Our Reference
Contact / FOI29072014
NC CPI29/07/2014
Nicky Carruthers
Jon Albone
Date22nd August2014 / Greater Manchester
Fire and Rescue Service
CountyFire Officer & Chief Executive
Steve McGuirk, CBE, QFSM, MA BA(Hons), BSc, FRSA, FIFireE
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
146 Bolton Road
Manchester M27 8US
Telephone 0161 736 5866
Fax 0161 743 1777
Dear Mr Albone
RE: Freedom of Information Request
I can confirm that the Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Servicehas now completed its search for the information which you requested on 29th July 2014.
1 Who is your lead officer for DBS checking?
The responsibility of DBS falls under our HR Service Improvement Manager and the applications processed by the HR Assistants
2. How many DBS checks do you carry out each year, broken down by type eg. Standard, Basic or Enhanced?
All disclosures are enhanced. Whilst we were a registered body the checks we carried out were 61 in 2013 and 256 in 2011
3.Are you a registered body at the DBS that umbrellas other organisations?
4.Are you currently doing your DBS checks online and if so, what system do you use?
Yes we do online applications, we use an umbrella body called uCheck
5.Have you a contract currently with a DBS eBulk provider and if so when does the contract come to an end?
No we use uCheck on an individual ad hoc basis not contractually
If you are unhappy with any aspect of our response you can request an internal review. You should do this within 14 days of the receipt of the response by writing to the Corporate Planning and Intelligence Administrator outlining why you are not satisfied. We will then undertake an internal review and normally respond within 20 working days of receiving your complaint.
If you are still dissatisfied after our internal review, then under Section 50 of the Act, you are entitled to appeal to the Information Commissioner (Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, Telephone: 01625 545700, fax: 01625 524510).
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information
Administration Department
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service