National Programme


Mid Day Meal in Schools



2009 - 2010

UnionTerritoryof Lakshadweep

Mid-Day Meal Scheme

Annual Work Plan & Budget


1. Introduction

1.1. Brief history, Objectives and rational of Mid-Day Meal programme:

The Union Territory of Lakshadweep has taken lead in Mid Day Meal Scheme and it is providing cooked meal to all children up to VII standard in all the schools since the days of its formation i.e. mid-fifties. Considering the economic and social backwardness of Lakshadweep people, Govt. of India declared the entire population as scheduled Tribe. The main objectives of declaring them as scheduled tribe is to bring them close to the fast developments and modernization taking place across the country. To attain this goal, proper education of the people is the only way. Therefore the Lakshadweep Administration had decided to implement the Mid Day Meal Scheme in Lakshadweep in fifties itself to attract all the children in the school going age to the formal schools. As such, U.T Administration has been able to attain full access, full retention of the school students and drop out rates in Lakshadweep are negligible.The Mid Day Meal Scheme contributed a lot to achieve the above goals in Lakshadweep.

1.2.Demographic Profile of the UT:

As per Census – 2001 the total population of the Lakshadweep U.T is 60650. Male population being 31131 and female 29519. The distribution of population, literacy and area of the islands of all inhabited islands is given below. A perusal of the table reveals that maximum population is of AndrothIsland, accounting for about 17% of the total population of the U. T. followed by Kavaratti 16.68% and Minicoy with 15.66%. In other words these three islands account for more than 50% of the total population of islands and the rest of the population is scattered among other 7 islands. However the density of the population is higher in Amini.



Name of island / Area in Square Kilometers / Total population / Density / Literacy in percentage to total population and gender gap / Growth rate of population
Lagoon area / Island area / Total / Male / Female / Total / Male / female
Agatti / 1750 / 2.71 / 7009 / 3633 / 3376 / 2586 / 86.80 / 92.78 / 80.27
(12.51) / 23.62
Amini / 150 / 2.59 / 7353 / 3737 / 3616 / 2839 / 82.74 / 91.19 / 74.19 (17.00) / 14.05
Androth / 0.00 / 4.84 / 10727 / 5357 / 5370 / 2216 / 84.33 / 92.48 / 76.22 (16.26) / 17.59
Bitra / 45.61 / 0.10 / 267 / 159 / 108 / 2670 / 84.36 / 85.82 / 81.82 (4.00) / 18.67
Chetlat / 1.60 / 1.04 / 2291 / 1173 / 1118 / 2203 / 84.28 / 88.92 / 79.47 (9.45) / 11.70
Kadmat / 37.50 / 3.12 / 5334 / 2691 / 2643 / 1710 / 87.18 / 91.78 / 82.43
(9.35) / 33.85
Kalpeni / 25.60 / 2.28 / 4321 / 2278 / 2043 / 1895 / 84.40 / 91.82 / 75.83 (15.99) / 5.80
Kavaratti / 4.96 / 3.63 / 10119 / 5586 / 4533 / 2788 / 88.56 / 94.10 / 81.66 (12.44) / 16.62
Kiltan / 3.96 / 1.63 / 3669 / 1844 / 1825 / 2251 / 81.67 / 86.98 / 76.39 (10.59) / 19.71
Minicoy / 30.60 / 4.37 / 9495 / 4617 / 4878 / 2173 / 93.05 / 95.39 / 90.86 (4.53) / 14.12
Bangaram / 21.50 / 0.58 / 65 / 56 / 9 / 112 / 98.33 / 98.08 / 100.00 (1.92) / 6.56
Total / 2071.33 / 26.89 / 60,650 / 3118 / 29477 / 1894 / 86.66 / 92.53 / 80.47 (12.06) / 17.19

1.3 1.4. Lakshadweep society is a homogeneous society. There is no much social strata among the people of Lakshadweep. All local inhabitants follow and practice a single religion i.e. Islam. This religious homogeneity made whatever social differences those were there earlier, insignificant. The economy of Lakshadweep works on fish and coconut. Fishing is the basic economic activity and all the islanders have some amount of land and possess a certain number of coconut trees from which they get yearly income. In addition government employment also adds to their income sources. As such there is no acute poverty in Lakshadweep and people are by and large happy with the resources they have. The gender ratio of male-female is 948 for 1000 males. In Lakshadweep, all the groceries, vegetables and other food items are being transported from mainland due to non availability in islands. Therefore there is no nutritional problems as such in Lakshadweep due to non availability of any particular food item as all the required items are procured from mainland. In schools also, eventhough there is no regular nutritional quality check ups over the mid day meals served in schools up to seventh class, as such there was no report of any case of malnutrition.

