Fall 2008

Monday and Wednesday, 3:00 pm – 4:50pm, FredrickC.CrawfordBuilding 112

Friday, 3:00 pm – 4:50pm, Olin Engineering Complex 228 and 229

Course Website:

Daniel R. Kirk


Phone: (321) 674-7622

Office: OlinEngineeringCenter 215

Office Hours: Tuesday 1-4 pm and Wednesday 10-12 pm


Design of an aircraft, spacecraft or component to meet desired needs. Students are given a simulated request for proposals including a measure of merit and a set of specifications that a satisfactory design must meet. Teams work under faculty supervision to develop a design to best meet these requirements. Students present their designs in written reports at the end of each semester. Lectures, readings and group discussions introduce some of the ethical and legal issues that engineers must face.


The course will rely heavily on class notes as well as supplemental references.

  1. Ertas, A., and J.C. Jones, The Engineering Design Process, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
  2. Dieter, G.E., Engineering Design: A Materials and Processing Approach, McGraw-Hill, 1991.
  3. Raymer, D.P., Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Design, AIAA Education Series, 1989.
  4. Dixon, J.R., and C. Poli, Engineering Design and Design for Manufacturing, Field Stone Publishers, 1995.


  1. Oral Project Updates (2): 20%, 10% each
  2. Final Oral Presentation (1): 20%
  3. Final Written Report (1): 50%
  4. Individual Participation and Attendance: 20%


  1. The grade weightings are approximate, and they can be varied for individuals and/or team, but only if it is in your favor.
  2. Both individual and group efforts will both be evaluated.
  3. Part of your grades will be determined by your teammate’s assessment of your participation; you will help grade your teammates.
  4. The syllabus is highly flexible andcan be modified as necessary.
  5. Consult the Student Handbook and Plagiarism Policy for any questions regarding academic conduct and integrity.



Lecture / Date / Topics
M / W
1 / 8/18 / Course Introduction
2 / 8/20 / Project Review and Updates
3 / 8/25 / Safety Lecture: Mr. Greg Peebles
4 / 8/27 / College of Engineering Senior Design Overview: Stephanie Hopper
9/1 / No Class: Labor Day
5 / 9/3 / Project Planning 1
6 / 9/8
7 / 9/10
8 / 9/15 / Oral Project Updates
9 / 9/17 / Oral Project Updates
10 / 9/22 / Modeling 1
11 / 9/24 / Modeling 2
12 / 9/29 / Simulation 1
13 / 10/1 / Simulation 2
14 / 10/6 / Materials Selection 1
15 / 10/8 / Materials Selection 2
10/13 / No Class: Columbus Day
16 / 10/15 / College of Engineering Senior Design Update: Stephanie Hopper
17 / 10/20 / Ethics in Engineering and Design 1
18 / 10/22 / Ethics in Engineering and Design 2
19 / 10/27 / Budgeting 1
20 / 10/29 / Budgeting 2
21 / 11/3 / Oral Project Updates
22 / 11/5 / Oral Project Updates
23 / 11/10 / Design for Manufacturing 1
24 / 11/12 / Design for Manufacturing 2
25 / 11/17 / Project Planning 2
26 / 11/19
17 / 11/24
11/26 / No Class: Thanksgiving
27 / 12/1 / Final Presentations
28 / 12/3 / Final Presentations