US History

Topic 8 Study Guide – The First World War & Its Effects in the United States

Notes – The Guns of August, American Response to War, The Course of War, “Dulce Et Decorum Est,” Poetry from the Front Lines (handout), Fighting for Peace: The Treaty of Versailles, and Social Effects of WWI

Names to Know

Otto von Bismarck


Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Woodrow Wilson

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Arthur Zimmermann

Jeanette Rankin

Admiral William S. Sims

General John J. Pershing

Herbert Hoover

Ernest Hemingway

Wilfred Owen

Siegfried Sassoon

Henry Cabot Lodge

Adolf Hitler

Eugene V. Debs

A. Mitchell Palmer

J. Edgar Hoover

Helmuth von Moltke

Paul von Hindenburg

Erich Ludendorff

Alan Seeger

Ivor Gurney

John McCrae


“Freedom of the Seas”

Storm Troopers



“Peace without victory”



Maginot Line


Hyphenated Americans










Concepts, Short Answer, & Multiple Choice

19th Century Diplomacy

Effects of Italian & German unification

Bismarck’s alliances

Serbian Nationalism

Schlieffen Plan

Germany’s “Blank Check”

“Freedom of the Seas” – how was it being violated (by both the Americans and the Germans)?

War of attrition

Effect of the sinking of the Lusitania

Debate over preparedness – which groups wanted to be prepared, which ones didn’t?

Importance of the National Defense Act and the Naval Construction Act

“peace without victory”

Zimmermann Telegram

Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

British propaganda – how did it affect American public opinion?

Convoy system

Liberty Loan Act and “Liberty Bonds”

Selective Service Act of 1917

Commission on Training Camp Activities

Total War Effort

Committee of Public Information

War Industries Board

Food Administration – “Food will win the war”

Modern weaponry – how did it make war more horrific for soldiers?

Battles of Verdun and the Somme

“race for France”


“stabbed in the back” legend in Germany

Wilson’s Fourteen Points – Goals?

League of Nations

German “war guilt”

Results of the Treaty of Versailles and their effects in Europe

Maginot Line



The Great Migration

How did “war work” help women? How did women’s “war work” help the war effort?

Espionage and Sedition Acts – Goals? Importance?

Campaigns for “Americanism”

Racial friction – “The Red Summer”

Red Scare – what was it?

Spanish Flu