1.5. School Data, Enrollment, Gender gap, Drop outs etc

The following table explains the total number of educational institutions in Lakshadweep from Nursery stage to Degree level education as on 31st December, 2008.

Island / Pre-Primary Schools / Junior Basic Schools / Senior Basic Schools / Secondary Schools / Senior Secondary Schools
Agatti / 1 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 1
Amini / 1 / 4 / 1 / 0 / 1
Androth / 1 / 4 / 2 / 2 / 1
Bitra / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0
Chetlat / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1
Kadmat / 1 / 3 / 1 / 1 / 1
Kalpeni / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 1
Kavaratti / 1 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 2
Kiltan / 1 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 1
Minicoy / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 1
TOTAL / 10 / 20 / 10 / 3 / 10

In addition to these there are one Jawahar Navodhaya Vidyala (Minicoy), Kendriya Vidhyalaya (Kavaratti) and three University Study Centres (Kadmat, Androth and Kavaratti) are functioning in this UT.

Class-wise and Sex-wise enrolment for the year 2008-09 from Pre-Primary classes to Senior Secondary classes is given below.

Class / Boys / Girls / Total
Pre-Primary / 397 / 341 / 738
I / 627 / 650 / 1277
II / 681 / 592 / 1273
III / 645 / 689 / 1334
IV / 896 / 971 / 1867
V / 639 / 656 / 1295
VI / 610 / 566 / 1176
VII / 632 / 563 / 1195
VIII / 682 / 699 / 1381
IX / 724 / 682 / 1406
X / 609 / 630 / 1239
XI / 669 / 620 / 1289
XII / 440 / 427 / 867
TOTAL / 8251 / 8086 / 16337

The given below enrollment and drop out tables provide specific information of students enrollment and the number of drop outs at Primary and Upper Primary level separately.


Primary( I to V ) / Upper Primary ( VI to VIII)
Male / Female / Total / Male / Female / Total
3488 / 3558 / 7046 / 1924 / 1828 / 3752

Drop Out : Nil during 2008-09 This is the most interesting achievement of implementation of the MDM Scheme in this UnionTerritory.

2. Description and assessment of the programme implemented in the previous year (2008-09) with reference to:

2.1.Calorific/Protein value of the mid-day meal provided

In Lakshadweep, cooked Mid Day Meal are served to the students covering the food items liked by the local inhabitants and as per the eating habits of the islanders. Generally the food items like Dhal, Green gram, Fish, Egg, Meat, and Chicken are served along with rice the staple diet to the students. In fact the food served is not put to any nutritional tests for want of nutritional experts in Lakshadweep but the food served is hygienic, nutritional and basically liked by the students. It is sure if it is checked that the required calorific/protein value will obviously there in the meals served to the students. A test for this statement is that there hasn’t been any kind of complaint on the food served to the students from decades.

Weakly Menu under MDM Scheme.

Sl .No / Days / Food Items
1 / Monday / Rice /Dhal/fish, green gram
2 / Tuesday / Rice/ Dhal /Egg / green gram
3 / Wednesday / Rice/ Dhal / green gram / meat
4 / Thursday / Rice/Dhal/Green gram/chicken
5 / Saturday / Rice/Dhal /Green gram/meat.
6 / Sunday / Rice/Dhal / Green gram/egg.

2.2 Regularity and wholesomeness of MDM served to children; reasons for programme interruptions, if any

The history of serving MDM to the school children in Lakshadweep has started way back in mid fifties. The MDM are served to the school children studying in Pre-Primary classes to VII classes from that time onwards without any interruptions. From the year 2007-2008 the UT Administration extended the scheme up to X standard. Now the MDM Scheme extended up to XII standard from the current academic year onwards.Due to the advent of National Programme of MDMin Schools during 2004 by the GOI, UT Administration also participated in the Nation Scheme and Central Assistance has been received and utilised for Primary and Upper Primary level.

2.3. No. of children (Class, Category and Gender wise who participated in the programme) as on 31st December, 2008.

Class / Gender / Total
Boys / Girls
Pre-Primary / 397 / 341 / 738
I / 627 / 650 / 1277
II / 681 / 592 / 1273
III / 645 / 689 / 1334
IV / 896 / 971 / 1867
V / 639 / 656 / 1295
VI / 610 / 566 / 1176
VII / 632 / 563 / 1195
VIII / 682 / 699 / 1381
IX / 724 / 682 / 1406
X / 609 / 630 / 1239
XI / 669 / 620 / 1289
XII / 440 / 427 / 867
TOTAL / 8251 / 8086 / 16337

2.4.Food grains management, including adequacy of allocation timeliness of lifting, transportation and distribution, suitability of storage at different levels.

