Ms. Huffman’s Classroom & Grading Policy
Wonderful World of Earth Science
Email: Phone Ext: 516-488-9230 ext. 9298
Course Description
Class Rules:
1. Be punctual
Be in your seat and ready to learn at the bell. Late students will be issued a detention for that afternoon as per school policy.
2. Be prepared
Bring all required materials. Going to your locker during class is prohibited. Without them you cannot succeed!
3. Be respectful
Respect the faculty, yourself, classmates and school. Phones and other electronic devices are not allowed to be used at any time, there are no exceptions. Everyone deserves to have a safe school space.
4. Be productive
Remember “If it’s to be, It’s up to me.” Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
5. Be positive
Everyone has bad days, do your best. Tomorrow is a new opportunity.
Grading Policy:
Assessment Category / Total PercentTests / 45%
Labs / 20%
Quizzes / 20%
Homework / 10%
Classwork / 5%
Extra Help:
Laboratory Assignments:
September 2, 2014
Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:
Welcome back. I trust that you had a restful summer and are ready to enjoy a year full of challenges, fun and learning. Your child has been given the class rules and grading policy.
I would like for you to review them again so that you are sure that he/she understands what is expected of him/her.
For most of the students this will be their first high school science course. With your help, we can create a foundation of learning which will last a life time.
Please complete and sign this page and have it returned to me tomorrow. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at anytime.
In the event that I need to contact you, please provide the appropriate information below.
At anytime should any of the information change please notify me, in order to keep my records current.
Home: ______
Cell: ______
Work: ______
Email: ______
Thank you,
Student Name Printed Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Name Printed Parent/Guardian Signature Date