April 27, 2009– 7:00 P.M.

Union County Career and Technology Center


Dr. Wanda All, Chair; Mr. Manning Jeter, Vice Chair; Ms. Kim Bailey, Ms. Jane Hammett, Ms. Donna Sanders, Mr. John Rampey, Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris, Ms. Kakie White and Mr. Jantzen Childers

Call to Order:

Dr. Wanda All, Board Chair, called the meeting to order.

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:

The invocation was given by Dr. Wanda All who also led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Notice to Media:

In accordance with the S.C. Code of Laws, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Union Daily Times, WBCU Radio Station and The Spartanburg Herald-Journal.

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Manning Jeter made a motion to approve the minutes of the 13 April 2009 Board meeting. Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris seconded the motion. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.


Dr. Eubanks provided an article from The State newspaper titled When is failure not failure? When the task isn’t humanly possible. The article, written by Associate Editor, Cindi Ross Scoppe, states that the federal No Child Left Behind law requires that 100 percent of students in public schools meet the “proficient” standard in grade-level reading and math by 2014. If even one student fails the tests in 2014, the school will not meet adequate yearly progress. Ms. Scoppe suggests repealing the No Child Left Behind Act.

Dr. Eubanks provided a copy of an email from Len Richardson, Director of Finance at the South Carolina Department of Education, which states that the Senate Finance Committee finished budget deliberations on 4/16/09. The highlights include General Fund, EIA, and lottery budget amounts. The highlights are as follows:

General Fund

·  The EFA recurring line was reduced by $85 million. ARRA Stabilization funds of $185 million were used to fund a projected BSC at $2,334. Without the stabilization funds, the BSC is projected to be $2,034.

·  The SMSS was frozen at the 2008-2009 level. Teachers will still receive step and certificate increases.

·  Transportation/Bus shops increased by $17.5 million using recurring funds.

·  CDEPP funded at $19.7 million using recurring funds.

·  Assessment increased by $4.5 million using recurring funds.

·  NBC increased by $13.4 million using recurring funds.


·  17 EIA subfunds have been consolidated into 4 subfunds. New revenue codes have been assigned and will be published in the Financial Newsletter to be published on 4/22/09.

·  The EIA has been reduced by and additional $22.75 million after the latest round of cuts.


·  K-5 Enhancement funded at FY 2009 levels.

·  6-8 Enhancement funded at FY 2009 levels.

Dr. Eubanks requested that the Board view the new track lighting after the meeting.


Mr. Lynn Lawson had a preliminary discussion of the 2009-2010 budget. Mr. Lawson informed the Board that spending will have to be reduced by $3.8 million to balance the projected 2009-2010 budget. Mr. Lawson also informed the Board that ongoing cuts in revenues for fiscal 2009-2010 are projected to total $27,008,791 based on the Education Finance Act program not receiving $185 million in federal stimulus funds. Without the stimulus funds, the district’s EFA funding for 2009-2010 would be $2,034 per pupil and with the stimulus funds, the districts EFA funding would be $2,334 per pupil. Mr. Lawson stated that staff has identified over $1 million in reductions in non-payroll expenditures.

Mr. Lawson introduced Mr. Walter Kellogg, Executive Director of Carolina Community Actions (CCA). Mr. Kellogg informed the Board that CCA is interested in leasing Jonesville Elementary School after the students, teachers and staff transfer to the new Jonesville Elementary/Middle K-8 School. Mr. Kellogg stated that with the Boards approval to lease Jonesville Elementary, the Headstart program could be expanded to provide additional services for more children. Headstart program director, Linne Miller informed the Board that if the request to lease Jonesville Elementary School were approved, the Headstart program would employ additional 14 staff members, and provide students with breakfast, lunch and a snack. Medical and dental care would also be provided. The Headstart program currently serves 114 children at the Carlsan facility and 40 students through Jonesville Elementary. A motion to authorize the district administration to negotiate an agreement allowing Carolina Community Actions to lease Jonesville Elementary for use by the Headstart program was made by Mr. Manning Jeter, seconded by Mr. Jantzen Childers. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.


Ms. Langley provided the strategic plan update from the five-year school renewal plan. The renewal plan provided performance goals and action plans for student achievement, teacher/administrator quality and school climate.

Ms. Dale Goff provided Comparative Results from Reading Recovery Small Literacy Groups and SRA instruction.

Ms. Goff provided the 08-09 Fall and Spring District Benchmark results.


Mr. Lewis Jeter presented policies ADC, Tobacco-Free Schools, JFAB, Non-resident Students, JICDA-R, Code of Conduct and JICJ, Use of Communication Devices in School for second reading and approval. A motion to approve policy ADC was made by Ms. Donna Sanders, seconded by Ms. Kim Bailey. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. A motion to approve policy JFAB was made by Mr. Manning Jeter, seconded by Mr. Jantzen Childers. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. A motion to approve administrative rule JICDA-R was made by Mr. Jantzen Childers, seconded by Ms. Donna Sanders. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. A motion to approve policy JICJ was made by Mr. Jantzen Childers, seconded by Mr. John Rampey. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.

Mr. Lewis Jeter presented the April 27, 2009 Personnel Report to the Board for action.

A motion to approve new hires was made by Ms. Donna Sanders, seconded by Mr. Jantzen Childers. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion.

The Personnel Report read as follows for the recommended new hires:


Blanch Carter Custodian JES

Susan Rector School Nurse EMS

William Roy Briggs Custodian EMS

Executive Session

Mr. John Rampey made the motion to convene into executive session to discuss personnel and contractual matters. The motion was seconded by Ms. Jane Hammett. The vote was (9-0) in favor of the motion. The Board convened into executive session at 8:45 p.m.

Open Session

The Board reconvened into open session at 9:10 p.m. Dr. All stated that no votes were taken during executive session.


A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. John Rampey seconded by Ms. Betty JoAnn McMorris. The vote was unanimous. The Board adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Recorded by

Tina Clayton