ALA RUSA MOUSS ILL Committee Meeting

Monday, January 12, 2004 8:30 – 11:15 a.m.

San Diego Convention Center, Room 25A

ALA Mid-Winter Conference 2004

I.  Called to order at 8.30 am by Anne Beaubien, Chair. Thirty-five in attendance.

Committee Members Attending (11)

Anne Beaubien, Chair, University of Michigan ()

Jennifer Cella, University of Miami ()

Ann Coder, Brookhaven College ()

Marilyn Grush, University of Delaware ()

Gary Ives, Texas A&M University ()

Karen Liston, Wayne State University ()

Robin Moskal, University of Maryland Baltimore Co. ()

Nada Vaughn, Vice-Chair, Washington University ()

Cherié Weible, Committee Intern, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ()

Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ()

Tanner Wray, University of Maryland ()

Committee Members Excused (2)

David Mark Zopfi-Jordan

Anthony Davis, Committee Intern, University of Michigan

Liaisons (6)

ACRL - Margaret Ellingson, Emory University ()

CISTI – Michael Ireland, CISTI ()

ARL – Mary E. Jackson ()

NLM – Summie Kim, NLM ()

NLM – Ken Niles, NLM ()

OCLC - Collette Mak, OCLC ()

Observers (18)

i.  Stephanie Atkins, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ()

ii. Susan Barnes, University of Washington ()

iii.  Larayne Dallas, University of Texas-Austin ()

iv.  Denise Forro, Michigan State University ()

v. Joanne Halgren, University of Oregon ()

vi.  Douglas Hasty, Florida International University ()

vii.  Mary Hollerich, Northwestern University Law Library ()

viii.  Geneva Holliday, University of North Carolina ()

ix.  Keiko Horton, University of Houston ()

x. Lars Leon, University of Kansas ()

xi.  Cyril Oberlander, Portland State University ()

xii.  Karen Oye, Case Western Reserve University (

xiii.  Charlotte Rubens, UC Berkeley ()

xiv.  Carole Smale, National Library of Canada ()

xv.  Suzanne Sweeney, Texas Women’s University ()

xvi.  Richard Uttich, City College of New York ()

xvii.  Kay Vyhnanek, Washington State University ()

xviii.  Mary Williamson, University of Wisconsin-WILS ()

a.  Beaubien welcomed everyone to the meeting. ILL Committee members and observers each introduced themselves and named the institution the represented.

b.  Weible had volunteered to take minutes prior to the meeting.

c.  Agenda reviewed. Wray/Grush moved to approve the agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

d.  Review of Minutes from Annual 2003

a.  Corrections

i.  Per Marilyn Grush, there was a spelling change to a name.

b.  Wray/Wiley moved minutes approved with corrections. The motion carried unanimously.

II.  Beaubien encouraged people to check the accuracy of their information on the RUSA webpage because it will go into the handbook.

III.  STARS Update and MOUSS Board Report

Hollerich announced that the MOUSS Board would be voting on the resource section that afternoon (January 12, 2004). The taskforce had received enough petitions to exceed the number needed for the proposed new section. The Executive Committee and officers for the new section will be elected at the ALA Annual Meeting in Orlando, 2004. Those wishing to be nominated and potentially elected must be present at the Annual Meeting during elections at the ILL-Discussion Group. Volunteers to help with elections should contact Hollerich, Beaubien or any STARS taskforce member. Hollerich distributed the implementation schedule through 2006 for the new section at the ILL-Discussion Group on Saturday, January 10, 2004. News from MOUSS: the proposal for the new section will be voted on and the reformulated MOUSS section will be renamed.

