that improves patient outcomes or impacts/changes hospital systems.

Education Indicators

These indicators will be used to evaluate the Education section of your portfolio.

1. Provides expert information and guidance to peers

2. Uses acquired in-depth knowledge about the care of a particular patient population to affect outcomes

3. Understands the needs of specific patient populations and develops relevant instructional materials

4. Seeks out opportunities to share knowledge and mentor colleagues.

Shared Governance Indicators

These indicators will be used to evaluate the Shared Governance section of your portfolio.

1. Leads efforts to strengthen the numerous organizational systems and/or unit based systems including key indicators that support patient care

2. Leads initiatives to facilitate change for identified groups of patient/families, unit or community

3. Motivates and facilitates effective unit functioning

4. Improves patient care by negotiating conflict, welcoming change or problem solving effectively

5. Initiates strong physician/nurse and interdisciplinary team respect and


Research or Leadership Indicators

The following indicators will be used to evaluate the Research section of your portfolio.

1. Participates, formulates, disseminates Performance Improvement/Research projects.

2. Demonstrates use of existing Research into practice, policy, procedure and/or


3. Includes bibliography/reference list .

The following indicators will be used to evaluate the Leadership section.

1. Identifies the organization/committee, it’s purpose & applicant’s role.

2. Demonstrates how these activities strive to improve the quality of patient care, and/or benefit the community or society as a whole.

3. Demonstrates how these activities empower the nursing profession and benefit Meridian Health