Rotational movement – physical base of all forms
of existing matters.
Nikitin G.A., Kyiv, Ukriane
It is well known that world, which surrounds us constantly rotates. At first it seemed that everything was rotating around the Earth, but later picture of the world cleared out. Penetration of human skills into universe space and in the depth of micro world showed, that matter exists in the form of endless number of celestial bodies, which in their turn consist of multitude huge particles -- molecules, atoms, elementary and smaller forms of matter. And all its forms are in rotational movement. Research of matter in accessible surrounding shows, that celestial bodies in space are organized in the systems, in which they perform rotational movement according to conformed laws only. The Earth and the other planets with their satellite rotate (spin) around the Sun. The solar and other star systems rotate around the center of the Galaxy. A number of galaxies perform rotating movement in the system of Metagalaxy. Some advanced systems do exist as well. Their structure is unknown yet. But according to the existing knowledge we can assume that celestial bodies are organized in hierarchically of increasing order. Planetary structure of atoms, structural interconnection of chemical elements is the evidence hierarchically principle that spreads to the depth of microworld. All the material systems of the World are in the state of conformed rotational movement and present the unique hierarchically system – from elementary particles of a nuclear to constellations which occupy endless spaces of the Universe. Dividing the matter into macro- and microworlds is subjectively connected with human presumption about incommensurability of sizes of material bodies in these systems.
But when comparing the proportion of sizes of particles and diameters of their orbits in two systems of micro- and macroworld, it appears that they are confronted: in all cases sizes of particles or celestial bodies are smaller in comparison with the area they go around in process of their rotational movement in the world space. The image of an infinitesimals and opposites are just an illusion, which has appeared in human’s consciousness due to his place in material world, to his development in limited space. But anyways, the most important peculiarity of physical state of the matter appeared to be, doubtless, hierarchically organized structure on all its levels. Matter (or the Universe) is the state of equilibrium motion of well organized interconnected systems. Current state of matter (Universe) has formed in the result of self-organization, based on laws of rotational movement. These laws have appeared during the transition of matter from chaotic rotational movement to organized one. And, while appearing, they were directing their further development. Mentioned above laws were not of great importance. Laws of rotational body movement in isolated, detached system around a single center (E.Kepler) were studied well; and the influence of rotational movement forces was thoroughly studied in the imitated conditions (separators, centrifuges). However, the behavior of celestial or other material body in rotational movement process simultaneously around several centers hasn’t been studied. Meanwhile, every material body is found in the state of complicated rotational movement around number of centers. The forces of rotational movement, directed from different centers, control the motion of the body and define its place in the world space. In this way we come to conclusion, that every celestial (and any material) body is in the focus of centrifugal forces (rotational movement forces) and under the influence of these forces it performs balanced motion over complicated path in the world space.
Is it necessary to talk about importance of rotational movement forces in aggregate in the whole hierarchically system of the World? Physicists have learned how to create conditions of incompatibility with the help of centrifuges in training simulator for cosmonauts. Methods applied there are kept in secret, but from whom? Everybody knows that state of zero gravity can be created only with the help of at least two of repulsive forces, affecting the body in different directions. What force can be used for that? Only the one of centrifuge. There is nothing to think about. Nothing else can be invented. There is nothing else in nature. But what is amazing is that why physicists, observing the creation of zero gravity with the help of 2-3 forces of centrifuge ( in other words, the state all material bodies are in) even do not make any efforts to explain physical role of the number of forces of centrifuge, which affect every celestial body in the Universe! What prevents the usage of forces of centrifuge for the explanation of the physical nature of the world’s interconnection of material bodies? Notorious gravity! It is the mirror reflection of reality has set in men’s mind and exists even after it became well-known that all matters in nature are under the rotational movement forces, in other words under repulsive forces. This force couldn’t be associated in the man’s consciousness with the force, which connects material matters in the system, which is with the force of contrary effect. The attention of researchers was concentrated on studying especially this force. A scientist excluded from the range of vision rotational movement force, existing of which was too obvious and perception of its role in global standard was of no interest.
The most amazing was that since immemorial time, when nothing was known about rotational movement of planets, the phenomenon was known, which man constantly faced, was falling of foreign matter on the Earth. The force falling is based on was considered as gravitation, and further it was perspective to confront it with rotational movement force (repulsive force). Gravitation abilities of the Earth seemed to be out of dispute.
Then this belief had spread out of the Earth bounds on other planets of the solar system and on celestial bodies of the whole World.
After putting away studies about rotational movement force, scientists turned to searching the opposite force, to its originating, as existing of gravity force was accepted without any proofs. However stored knowledge about celestial bodies and understanding of impossibility any gravity to possess such necessary qualities as remote effect, for example, had caused more doubts as for existing of such quality of a matter and demanded experimentation to check it. Such test G. Galilei had performed.
Observing the process of free fall of bodies from Pisania tower, he noticed something unexpected, which seemed to be unbelievable: objects of any weight had been falling on the ground in the same duration of time. The speeding of free fall didn’t depend on the weight. It was confirmed that pendulums made of light and heavy materials had the same swing amplitude. It was totally inexplicably, why massive bodies are attracted by the Earth in the same way as those of light material are? How to explain this gravitation? Probably there is no gravitation at all. G. Galilei wasn’t determined enough to state this and in contrast to gravity introduced the concept of inert mass, existing of which wasn’t proved by any researches.