IV.  ILL Programs past and future

a.  Vaughn reported that the ILL Program at ALA Annual in Orlando will be held on Sunday, June 27, 2004, from 1:30 to 3:30. The program title is “License to Fill” and will focus on e-journals and licensing agreements. The program will feature different perspectives (librarians and vendors) and diversified

issues and opinions will be discussed. Vaughn distributed a program agenda. The keynote speaker will

be Ken Frazier, Dean, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Panelists include Janet Croft, University of

Oklahoma; Daviess Menefee, Elsevier; Tracy Armstrong, CCC; and Tom Sanville, Ohio Link.

b.  Wiley discussed the evaluation of the ILL Pre-conference that was held at ALA Annual 2003 in Toronto (Spreadsheets tabulating the evaluations were sent out prior to ALA). The conference had 58 participants and RUSA cleared over $6,000 from the Pre-Conference. A highlight of the participant evaluations showed that the pre-conference received a score of 2.9 out of 3 indicating that the program was valuable. A score of 2.7 out of 3 said the program should be repeated. Under the comments section, a large number of respondents said that the keynote speaker, Pat Weaver-Myers was “excellent.” On the downside, the lunch was poorly received and Wiley suggested that a boxed lunch be provided next time even though it increased the cost of the registration.

Future topics for ILL conferences were suggested by participants through the evaluations: ILL professional development, ILL workflow, licensing issues, staffing and personnel issues, NISO/NCIP, end-user delivery, standards, and public vs. academic issues.

Beaubien thanked Wiley for making the first ILL Pre-Conference happen and announced that co-chairs for the 2005 Pre-Conference were Ellingson and Liston.

c.  Ellingson and Liston reported that planning for the next ILL Pre-Conference would take place over the next 18 months. The general theme at this point is “Sailing Into ILL Issues” and will be held at the ALA Annual Conference in 2005 at Chicago. Discussion continued about possible topics to include in the next ILL Pre-Conference. Wiley advised that the planning committee should work closely with RUSA about infrastructure issues and Hollerich volunteered to help with the local (Chicago) arrangements as needed.

d.  There will be no ILL program for the ALA Annual Conference in 2005 at Chicago since the committee is going to focus its energies on a successful ILL Pre-Conference.

V.  ILL Social Events

a.  ILL dinner Friday night in Orlando – Hasty and Cella volunteered to help organize and advertise the event since they are located in Florida.

b.  EPCOT Center visit – Hasty passed around a sign up sheet for those interested. The tentative date for the visit will be Tuesday, June 29, 2004. The idea is for ILL practitioners to spend the day together at EPCOT along with family and friends.

VI.  Licensing

Wiley led a discussion about e-journal licensing. The conversation focused on the following topics: libraries should locally work with organizations and publishers, a survey of the CIC institutions should be done to determine what is being done with licensing issues, and problems of ILL clauses in licenses. Some institutions have internal lists and contacts, but there is no way to effectively integrate this into the workflow. The liblicense-l list was mentioned along with the link to the ILL project. This is a database where publishers can input their own restrictions on ILL transactions, but although publishers were asked to populate the database, the issue is that local clauses may differ.

ILL project committee members are looking to the ILL committee about issues with electronic delivery and misconceptions between publishers and libraries and the need for clarification.

Discussion continued about whether libraries had implemented TDNET or Serials Solutions. Ives, Ellingson, and Williamson indicated that it was time consuming to create a local database and that Serials Solutions did not have a place to add the licensing information. Holliday offered that her institution had a self-made spreadsheet. Liston asked whether there was a risk in pointing out the idea of “restrictions” to the smaller publishers and wondered if libraries’ inability to keep up with current lists was adding to our liability. Oberlander pointed out that having holding statements in OCLC would be useful and that vendors should be working on our behalf to provide better ways to deal with the licensing needs.

Wiley mentioned that some licenses included non-disclosure clauses and Wray said that Wisconsin was an “open records” state. They are negotiating title by title and are having difficulty with the smaller publishers that don’t understand the “landscape.”

Beaubien suggested that a working group be formed and this group could feed suggestions and strategies into the next ILL program, the ILL discussion group, and the STARS licensing committee. Volunteers to be on the group were: Lynn Wiley, Nada Vaughn, Tanner Wray, Denise Forro, Susan Barnes, Geneva Holliday, and Kay Vyhnanek (chair).