In Lakshadweep, food grains i.e. rice till the year 2006-07 has been procured from fair price shops run by Coop.Societies. The Food & Civil Supplies Department procures food grains from FCI/open market and sell the food grains at subsidized rates to the inhabitants of Lakshadweep. Funds were allocated under UT Budget for the purpose. The scheme has been implemented all along, by procuring food grains as mentioned above. For the first time on the basis of the Annual Work Plan & Budget Proposal of Lakshadweep for MDM for the year 2006-07, the PAB for Mid Day Meal Scheme has allocated 183.56 MTs. vide sanction letter dated 30th October 2006. The Director of Food & Civil Supplies, who is procuring food grains for Lakshadweep from FCI has been requested to lift the allocated rice from the FCI godown, transportation cost and other handling and storage charges are to be paid by the department. The procurement of food grains will be smooth lined from the next instance and its supply to the various school kitchens will be ensured by the department with the cooperation of the Food & Civil Supplies Department. Storage facility is available with Food & Civil Supplies Department in all islands and a limited storage capacity for food grains is there with the schools also. Year-Wise allocation of Food Grains under MDM Scheme is given below:

Year / Allocated (in MTs) / Lifted
(in MTs) / Lifted during / Period of Utilisation
2006-07 / 183.56 / 183.56 / April,2007 / 2007-08
2007-08 / 183.56 / 183.56 / April,2008 / 2008-09
2008-09 / 151.50 / 00.00 / - / 2008-2009,

2.5. Central assistance received and utilized during 2008-09 towards (a) Cooking Costs (b) Kitchen Shed Construction (c) Procurement of Kitchen Devices (d) Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (e) Transport Subsidy

S. No. / Central Assistance for / Received
(Rs. In lakhs) / Utilised
(Rs. In lakhs)
1 / Cooking Cost / 18.245 / 18.245
2 / Procurement/replacement of
Kitchen devices / 00.00 / 00.00
3 / Transportation / 0.89 / 0.89
4 / MME / 0.455 / 0.455
Total / 19.59 / 19.59

2.6. State budget provisions and expenditure in 2008-09

Till 2006-07, the scheme has continued as a UT Administration scheme and Administration has been releasing required funds for running the scheme to the District Panchayat through Education Department from its own Annual Budget. The MDM Scheme has been transferred to District Panchayat in the year 1999 in compliance of Orders of Devolution of Powers under Panchayat Raj Act. As already mentioned above UT Administration extended the MDM Scheme up to XII class (i.e. all school going children under this Administration) Accordingly for the year 2008-09, the Department of Education made a budget provision for Rs.117 lakhs (for both Primary and Upper Primary) under Non Plan and Rs.31.50 lakhs under Plan Head In the year 2008-09 the District Panchayat had incurred expenditure of Rs.92.62 lakhs and Rs.65.65 lakhs under Non Plan and Plan respectively.

2.7. System for release of funds provided under cooking costs (Central and State)

The Department of Education is releasing state funds in the form of Grant in Aid to the District Panchayat for implementing the Mid Day Meal Scheme. The Grant in Aid released on the basis of requirements submitted by the District Panchayat. The Grant in Aid are released in two installments in an year after the receipt of utilization certificate of 1st installment . The central assistance of Rs.19.59 lakhs released by the ministry has also been further released to the District Panchayat.

2.8. System for procuring cooking ingredients (Fuel, Condiments, Oil etc)

All kinds of cooking ingredients are procured by the respective schools from Cooperative Societiesavailable at all the islands. The firewood is procured through tender process. The Headmasters of all the schools who provide MDM to the students of that school procure the items from the Cooperative Societies.

2.9 System for cooking, serving and supervising MidDay Meal in the schools.

In Lakshadweep, there are 53 schools in which the MDMScheme is implemented. Total16337children from Pre-Primary classes to XII classes are being served MDM. Following Table shows the rate of MDM per child per day is spent for supplying MDM to the students. Cooks are appointed on regular basis and are working in all these schools. In addition, Helpers are additionally engaged by the Headmasters wherever the requirement necessitated. In Lakshadweep, practically the Headmasters of the schools run the MDM programme. After receiving the required fund from the District Panchayat, they procure the required food articles and get the food cooked through the cooks available in the schools and serve them with the team of government officials (both teaching and non-teaching staff) chosen by the Headmasters. The same team monitor the running of the scheme in their respective schools.

Classes / Existing Rate per
child per day / Enhanced Rate per child per day
For Nursery classes / Rs.3/- / Rs.4/-
From I to VII / Rs.3/- / Rs.4/-
From VIII to X / Rs.3/- / Rs.6/-
From XI to XII / Nil / Rs.8/-

2.10. Status of construction of kitchen sheds from (i) Funds released under the Mid-Day Meals, and (ii) Funds from other development programme, such as SGRY, BRGF etc.

