Reference Librarian’s Co-operative Meeting Richmond Library 13th August 2007

Present:Mia Mikin ( Yarra Libraries ) Michelle McLean (Casey Cardinia) Sarah Hopkins (Bayside) Paul Burden, Roisin Jacobs (ERL), Glenda Daff (Frankston) Julie Rae(CHRLC) Jodie Flood Allison Daams ( MVRL) Jordana Lory ( Goldfields Library) Rosemary Abbey(West Gippsland)

Elisabeth (Boroondara Library) ,Debra Hutchinson(City of Greater Dandenong)

Meredith Coffey (Monash Public Library Service) Janine Smith (Moreland City Libraries) Narelle Seymour (Glen Eira Library Service ) Mike Todd (Port Phillip) Jane McDougall ( Brimbank), Wendy Murray (Hume), Ros Colwel (Melton), Anne Land Stephanie Wilson ( Mornington Peninsula Libraries), Victoria Matthews (Vision Australia) Melissa Gilmour ( Yarra Libraries ) Llyod Brady (Maribyrnong Library Service), Pat Miller (Melbourne Library Service)

Minutes of previous meeting; Moved Allison Daams, accepted Mia Mikin

Julie Rae – presentation about ERA (Electronic Resources Australia)

Julie spoke about ERA stating that ERA is in effect BRUCE. It came out of a Senate enquiry from a proposal by the National Library to co-ordinate the buying of databases. Pricing is based on a capacity to pay; it took a number of years to plan this and the opt in and opt out model was adopted. A tender went out and it was priced in library lots – TAFE , Public Libraries and Academic Libraries, and with Public Libraries specifically pricing depends on how many libraries take up the offer.1-50 and 51 to 100 Eventually all of BRUCE will move to ERA. The Gulliver core for the 45 libraries was added to ERA – but we had to vote on OUP in ERA.

Public Libraries are able to sell Health and Wellness for $500 per library to special libraries who want it. e.g. can sell to Ballarat hospital library.

Once we get over 250 special libraries – then half the monies go to ERA and half goes to Thomson Gale.

ERA has now closed for this financial year – there were 1,700 expressions of interest. You can still subscribe – and it will be pro rata basis.

In March 2008 – the databases will be on offer again. All public Libraries need to be on the ERA List Serve – you will also need a password to access the pricing on the ERA website.


  • There are a few problems with Global Books in Print – Lloyd is dealing with GBIP.
  • Julie asked if libraries would dothe databases evaluationsinstead of the Steering Committee as it’s a lot of work for the Committee, who then find that Libraries are doing their own anyway. After some discussion it was felt that it was still useful for the Steering Committee to do this.
  • Julie asked for expressions of interest for the Steering Committee – Julie is stepping down in her role as chairperson. There are nomination forms available.
  • A reminder about the Gulliver Forum at South Yarra Library on the 21st August to focus on promotion of databases. Jane McDougall and Glenn Harper are amongst the speakers.
  • Federated Searching – Library link Victoria – 33 Libraries have now signed.
  • Pricing for LinksPlus is coming –

Reports – Gulliver

The 2008 Forum is booked in for 31st January and 1st February.

Ebsco Admin for statistics (need to set up stats for remote usage) The default is a combination of figures and if you want to separate them – you need to go into the Admin site and set this up.

ANZ Reference Centre has listed The Australian under “The” –

In the training they need to set up screens and tell us what we can turn on and off.

Library Reports


Spydus upgrade to Version 8 went smoothly. There are currently vacancies for a Children’s & Youth Services Librarian and a Reference Librarian plus a general position.

Melbourne Library Service

The City of Melbourne has axed 95 jobs from Council but has lifted the ban on hiring for 3 key library positions. They are still struggling to get vendors to recognize the difference between Melbourne and Yarra. They are providing one on one training for staff training on databases to help staff become familiar with the new Gulliver core.


Have slashed spending on Print and increased the online materials –such as Facts on File.

Casey –Cardina They are closing the Endevour Hills for a week for renovations. They are adding gaming consoles (3 X-Box and 2 Play stations) for this branch.

The new LMS has settled down with bandwidth issues now resolved. Paul has left – so are looking for a new Information Services manager.

Eastern Regional

Reservation Fees going up after October.

Greater Dandenong

Part of Swift – no intention of ditching reservation fees.


My Tutor now available via the website to library members between 4 – 8 Monday – Friday.

Central Highlands

Training for public on E-Bay. Looking at outsourcing Technical Services – Looking at profile buying. Got rid of reservation fees 12 months ago; although ILL fees were increased.


Information forums for the public showing off all the electronic resources; especially Ancestry and Times digital Archive.

Sam Merrifield is getting new carpet. Cutting back on Print reference and spending more $$ on databases.

Central Goldfields

Have introduced Pharos for online PC bookings

West Gippsland

Grappling with Swift & rolling out iBistro


Clayton development is moving. PC reservations – users can make their own bookings.


Replaced half of their shelving – upgraded to Spydus 8. Also have been training staff and public on Web 2.0

Glen Eira

Training presentations from Gale and Ebsco databases – then training to all staff- hands on for every staff member.

Port Phillip

Training is running a little behind – it’s got to be hands on – have been few numbers – but training has happened for ABS , Global & Gale. Pressure to do one on one training – but hard to get time off desk- so need to run group sessions.

Poetry Idol is happening in the library – 5 very successful sessions have been run.


Have had Pharos for almost 2 years – has been great – there are coin machines in all branches via the Pharos card – so no staff member handles money. Increase in the monies received from printing. Had to tighten up on security on cards.

Now have 60 titles from gale reference – good usage stats on these.

Sydenham branch has settled down well with one Librarian and one IT person manning the desk. Have now loaded MYOB onto PC’s at Sydenham (training version)

Refurbishing many of it’s branches. RFID coming to Sunshine.

Have started conversation clubs for seniors – and they are going well (these include board games and literary conversations)


Writers festival to be held in September. Pc Booking system is working well Reservation fee 50 cents for concession card holders and $1 for others.
Have increased electronic reference resources.

New branch library at Rosebud...


Sunbury has started Senior Morning Teas & have a very large turnout. All of the speakers are voluntary.

There has been an amicable divorce between Hume and Melton now that the LMS has been separated.

Will be rolling out RFID – hope it will be up and running before Xmas.

Craigieburn has almost doubled it’s floor size and re-opened.


Caroline Springs Branch opening in December. Have a writer’s group operating.


They have extended homework help and have real tutors on hand. There is a savvy seniors group.

Have got rid of reservations fees.

RFID coming soon.

Offer Internet classes – blogging workshops also.


Is part of SWIFT and going live in late December. Like Melbourne – there are still difficulties with suppliers recognizing the difference between Melbourne and Yarra. Recently had a Thomson Gale presentation to Library staff which some council staff also attended. Some staff also attended ABS training.

Council is planning to replace the North Fitzroy Library with bigger premises when it finds a suitable location.


Upskilling of staff with Gulliver suite. New national manager will be appointed soon.

Please note - ABS Census Training.

ABS are happy to provide training to Public Libraries , however they need a minimum of 30 people.

Proposals for topics in 2008

Do we want to run some extra curricular sessions – so that the group can go more in depth into some issues?

Bring along possible ideas for discussion for 2008

Perhaps an information session on Law?

Note – the Austlii site is no longer being funded to the same level – so if you can’t find what you want there – then an alternative site is the Attorney General’s site.

Next meeting State Library of VictoriaMonday November 12th .