VII.  Working Groups

a.  Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States Explanatory Supplement (This section of the Code was sent out prior to ALA).

i.  Integration of the “Interlibrary Loan Packaging and Wrapping Guidelines” (replacement text for 4.13 and 5.7) was voted on and unanimously passed.

ii. The drafted guidelines (Beaubien and Liston) for billing (addition to 4.9) was discussed. The discussion was tabled in the interest of time and Margaret Ellingson, Tanner Wray, Marilyn Grush, Kay Vyhnanek, and Anthony Davis will work on clear language for text for billing issues for the summer conference.

b.  UCITA (Report forwarded separately prior to ALA)

Uttich reported that there was no support for UCITA and it will not be introduced and promoted for ratification. The UCITA act is dead, although Uttich warned that pieces of it may appear again in legislation. There was a proposal to exclude information as “goods” in the code and ALA is lobbying against that change. “The committee recommends that it should be disbanded and that further issues related to UCITA, the UCC, licensing, etc. be taken up by the appropriate committees of the new section.” (STARS). Beaubien thanked Uttich and his working group.

c.  ALA Library has a fact sheet on ILL

Liston and Hollerich volunteered to review the fact sheet and recommend changes as needed.

d.  NCIP Maintenance Agency

We discussed the possibility of a joint committee of the ILL Committee and LAMA-SASS for a maintenance agency for NCIP. This function was assigned this to the Colorado State Library.

VIII.  Reports from groups

a.  ILL Discussion Group

Grush (reported for Truesdell) there were approximately 80 people in attendance of the ILL Discussion Group held on Saturday, January 10, 2004. Mary Jackson presented on the ARL study and Cyril Oberlander presented on direct end-user delivery. Discussion followed and attendees broke out into two groups to delve into the issues further.

b.  ACRL Copyright Committee

Ellingson passed out postcards advertising Cary Russell’s new book about copyright. She announced that OITP will be sponsoring a program about the statute base approach to copyright for the digital world. Legal council is anticipating more legislation dealing with anti-piracy (Verison v. RIAA was given as an example. This case deals with file sharing violations). In 2004 the copyright agenda document (HR 107) will bring 3 key changes to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. The changes affirm fair use in digital formats.

Also in 2004, HR 3261 addresses database collections information. The bill allows “facts” to be copyrighted and ALA is fighting to stop this. Ellingson urged people to visit the ALA website at: to find out who their representatives on this Congressional Committee so that letters can be written. This bill will limit access to information and hamper consumers and educators’ abilities to do their jobs. There is also a push to get this accepted in European Laws.

Ellingson noted that her term as liason will soon expire.

c.  AALL Report

Merle Slyhoff was absent and sent a report before ALA. The group is continuing to explore EDD options and they are updating a list of Law Library Suppliers.

IX.  Announcements

a.  Virginia Boucher OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award 2004

Oye announced that the due date for nominations had been extended to February 4, 2004. She strongly encouraged people to nominate those had the qualities of “Achievement, Leadership, or Contribution” to the ILL profession. Oye reminded people that a $2,000 stipend was sponsored by OCLC and a citation was also given. This will be the fifth award given out and it is a way to raise awareness of what ILL Librarians do.

b.  General

i.  Ellingson (ILL representative to the RBMS Committee) announced that guidelines will go out for general review and comment. There will be a link to this on the ILL Section web page and announcements will go out on the listserv. Comments are needed and appreciated.

ii. The ALA web form needs approval.

  1. Ives brought attention to the fact that the Committee needs to get the current version of the “fax guidelines” posted to the web. The workgroup has completed its work with the revisions. Ives would like to thank the members of subcommittee, listed below, for all their hard work. Special thanks go to Margaret Ellingson for leading the way to recasting the guidelines as revisions to the Supplementary Material to the ILL Code, and also to Lynn Wiley for her leadership throughout the
    process and for sponsoring our several conference calls.

iv.  The General Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. and after a short break the meeting was resumed in “Executive Session” for ILL Committee Members only to discuss a nomination.

X.  ILFA Nomination

The ILL Committee went into “Executive Session” at 10:50 a.m. Joan Stein was nominated to be on the IFLA Committee on Document Delivery and Interlending and her name will be forwarded to RUSA as the ILL Committee’s recommendation.

XI. The Executive Session of the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.