U. S. History Spring Exam Review



Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / Neutrality Proclamation
b. / Jay’s Treaty
c. / Kentucky and Virginia resolutions
d. / Whiskey Rebellion
e. / Judiciary Act

____1.claimed that states can judge whether a law is constitutional

____2.called for Britain to pay damages for seized American ships

____3.called for one Chief Justice and five Associate Justices on the Supreme Court

____4.declared that the United States would not support either side in the war in Europe

____5.called for a protest against taxes by backcountry farmers


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / Battle of Shiloh
b. / Battle of Chancellorsville
c. / Battle of Fredericksburg

____6.General Jackson’s last battle

____7.one of the bloodiest Civil War battles

____8.one of the worst defeats for the Union


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / Battle of Lake Erie
b. / Battle of New Orleans
c. / Battle of Tippecanoe
d. / Marbury v. Madison

____9.conflict fought after the War of 1812 ended

____10.conflict that white settlers celebrated as a major victory

____11.conflict that resulted in victory despite poor preparation

____12.conflict that resulted in establishing judicial review


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / fugitive
b. / martyr
c. / Border Ruffian

____13.runaway person

____14.one who sacrifices his or her own life for beliefs

____15.proslavery person who rode from Missouri to Kansas to battle antislavery forces


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / capitalist
b. / Lowell girl
c. / creole

____16.someone born in Latin America to Spanish parents

____17.someone who worked in the mills and returned home to marry

____18.someone who invests to make a profit


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / Nonintercourse Act
b. / Pinckney Treaty
c. / Treaty of Greenville
d. / Treaty of Ghent

____19.allowed shipment of American goods on the Mississippi

____20.allowed all trade except with Britain and France

____21.allowed Americans’ land claims in part of present-day Ohio

____22.allowed restoration of pre–War of 1812 conditions


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / suffrage
b. / nullification
c. / spoils system
d. / majority
e. / kitchen cabinet

____23.practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs

____24.number equal to more than one-half

____25.act of canceling a law

____26.right to vote

____27.group of unofficial presidential advisers


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / neutrality
b. / frigate
c. / faction
d. / national debt
e. / Cabinet

____28.party or group that is split because of differences

____29.ship that sails fast and has many guns

____30.group of department leaders who serve the President

____31.decision not to take sides in a war

____32.total amount of money that a government owes to others


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / trade union
b. / artisan
c. / nativist

____33.group that wanted laws to limit immigration

____34.organization of workers

____35.skilled worker


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / amnesty
b. / black code
c. / poll tax
d. / segregation

____36.law severely limiting rights of freedmen

____37.Legal separation of races

____38.government pardon

____39.fee paid to vote


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / depression
b. / mudslinging
c. / nominating convention
d. / caucus

____40.use of insults to attack an opponent’s reputation

____41.private meeting during which powerful party members pick candidates

____42.meeting of delegates from all states to choose a party’s candidates

____43.period of declining business profits and lost jobs


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / refuge
b. / rendezvous
c. / siege

____44.attack in which enemy forces surround and try to capture a city or fort

____45.place where one is safe from persecution

____46.place where people meet


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / freedman
b. / carpetbagger
c. / sharecropper
d. / scalawag

____47.term for a white southern Republican

____48.person who rented and farmed a piece of land

____49.former slave

____50.term for northerner who went to the South after the Civil War

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


____51.Which of the following is an example of popular sovereignty?

a. / In 1836, Arkansas becomes a slave state because it is south of Missouri.
b. / In 1849, California voters approve a state constitution that bans slavery.
c. / In 1837, Michigan becomes a free state because it is north of Missouri.

____52.Which of the following was a reason why President Monroe announced the Monroe Doctrine?

a. / to protect Latin American republics from European attack
b. / to provoke a war with Great Britain
c. / to gain possession of Florida

____53.Which action BEST reflects Jefferson’s determination to reduce the size and power of the federal government?

a. / He cut the federal budget.
b. / He continued to pay state debts from federal funds.
c. / He allowed many Federalists to keep their government jobs.

____54.What effect did Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 have on national unity?

a. / It healed the nation’s political divisions.
b. / Several southern states seceded in protest.
c. / It caused the South to declare war on the North.

____55.What did the Amnesty Act do?

a. / It restored southern states to the Union.
b. / It gave African Americans the right to a fair trial.
c. / It allowed southern African Americans to vote.
d. / It restored the vote to most white southerners.

