The Great Depression to Modern Georgia

·  Eugene Talmadge 1933-1937 and 1941-1943

When he Georgia’s governor was and how many terms did he serve? 1933-1937 and 1941- 1943, three terms as governor

During the Great Depression, what federal program did he disagree with and what actions did he take? He disagreed with the New Deal. He used federal dollars to build highways, and reduce taxes, utility rates, and some license fees.

What was his reaction to those who wanted to integrate Georgia’s schools?

Talmadge convinced the board of regents to fire the dean and the president of the Teachers College in Statesboro, and he also got rid of several members of the board of regents who opposed his actions.

·  Richard B Russell 1931-1933

List the changes in State government that Russell implemented.

1. Consolidated state offices

2. Established the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

While in the US Senate, Russell favored national military preparedness and state’s rights, and implemented a school lunch program for all children.

He was the youngest governor in Georgia history.

·  Carl Vinson

How many years did he serve in the House of Representatives? 25 years

Why was he known as the “father of the two-ocean navy?” Explain.

He helped pass the Vinson-Trammel Act which authorized the manufacture of 92 war ships. He also expanded the naval aviation system and established 20 air bases, and eased labor restrictions on shipbuilding to allow faster construction.

·  Franklin D. Roosevelt

What is NIRA? Helped workers by setting minimum wages, permitting unions, and allowing factories to cut back on production

What is TVA? Tennessee Valley Authority – it created lakes and water resources.

Why did Roosevelt spend so much time in Georgia? He was visiting Warm Springs for treatment for his Polio. He built a house there and called it the Little White House. He died there on April 24, 1945.

·  William B. Hartsfield 1937-1941 and 1942-1961

He was Mayor of Atlanta. How many terms did he serve as mayor? 6

What major industry did Hartsfield establish in Georgia? He made Atlanta an aviation hub of the Southeast. He helped create the Atlanta airport.

Describe how Hartsfield helped civil rights in Georgia.

1. Organized a biracial coalition that worked on voter registration drives.

2. Hired 8 African American police officers.

3. integrated the city’s golf courses

4. integrated the city’s transportation system

5. integrated the city’s public schools

·  Ivan Allen, Jr. 1962-1970

He was Mayor of Atlanta.

List three civil rights accomplishments for Allen.

1.integrated city government and departments

2. reduced restrictions on African American police officers

3. removed “Colored” and “White” signs in Atlanta city hall

List three economic improvements for Atlanta

1. oversaw construction on public facilities

2. Atlanta became home to sports teams and sports facilities

3.approved MARTA

·  Ellis Arnall 1943 -1947

How did Arnall get the Southern association of Colleges and schools to restore accreditation to Georgia’s colleges and universities?

1. passed an amendment that made the board of regents a separate entity that was not under the influence of the governor’s office.

2. made the terms of the regents staggered so that were always experienced members serving on the board.

List three changes made during Arnall’s term as governor.

1. Removed the prison system from the governor’s control

2. Abolished the poll tax

3. grant 18 year olds the right to vote.

·  Benjamin Mays

Dr. Mays was president of what university? Morehouse College

How was he active in the Atlanta community? He served on the Atlanta school board and was the first African American president of the board.

Who was Dr. Mays a mentor for? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

·  Herman Talmadge 1948-1951

What did Herman Talmadge promise the voters? He promised to bring back the white primary

List accomplishments while governor.

1. restructured the state highway department

2. created the Georgia Forestry Commission

3. improved soil conservation programs

4. improved county health departments

5.imporved the state’s prison system

Explain the Minimum foundation Program for Education Act. – expanded school to include grades 9 – 12, lengthened the school year to nine months, raised the standards for buildings, equipment, transportation, and school curricula. Created a 3% sales tax to pay for the changes.

·  Brown v. Board of Education

What was the name of the student that tried to enroll in a white school? Linda Brown

What was the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court? The separate but equal policy was unconstitutional.

What court ruling did it overturn? Plessy v. Ferguson

·  Martin Luther King Jr.

What approach did he favor to bring about social change?

1. Direct non-violent actions

2. legal remedies

3. ballots

4. economic boycotts

Where did Dr. King give his “I Have a Dream” speech? 1963 march on Washington

When and where was Dr. King assassinated? April 4, 1968 Memphis, Tennessee

·  Hamilton Holmes/ Charlayne Hunter

What happened on January 6, 1961? University of Georgia allowed its first two African American students in school.

Who was governor of Georgia during this time? Vandiver

·  Maynard Jackson 1974-1982 / 1990-1994

He was the first African American mayor of Atlanta.

List three programs that improved Atlanta.

1. increased programs for the arts

2. expanded the airport

3. led efforts to have the Olympics held in Atlanta

·  Lester Maddox 1967 – 1971

List accomplishments while governor.

1.appointed more African Americans to state boards and commissions than all prior governors combined.

2. named the first black member of the Board of Pardon and Paroles.

