
Date: October 13, 2011 1:52:14 PM EDT

Subject: Re: Questions About Digital Utility Meters

NYS PSC: Please see the responses to your questions below.

Is the NYS PSC requiring the utility companies, including the DEP to install AMR electric, water, gas "smart" digital utility meters on homes in New York State?

No, the Commission has not required any utility under its jurisdiction (which does not include the New York City DEP) to install AMR meters, or any other particular type of meter; however, many utilities have applied for and received approval to install AMR meters.

If so, where in the NYS PSC laws is that stated.

N/A When were the DUMeters approved by the NYS PSC?

We do not recognize a meter type known as “DUMeters.” In general, the Commission’s regulations require that only meter types that have been approved by the Commission may be used to bill customers. Each meter type in use in New York State was approved by the Commission; however, there are hundreds of different electric, gas, water and steam meter types in use throughout the state. They were approved at various times, over the course of many years.

Where on the NYS PSC website can I find the documents that show when the DUMeters were approved?

On the main page of our website ( click on the link titled “Commission Documents.” This will bring you to a search page where you can search for documents in several different ways. Try simply doing a search for the word “meter.”

Were the meters ever tested for safety? Who tested them and when?

The Commission's review of meters primarily addresses meter accuracy and performance under a range of in-service conditions. The Commission does not certify, test, or inspect meter types for safety or health


Was there ever an EIS done in NYS for the “smart” grid and for DUMeters?


Can the NYS PSC require Con Edison and United Water to remove DUMeters from the homes of their customers who believe that they are being injured by the pulsed radiation being emitted from the meters?

It would be within the Commission’s authority to direct utilities to remove a given meter, of any type, in response to specific customer requests, regardless of the customer’s rationale. The Commission would not likely be inclined to exercise that authority without good cause shown. We note that California and Maine either have implemented or are considering such policies. The Maine PUC required Central Maine Power Company to offer an opt-out program for customers who choose not to have a standard smart meter installed as part of the company’s smart meter program. Customers will have two new opt-out options: the availability of the smart meter with its transmitter turned off and the ability to retain the existing analog meter. Each option would entail additional customer charges. Pacific Gas & Electric Company proposes to disable smart meters for customers concerned about health and safety hazards from meter radio wave emissions, and to charge fees plus an additional monthly charge to cover the costs of manual meter readings and other costs. To the best of our knowledge, the California PUC has not yet acted on the proposal. In both cases, however, the subject utilities are implementing broad-scale smart meter installations, which is not the case for any utility in New York.

TO: 10/12/2011 06:20 PM cc

Subject: Questions About Digital Meters

Dear Commissioner Brown,

Please answer these questions as soon as possible.

Is the NYS PSC requiring the utility companies, including the DEP to install AMR electric, water, gas "smart" digital utility meters on homes in New York State?

If so, where in the NYS PSC laws is that stated.


When were the DUMeters approved by the NYS PSC?

Where on the NYS PSC website can I find the documents that show when the DUMeters were approved?

Were the meters ever tested for safety? Who tested them and when?

Was there ever an EIS done in NYS for the "smart" grid and for DUMeters?

Can the NYS PSC require Con Edison and United Water to remove DUMeters from the homes of their customers who believe that they are being injured by the pulsed radiation being emitted from the meters?

These are the questions that I have for now. I will have more questions as I finish reading the NYS PSC SMART GRID POLICY STATEMENT.

I have asked questions of the NYS PSC and they were never answered. Please answer these questions.

Thank you.