____56.Who would have said that railroad competition would cause them to lose money?

a. / telegraph investors / c. / factory owners
b. / canal investors

____57.How did African Americans in the Union Army contribute to the war effort?

a. / They served only as laborers throughout the war.
b. / They fought alongside white soldiers from the beginning.
c. / They fought in major battles by 1863.

____58.Henry Clay’s American System failed because

a. / the Supreme Court ruled that the American System was unconstitutional.
b. / Congress would not fund new roads, bridges, and canals.
c. / Congress lowered tariffs.

____59.What did temperance groups view as the most serious social problem of the 1800s?

a. / shortage of mental hospitals / c. / alcohol abuse
b. / overcrowded schools

____60.Which statement describes the experiences of free African Americans in the South?

a. / They encouraged slaves to rebel.
b. / States limited their rights.
c. / Slave owners forced them to move to other states.

____61.Which of the following was a characteristic of the new politics reflected in the campaign of 1840?

a. / Both parties competed for voters by holding rallies.
b. / Both parties cooperated in the interest of national unity.
c. / Candidates focused on their war records to appeal to voters.

____62.Which statement BEST illustrates the South’s dependence on the North?

a. / Northerners bought manufactured goods from southern factories.
b. / Northern manufacturers borrowed money from southern banks to buy raw materials.
c. / Southern planters borrowed money from northern banks to buy farm tools.

____63.Which group would have benefited MOST from Thomas Gallaudet’s reform efforts?

a. / the mentally ill / c. / debtors
b. / people with disabilities

____64.What new political party of the 1830s attracted former supporters of John Quincy Adams?

a. / Republicans / c. / Whigs
b. / Democrats

____65.Why did President Jackson believe that the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional?

a. / He thought that states should charter banks.
b. / He thought that the Bank sacrificed the needs of the wealthy.
c. / He believed that pet banks had too much power.

____66.What victory did organized factory workers gain in 1842?

a. / higher wages / c. / training programs
b. / right to strike

____67.Which of the following summarizes army life during the Civil War?

a. / Combat was deadly, but infection and disease were greater threats.
b. / Combat technology had improved, but casualties were uncommon.
c. / Weapons and ammunition were primitive, and casualties were rare.
d. / Combat was deadly, but medical facilities and treatment were advanced.

____68.Which of the following statements about water transportation is TRUE?

a. / Steamboats allowed farmers to ship goods more quickly and cheaply.
b. / It was too expensive for merchants to ship goods by steamboat.
c. / Steamboats experienced few operational problems.

____69.What was a central influence on the styles of American painters before 1800?

a. / the abolition of slavery / c. / European painting traditions
b. / frontier life

____70.Which of the following did BOTH the South and the North experience during the Civil War?

a. / inflation / c. / economic ruin
b. / increased industrial production

____71.How was Texas admitted to the Union?

a. / Sam Houston forced Mexico to give Texas to the United States.
b. / Congress passed a joint resolution accepting the annexation treaty.
c. / Mexico sold Texas to the United States.

____72.At what battle did Texans defeat Santa Anna and win independence?

a. / the Alamo / c. / Gonzales
b. / San Jacinto

____73.Which of the following is an example of judicial review?

a. / The Supreme Court rules that a new law violates the Constitution.
b. / Congress votes to approve a Supreme Court appointment.
c. / A newspaper editorial criticizes a Supreme Court decision.

____74.How did the work of Civil War nurses change employment opportunities for women in American society?

a. / The outstanding performance of nurses earned praise, but nursing careers remained closed to women.
b. / Women who wished to become doctors no longer faced discrimination.
c. / The outstanding performance of nurses opened up new employment opportunities for women.

____75.Which of the following individuals served as a Confederate nurse during the Civil War?

a. / Clara Barton / c. / Dorothea Dix
b. / Sally Tompkins

____76.Which statement BEST describes a major result of the Whiskey Rebellion?

a. / The new government halted the production of whiskey.
b. / The new government proved too weak to respond in times of crisis.
c. / People realized that the new government would not tolerate violent protests.

____77.Which generalization can be made about the rise of Latin American nations?

a. / Spanish colonies generally had to win independence through revolution.
b. / Spain gradually gave up control of its Latin American colonies.
c. / Under Spanish rule, Native Americans generally had equal rights and opportunities.

____78.How did the United States and Britain settle their dispute over Oregon?

a. / The United States and Britain agreed to divide the land.
b. / The United States seized the land with military force.
c. / The United States bought the territory from Britain.