3 integrated the Georgia State Patrol.

4. Increased spending on education

5. established “People’s Day” – twice a month, any Georgian could visit the governor’s mansion to talk about anything they wished.

How was he elected into office? After a run-off the vote went to the Georgia Legislature and he was elected by the members of the General Assembly.

·  Andrew Young 1981- 1988

He was Mayor of Atlanta.

Describe Young’s political career.

1. 1972 U.S, House of Representatives – First African American elected from Georgia since reconstruction.

2. 1977 U.S, Ambassador to the United Nations

3. Two terms as Mayor of Atlanta

4.Co-Chair of the 1996 Olympic committee

Andrew Young was an aide to what civil rights leader? Martin Luther King Jr.

·  Jimmy Carter

Describe Jimmy Carter’s political career.

1. 1962 Georgia Senate

2. 1970 Governor of Georgia

3. 1976 President of the USA

List accomplishments as governor of Georgia 1972- 1976

1. reorganized the state’s executive branch by cutting the number of state agencies from 300 to 25

2. influenced the court system by changing the selection of judges to a merit process.

3. appointed the first woman judge

4. Created the Georgia Heritage Trust – designed to protect Georgia’s natural and cultural resources.

5. education – funding for public education and expanded special education, vocational education, and preschool education

6. expanded the states mental health services.

List accomplishments as President 1976- 1980

1. established a national energy policy

2. expanded national park system

3. Created the Department of Education

4. Negotiated the 1978 Camp David Peace Accords between Israel and Egypt

5. obtained congressional ratification of the Panama Canal treaties and established diplomatic relations with China

Causes of the Great Depression

1. Stock market speculation page 111

Speculation is when you buy a stock and pay __only a portion of the cost of the stock.

·  Over borrowing

Many farmers had to borrow money from the banks to pay for farm equipment. When their farms failed, what happened to the banks?

The banks lost money on the loans and then the banks failed and the people lost their investments.

·  Personal Debt

One cause of the great depression is that people of the United States borrowed more money than they could afford to repay.

·  Bank Practices

When people couldn’t pay back their loans, who lost money?

The banks

·  Laissez Faire

Describe a laissez-faire attitude of government and business leaders.

That the economy itself, not the government, would work out any problems

·  Industrial Overproduction

What happens to the price of products when factories and farmers overproduce?

The price of product drops

·  High Tariffs

How did high tariffs discourage trade with other countries after World War I?

High tariffs made it difficult for other countries to sell their goods in the United States to get money with which to repay wartime loans and to buy American products

·  Boll Weevil/ Drought

Which crop did the boll weevil destroy? cotton

In addition to the boll weevil, Georgia farmers in the 1920’s were also hurt by? The drought of 1924

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2. The New Deal

·  Civilian Conservation Corp

What type of projects did the civil conservation corps complete?

They built forest trails and roads, planted trees to reforest land, and built parks.

·  Agriculture Adjustment Act

Why did the Agricultural Adjustment Act fail to benefit African Americans in Georgia?

The grant money went to land owners and not African American tenant farmers

Rural Electrification

A plan to bring inexpensive electricity to the south

Which President signed into law the act creating rural electrification?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

·  Social Security

What was the purpose of social security?

To provide retirement and unemployment insurance to American workers

·  Lend-Lease

Why did the United States start a lend-lease system of war equipment?

Great Britain and the Soviet Union ran out of money to build war equipment and because of the Neutrality act the US could not sell weapons and supplies to countries in a war, but we could lend or lease them the supplies.

3. Georgia contributions to WWI

·  Bell Aircraft

What type of aircraft was built at Bell Aircraft Marietta plant?

B- 29 bomber

·  Military Bases

What happened to the Bell Aircraft plant in Marietta GA.?

It closed 1945 and then was re-opened as Lockheed

·  Savannah and Brunswick Shipyards

What were Liberty ships?

Cargo ships

Where in Georgia were the Liberty ships built?

Savannah and Brunswick

4. Civil Rights Movement

·  Silbey Commission

What was the goal of the Sibley commission?

A committee held to see how the public felt about integrating public school. By a three-to-two margin people would rather close the schools than integrate them.

Who was the first African American admitted to the University of Georgia?

Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes

·  Albany Movement

What was the goal of the Albany movement?

It was to end segregation of public schools in Albany

·  Civil Rights Act

The civil rights act of 1964 did not integrate?

The legislation made segregation of public facilities illegal. This included restaurants, theaters, hotels, public recreational areas, schools, and libraries. It gave the federal government the power to withhold federal funds from schools that refused to intergrate.

·  State Flag Issue

In what year did the Georgia state flag become an issue in the race for the Governor?


·  March on 1963

Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech was associated with what event?

Washington, DC

Student Non-violent Coordination committee

They helped blacks register to vote. They organized sit-ins, led protests, and led boycotts of business that would not serve blacks.

What organization was founded after the sit in at Shaw University?

Student Non-Violent Coordination committee