/ VoteCal Statewide Voter Registration System Project
Use Case: UC05.26.02 / Edit Affidavit Issuance Record

Use Case: UC05.26.02 / EditAffidavit Issuance Record

Attribute / Details
System Requirements: / S28.1 VoteCal must allow an authorized SOS or county user the ability to record the issuance of blank voter registration affidavits to an individual or organization from SOS, including:
  • The name and contact information of the person who requested and received the affidavits;
  • The name of the organization if any;
  • The date of issuance; and
  • The range of affidavits issued.

Description: / The purpose of this Use Case is to modify the details of existing affidavit issuance records to correct a typographical error or to change the starting/ending number on the one or more range of affidavits.
Actors: / SOS User, CountyUser
Trigger: / User initiates the case when an error is discovered in a previous issuance of affidavits, or when a portion of the issuance was returned.
System: / VoteCal Application
Preconditions: /
  • A record exists for a previous issuance of affidavits.
  • All global preconditions apply.

Post conditions: /
  • All global post conditions apply.

Normal Flow: /
  1. User accesses the Organizations Management area of the application.
  2. System presents the UI99.xxx Select Organizationscreen. [ See UC05.16.01Select Customer Organization]
  3. User selects the requesting Organization.
  4. System presents the UI05.xxx Organization Details screen showing details and commands for the selected Organization.
  5. User selects the “Edit Voter Registration Affidavits” command.
  6. System presents the UI99.xxx Edit Voter Registration Affidavits screen.
  7. System populates a list of previous issuances of affidavits. The results will include issuance date as well as affidavit numbers so the issuance record may be identifiable.
  8. [BMc1]User selects the issuance record to edit.
  9. System presents the UI99.xxxIssue Voter Registration Affidavits screen.
  10. System populates the details of the previous issuance as editable fields.
  11. System populates the Requesting Individual list drop down with the Contact records associated to the Organization, with the previous issuance Contact pre-selected.
  12. User editsthe relevant information from the following information (* requiredindicates that a value must exist before the information is saved. If previous information was pre-populated, the user is not required to modify the information)[IV&V2]:
  • Requesting Individual – the name of the Contact[BMc3]
  • Date of Issuance*
  • Language Code and Alpha Series – the alpha numeric portion of the affidavit number that precedes the numeric part
  • Affidavit Number Start and End values* – the range of affidavit ID’s (numeric portion) being issued. The system will display this in a chart format to allow the user to enter multiple ranges for the same issuance.
  • [BMc4]Proposed Method of Distribution
  • NVRA Category/Source
  1. User adds comment to the “Comments” field explaining the reason for the edit.
  2. User submits form to save changes.
  3. System validates that no business rules are violated, and then stores data.
  4. System editsAffidavit Issuance Record for the changedfields.
  5. If the edit to the affidavit issuance involves the Affidavit Number Start and End values, the “released” affidavit numbers will be immediately available for issuance in a new record.
  6. System presents message confirming success.

Alternative Flows: / N/A
Exceptions: / N/A
Includes: / N/A
Frequency of Use: / TBD
Business Rules: /
  • N/AVoter Registration Affidavits are uniquely and sequentially numbered.
  • Unused affidavits can be returned in sequence or individually. All will need to be placed back into inventory and released for re-issuance.

Assumptions: / Voter Registration Affidavits are uniquely and sequentially numbered.
  • Since this is an edit of a previous issuance and not a new issuance, there is no option to add an organization in step 3.

Notes and Issues: / N/A

Revision History

Date / Document
Version / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
03/18/10 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Kalyn Farris
03/19/2010 / 1.0 / QA and Release to Client for Review / Don Westfall
04/06/2010 / 1.1 / Update with client feedback / Kimanh Nguyen
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.0 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft) / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.1 / Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
Version: 1.10 / Page 1

[BMc1]Generally, Organizations will submit a request for affidavits (‘Statement of Distribution’ – see ). One or more ranges will be associated with that release. This would suggest a parent/child (request/ranges) relationship for the data. This is not apparent from the UC.

If user has a set of affidavits to return and only has the affidavit numbers to go by, how will the user know which issuance to edit?

KN: The “parent-child” capability has been added in step 9.

With regard to knowing which record to edit, we have added clarification that the affidavit numbers should be displayed so the user can identify which record to edit.

[IV&V2]Art: Does this mean that the user must edit the date of issuance?…..whuch doesn’t make sense, as te date may be correct…need to clarify this in the text of step 9. What does “required” mean in the context of step 9?

KN: Accepted. Added clarification.

[BMc3]If the requesting individual is a ‘Contact’, will the user need/have capability to call UC 05.19.01 to edit contact?

KN: No, the information should pre-populate with existing contacts from the organization. (Added step 8.2)

[BMc4]As noted above, there may be several ranges of affidavits associated with a single release. Returning one more VRCs within that range will effectively split the range into two or more ranges.

This UC is not clear on how that will be handled with accuracy.

KN: While this is a change to the existing data model, we will make this change for user ease.