____79.How did the Civil War begin?

a. / Confederate troops attacked federal forts off the coast of Florida.
b. / Federal troops attacked Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
c. / Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

____80.Which of the following statements describes the Industrial Revolution?

a. / It depended largely on the development of the factory system.
b. / It occurred because of years of planning in the United States in the mid-1700s.
c. / It took place mostly in rural areas among farmers.

____81.Which American leader believed that the violence of the French Revolution was justified?

a. / Thomas Jefferson / c. / John Adams
b. / Alexander Hamilton

____82.Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

a. / a map showing a route to the Pacific Ocean
b. / increased knowledge about plant and animal life in the West
c. / immediate settlement of western lands by pioneers

____83.How did southern Conservatives resist Reconstruction?

a. / They resorted to violence against African Americans and white Republicans.
b. / They closed the recently opened public schools.
c. / They stopped producing agricultural goods for the North.
d. / They tried to secede from the Union again.

____84.Which of the following statements is TRUE of Reconstruction governments?

a. / Corruption among state officials was rare during Reconstruction.
b. / Reconstruction governments neglected the education of white children.
c. / Reconstruction governments lowered state taxes.
d. / Corruption among state officials angered white southerners.

____85.What new political party of the 1830s attracted supporters of Andrew Jackson?

a. / National Republicans / c. / Democrats
b. / Whigs

____86.What directly led to eight states passing “Maine Laws” after 1851?

a. / the growth of public schools / c. / the Second Great Awakening
b. / the temperance movement

____87.Which adjective BEST describes Lincoln’s goals for peace?

a. / vengeful / c. / weak
b. / unrealistic / d. / forgiving

____88.Who would have been hurt by a law requiring Yankee traders to be escorted through the Mediterranean Sea by navy ships?

a. / Barbary pirates / c. / French merchant ships
b. / Chinese and Indian merchants

____89.Why did Andrew Jackson accuse Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams of making a “corrupt bargain” in the election of 1824?

a. / Clay and Adams ignored the election process established by the Constitution.
b. / Adams agreed to appoint Clay Vice President.
c. / Clay persuaded House members to vote for Adams.


Felix Grundy, speaking in Congress,
December 1811
“This war [of 1812], if carried on successfully,
will have its advantages.”

____90.Which person is most likely to have agreed with this statement?

a. / Henry Clay / c. / John Quincy Adams
b. / John Randolph


____91.What battle was fought at the location labeled A on the map?

a. / Vicksburg / c. / Atlanta
b. / Gettysburg


from the memoir of a free African
American living in the North
“We went every day . . . with our books
wrapped in paper to prevent the police
or white persons from seeing them.”

____92.The speaker probably wanted to hide the books because

a. / he could not read.
b. / the police would think the books were stolen.
c. / African Americans were not permitted to go to school.


____93.Which of the following fits under Both in the diagram?

a. / were often mistreated / c. / led easy lives
b. / built missions

____94.Which of the following could be printed in the California Under Spanish Rule section of the diagram?

a. / had a great deal of freedom / c. / were given land to farm
b. / worked on missions


Senator William L. Marcy, 1832
“To the victor belong the spoils.”

____95.What does the word spoils mean in this context?

a. / elected office / c. / earned benefits
b. / left-overs

____96.Which of the following is the BEST interpretation of the above quotation?

a. / A new President can reward his supporters with government jobs.
b. / Political parties should choose candidates by holding conventions.
c. / A new President allows most government employees to keep their jobs.


Thomas Jefferson, 1798
“They have brought into the lower house a sedition
bill, which . . . undertakes to make printing certain
matters criminal. . . . Indeed this bill and the alien bill
both are so [against] the Constitution as to show they
mean to pay no respect to it.”

____97.Which of the following officially challenged the bills referred to in this quote?

a. / certain states / c. / the Treasury
b. / Thomas Jefferson


____98.Which of the following statements is supported by the information on the graph?

a. / Irish and German immigration first increased and then fell between 1840 and 1860.
b. / Irish and German immigration constantly fell between 1840 and 1860.
c. / Irish and German immigration constantly increased between 1840 and 1860.


____99.How did the election results in 1796 reflect growing political tensions in the United States?

a. / Protective tariff supporters were in the South.
b. / National bank supporters were in the South.
c. / Pro-British voters were in the North.


____100.What effect did the war have on BOTH regions?

a. / financial system wrecked / c. / economy disrupted
b. / central government disbanded