Lt. Colonel Joseph A. Ruffini USA (Ret)
Anti-Terrorism, Information Security, and Risk Minimization Expert

Lt. Colonel Joseph A. Ruffini USA (Ret) is a nationally recognized expert in Islamist terror, information operations, safety, and security practitioner. He has supported US efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq as a counter-insurgency and information-operations consultant for the Department of Defense and the National Security Council. Ruffini authored When Terror Comes to Main Street, an informative, straightforward, hard-hitting book that boils down Ruffini’s lifetime of knowledge and operational experience into one all-inclusive read. His 2011 book, Osama Bin Laden: His Death and the Future ofAl Qaedaand the Islamist Jihad, discusses what happened the day bin Laden was caught,whypeople should care, and what this means for the world moving forward.

Formerly a core speaker for the US National Counterintelligence Executive, Ruffini’s presentations are embraced by diverse audiences including the National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lockheed Martin, GE Access, TRW, Raytheon, Teledyne Brown, Boeing, Computer Security Institute, and a host of others. Ruffini is a Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist (CMAS) and the founder and principal consultant of JPR & Associates, LLC, a Colorado–based, privately owned consulting, training, and education firm.

His enthusiastic, energetic, “up close and personal” presentation style engages audiences from the first minute and holds them on the edge of their seats. His hard-hitting, down-to-Earth delivery, seasoned with real life examples and his steady stream of humor, keeps audiences engaged and entertained. Ruffini possesses the unique ability to identify with and effectively relate to even the most diverse audiences, all of whom show their appreciation with rave reviews.

Ruffini possesses military, government and private sector experience, spanning the gamut from entrepreneurial initiatives with venture capital groups in the Middle East to enterprise security consulting for Fortune 500 companies. For more than 18 years, Ruffini has been a strategic communications, information operations and crisis management practitioner and theorist. As a national presenter, Ruffini challenges, educates, and entertains audiences with his straightforward, common-sense approach to personal and corporate information security and counter terrorism.

His diverse military experience includes tank unit commands in both the US and British Armies, counter-terror planning in Germany and Cyprus, and command of both the US Space Surveillance Center and Space Defense Operations Center deep within Cheyenne Mountain.

A recognized expert in his fields, Ruffini has been interviewed by CNN, USA Today, Newsweek, as well as in numerous newspapers and on radio and TV. Beginning with the US counter-Taliban operations in Afghanistan, Joe Ruffini served as an executive information operations consultant for US Space Command and US Strategic Command, providing plans and recommendations to US Central Command and to the White House National Security Council.