Cornwall /



Ref No / AP/E/630/1
Title / ELFORD Philemon, St Dennis, yeoman
Date of probate/grant* / 25 Nov 1717
Description / Document type: Declaration of a renunciation
Date of document: 21 Nov 1717
Rose Elford, widow and executrix of Philemon Elford, states that ‘I … am incapable of taking upon me the said admcon [administration] …especially by reason of my age and infirmity and also for diverse other good causes and consideracons’. She renounces all her right in the administration and desires that it be granted to her son John Elford instead.
Signature /mark of: Sign of Rose Elford
Witnesses: Signature of John Thomas
Sign of Junefer [Jennifer] Giles
Ref No / AP/E/630/2
Title / ELFORD Philemon, St Dennis, yeoman
Date of
grant* / 25 Nov 1717
Description / Administration bond
Administrator: John Elford, St Dennis, yeoman, son of deceased
Bondsmen: John Elford of Withiel, yeoman
Walter Sweete of St Neot
Value: £300
Conditions: John Elford to prepare an inventory by 28 February 1718 and to present an account by the same date.
Signatures/marks of: Signatures of John Elford,
John Elford,
Wm [William] Sweete
Witnesses: P[?] Medland
Date of grant of administration: 25 Nov 1717
Note: Printed form
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.
Ref No / AP/E/630/3
Title / ELFORD Philemon, St Dennis, yeoman
Date of probate or grant* / 25 Nov 1717
Description / Appraisers: Richard Hawkey and Stephen Hore
Date of inventory: 28 Oct 1717
li s d
Imp[rimi]s his purse and wearing Apparell 2---0 -- 0
Itt’ Two oxen four Milch Cowes and a bull 16 --0 -- 0
Itt’ three Labour horses and two Colts 9 --0 -- 0
Itt’ two Cowes three calfs and ten little Bullocks 16 --0 -- 0
Itt’ Corn in the Mowhay and hay in the Mowhay 13 --0 --- 0
Itt’ forty sheep and four little pigs 8---0 --- 0
Itt’ furze and Turfs 0---15 --0
Itt’ five beds and the furniture belonging to them 8-- 0 --- 0
Itt’ a Trunk and a Cobbert and other Tymber stuf in the Chambers 0 --7 ---6
Itt’ Wooll packs and sacks 0 --7 ---6
Itt’ two table boards frame and forms 0 --10 --0
Itt’ four brass pans and three old brass potts 2-- 15 --0
Itt’ one Iron kettle one Iron pott and [?] a Skillet 0-- 7 -- 0
Itt’ ten pewter dishes Eleven pewter plates two flaggons and other
pewter goads 1-- 5 --- 0
Itt’ two little barrels two Tubbs a drey and a bucket 0-- 5 --- 0
Itt’ a basket and Tymber dishes and plates and Cloame
and lumber goods about ye house 0-- 7 ---0
Itt’ a plow and a yoke two harroes and the Iron worke belonging
to the same 1-- 6 ---0
Itt’ three laders and dung potts and two deal boards 0--10---0
Itt’ two pack sadles truss ropes and tresses bedexes peck and
shovel 0-- 10---0
Itt’ Six geese and other pultrey 0-- 5 ---0
Itt old barn-boards and winding sheet and seafes [sieves] 0-- 2 ---6
Itt’ two brandes and a girdle a frying-pan and a pring [prong] 0-- 2 ---0
Itt’ wheat in the ground 1-- 0 ---0
Itt’ Right in the Stamping Mill and other goods not seen and not
before appraised 0--10---0
in all 83--4 ---6
Signature of Richard Hawkey
Sign of Stephen Hore
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.

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