PASS Objective

Process Skills

Name ______

Teacher ______Introducing Metrics and Measuring Length

Science Hour ____

Date ______

1. What do the initials SI stand for? ______

2. Why are prefixes used with base units? ______

3. SI units are based on multiples of ______.

4. Prefixes measure what value? ______

5. The basic unit of length is ______.

6. The SI units for length are the ______, ______, ______,

______, ______, ______and ______.

7. What does the prefix centi mean? ______

8. How many cm are in 1 m? ______

9. What does the prefix deci mean? ______

10. How many dm are in 1m? ______

11. What does the prefix milli mean? ______

12. How many mm are in 1 m ? ______

13. What does the prefix kilo mean? ______

14. One m is what part of a km ? ______

15. How many m are in 1 km ? ______

16. What does the prefix deca mean? ______

17. How many m are in dam? ______

18. One m is what part of a dam ? ______

19. What does the prefix hecto mean ? ______

20. How many m are in 1 hm ? ______

** Make sure you label the units on questions # 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 20 .

21. Measure this line in mm and cm. ______mm


22. Measure the sides of this triangle using mm, cm, dm and m. A. ______mm

B ______cm

B. ______mm

A ______cm

C. ______mm


C ______dm


23.  Measure the sides of this drawing using mm, cm, dm, m and km.


A. ______mm C. ______mm

______cm ______cm

A C ______dm


C. ______mm D. ______mm ______cm ______cm

______dm ______dm

D ______m ______m

24. Measure the sides of this object.


A. ______mm B. ______mm

______cm ______cm A C ______m ______dm



C. ______mm D. ______mm E. ______m

E ______cm ______cm ______cm

______dm ______dm ______dm

______m ______m ______km