So far, no funds for construction of Kitchen Sheds has been received under MDM Scheme or any other Scheme However, kitchen sheds are in place in all the schools in Lakshadweep. Required fund for the purpose of Kitchen Sheds are available in UT Budget which is done by the LPWDon request of the Department of Education. In certain schools, reconstructions/maintenance of kitchen sheds are required proposal for the same has already submitted to the Lakshadweep Public Works Department. Proposal for construction of Kitchen Buildings in schools is under consideration and fund for the purpose has included in the Annual Budget for next finance year.

2.11. Status of procurement of kitchen devices from (i) Funds released from Mid-Day Meal programme (ii) Other sources.

Rs.0.66 lakhs was received as central assistance for procurement of Kitchen Devices during the year 2006-07 and the same has been released to the District Panchayat. DP authorities submitted UC for the same and was already forwarded to MHRD.

2.12.Capacity building and training conducted for different categories of persons involved Mid-Day Meals programme under programme of SSA, DIET etc.

In Lakshadweep, DIET is yet to started functioning in full fledged manner and therefore so far no trainings could be conducted. However, the department is taking steps to functionalize the DIET and in the next year we will organize the required trainings to the persons involved in the MDM Scheme..

2.13. Management Information System at School, Village/ Gram Panchayat, Block, District and State level.

An MIS unit has been recently established under Lakshadweep SSA Authority and the unit has started gathering the data pertaining to all kinds of educational statistics/school information. Within no time all the information with regard to school-going children will be computerized.

2.14.System to ensure transparency and openness in all aspects of programme implementation, including inter alias, food grain management, ingredients procurement, cooking and serving, appointment of cooking staff, construction of kitchen sheds, procurement of cooking devices.

In Lakshadweep, as mentioned at many places in the above para, the scheme has been under operation for a very long time. The scheme is not been functioning under any private hands. From the beginning, the required funds for providing MDM to the students has been under release to the school Headmasters from the Directorate of Education and the programme is monitored from the directorate level through the officers. From 1999 onwards, even though the scheme has been transferred to the District Panchayat, the basic system of MDM Scheme functioning has not changed at all. As the scheme has been sifted to the District Panchayat, the grant in aid released by the Education Department is being further provided to the school Headmasters by the District Panchayat. The needed food articles are procured by the Headmasters from the government controlled cooperative societies. The cooking an serving is attended by cooks and teachers appointed by the Administration. Kitchen sheds are constructed by the department through PWD. Therefore, there is complete openness and transparency in the functioning of the scheme in Lakshadweep. On the above The Panchayat authorities, PTA organizations and mothers of school children oversee and observe the process and providing required suggestions to the School Headmasters and the Directorate of Education in time to time.

2.15.Measures taken to rectify

a) Inter-district low and uneven utilization of food grains and cooking cost.

b) Intra-district mismatch in utilization of food grains and cooking cost.

c) Delay in delivering cooking cost at school level.

Measures are already taken to rectify the above three points. There is no uneven or mismatch in utilization of food grains and cooking cost. The cooking cost and other financial requirements are released in time without any delay.

2.16.Overall assessment of the manner in which implementation of the programme is contributed to the programme objectives and analysis of strength and weakness of the programme implementation.

The Mid Day Meal Scheme is a success story in Lakshadweep as it has contributed a lot for the advancement of education in Lakshadweep. From 15 percent literacy rate in fifties it reached to 90 percent in the year 2000 and obviously a great amount of credit goes to the scheme. All school going children in Lakshadweep do attend schools except a very negligible number due to various medical and other reasons and this is possible also due to the continued scheme functioning. However, to improve the quality of food further, the Panchayat, who is running the MDM Scheme submitted a Proposal to increase the rate of MDM per day per child. Now the Administration increased the rate of MDM as mentioned in para 9 above.Which is rightly helpful to betterment the quality of meals supplied under the scheme since, all commodities have to be brought from the mainland involving a lot of transportation cost. After enhancement of the rate of MDM, the general satisfaction of the students over the MDM served in schools has been enhanced.

2.17.Impact of MDM Scheme such as increase in enrollment, attendance, retention, learning level etc., reduction in drop-out, increase in nutritional status etc.

As a result of introduction of MDM Scheme, enrolment in schools increased. There is no dropout reported during this academic year, learning became more effective, attendance in schools increased, nutritional status of school children went up considerably.

2.18.Details of Evaluation studies conducted and summary of its findings.

As mentioned aboveLakshadweep Administration enhanced the rate of MDM per day per child with effect from 21st May, 2008. Even though the enhanced rate is not enough to provide more nutritious food in specified quantity. In an area like Lakshadweep far away from mainland where, all commodities/materials are bringing from out side. Due to huge increase in transportation cost the cost of all commodities were increased. The following table shows the present market rate of essential commodities in LakshadweepUT.