E. Newton stated his lack of knowledge about the reason of gravity, though force of the World’s gravity in his law is nothing else but gravitation force. So it is obvious that fictitious force of unknown origin lays in the base of the Universe structure, and force of rotational movement, origin and effect of which is undoubted, is not related to it at all. In reality rotational movement force it is the unique, universal force of nature. The forces produced by general rotational movement lay in the base structure of the whole Universe and the material world, which is called world gravity. That’s why there is no necessity in senseless search of gravitons and other signs of gravitating ability of bodies.
Presenting evidence of gravity existing appeared to be much more difficult than to ensure its absence. The only evidence of it was experiments done by G. Kevendish, which were repeating by the number of followers. Although these experiments do not convince of the existence of gravitation. Special conditions of holding them proved that G. Kevendish had opened secondary forces, which were not related to gravity abilities of bodies.
Despite huge success of experimental physics, cosmonautics and other sciences, the research of the rotational movement role is still out of studying interest. The formed image of existing of four forces of nature – gravitation forces, forces of electromagnet origin, weak and strong interconnection in nuclear exclude the main force in Nature – rotational movement force. These forces neither in a whole, nor in separate can be assumed as basis of the material world. The forces of electromagnet effect neither can be applied for explanation of the structure of the Universe nor for understanding that occurs in the nuclear. The idea of gravitation as world gravity is full of contradictions in macro world and doesn’t extend to the microworlds. The nature of interconnection of elementary particles in the nuclear is unknown, although in the description of characteristics of behavior of rotational movement such principles as angular velocity and radius of rotational movement (in the form of movement quantity, M. Planyk) are used. The main characteristic of the behavior of the elementary particles - rotational movement force - is of no interest here again.
The descriptions of rotational movement on the level of elementary particles and Universe don’t seem to be confronted. During a year the Earth goes around the Sun only once, and elementary particle rotates at a speed that is found at the opposed points of the orbit. But the period of rotational movement of the Earth around the Sun also appears to be a blink in comparison with the period of its rotational movement (together with the whole solar system) around the center of the system of the next order – Galaxy (250 million years). Is it necessary to prove that the time of rotational movement of material body’s around the Metagalaxy, the Small galaxy and other world structures of higher form reaches tremendous figures, and angular velocity with increasing of the distance to the center of rotational movement aim to zero. The law of preserving quantity of movement represents mentioned above, which comes out of general rotational movement and underlies self organization of the Universe: with change of distance from the center of rotational movement in backwards proportion an angular velocity changes (the number of spins).
It is well-known that nature can not have strict perseverance of movement quantity, although this tendency take place on all levels of matter, and this is the main base of world systems’ rotational movement, their interconnection and mechanism of creation hierarchical structures.
All mentioned above deals with material bodies and their systems. But it just a part of what should be understood under the word “Material World”. Matter it’s a huge space which represents rarefied environment, in which separate solid formation, called material bodies are on the very far distance from each other in the state of constant rotational movement. According to laws of rotational movement they are joined in hierarchical systems. The quantity of solid matter is very small, judging at least by huge sizes of orbits, by huge space between material bodies on any level in comparison with sizes of their bodies.
There is different stating about Space as material environment. The space can be considered as rarified environment with special behavior of omni penetrating ability. However meanings of “rare” and “solid” are very relative. We call solid material what is felt firsthand or with the help of appliances. But if to consider that the distance between component parts of any solid formation is great, then meaning of “solid particle” loses it’s sense and an the image of omni penetrating ability of space as material environment becomes senseless.
Space it is the material environment which is everywhere. It exists in such terms as “ether”, “vacuum”, “emptiness”. These terms have their own different meaning. And word “emptiness” means “nothing”, but it can be this way in the nature, it was mentioned by Aristotle yet. Regardless to views about what is matter, there is one doubtless thing, that: all matter formation we see with the naked eye and those we reveal in the depth of macro world are found in universal rotational movement. In this way existing of solid structures of a matter is integral part of rotational movement. We can also confront it if we say that rotational movement determines appearing of what we call material bodies. Nevertheless they can not emerge from nothing. Solid material bodies originate from rare environment – space, in the result of universal rotational movement. All round effect of rotational forces not only directs the behavior of material bodies, but determines their place in the Universe, but also initiate their producing in the result of compression of separate parts of the Space. Are there any evidences of that? In the experimental physics on the elementary particle level there are phenomena, which could be considered as transition of one form into another. For instance, annihilation of pair of particles – electron-positron. During collision they turn into photon. Formation of photon with zero weight, and its further disappearing can be regarded as transition of molded matter in diffuse (invisible) one. Researches of interconversion process and producing of elementary particles in cyclotron may answer number of questions about transition of one matter into another. There is an opinion that experimental physics does not convert invisible matter into perceptible one, but only determines already existing elementary particles. It may be said in other way: experimental physics “determines” particles, while “creating” them. It seems to us that we approach to the border which is followed by “emptiness”, “ether”, “vacuum” with every opening of a new particle. This border “steps” backwards with every opening of a new particle. In reality, there is no any border: we discover that we “keep getting” from diffuse material environment by means of converting it in the compact form.