State of Kansas

Johnson County Domestic Court Services



Updated 12/31/2014

Purpose: The purpose of the Supervised Visitation Program (SVP) is to provide safe, supportive, and consistent contact between minor children and their visiting parent; to provide parents the opportunity to learn how to reduce the level of conflict in the family and put the children first; and, to provide parents the opportunity to create a plan for future contact (via Conciliation).

Program: This is a four-part program. Your fees are assigned by the judge. Participation in all phases is required by the court order unless otherwise determined by the judge or Court Services’ SVP Staff:

1. A one hour visit between child(ren) and their visiting parent is monitored/observed by an SVP Advocate. Absent parental agreement and/or a court order to the contrary, the supervised visit is the only contact allowed between the visiting parent and the child(ren).

2. A cooperative parenting class (“Untangling the Knots; Skills for Parenting Apart”) is conducted weekly by the Class Facilitator, with both parents participating at opposite hours.

3. A 10 minute face to face meeting between the parents is held once or twice during the program; this meeting is facilitated by the SVP Advocate and/or Program Coordinator.

4. Conciliation for both parents will occur toward the end of the family’s participation in visits and classes; the goal is to create a future parenting plan.

5. A written report summarizing the family’s participation in SVP visits, classes, meetings and conciliation will be sent to the Court either during or at the conclusion of the program.

When and Where: YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROGRAM. Your program dates will be assigned only after you have completed and turned in this registration packet to SVP staff at Court Services.

SVP is on Tuesday evenings between 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the Justice Annex: 588 East Santa Fe, Suite 4000, Olathe, KS. Twelve, one hour visits and twelve classes are included and required. The visiting parent will be present for the entire evening (one visit and one class session). The parent bringing the children will be present for one of the two visit sessions (participating in class while the children are visiting).

Parents must arrive 15 minutes early to allow all visits to start on time. Class and visit schedule options are:

Visits are at either 5:45 or 6:45 pm for one hour.

IF you are assigned a 5:45 visit: The residential parent and children will arrive at court services at 5:30pm. The visiting parent will also arrive at 5:30 pm. Class begins at 6:00 for residential parent, and 7:00 for visiting parent

6:45 visit: The residential parent and children will arrive at court services at 6:30pm. The visiting parent will arrive at 5:45 pm. Class begins at 6:00 for visiting parent, and 7:00 for residential parent.


·  Minor children and their parents, when court ordered in Johnson County, are eligible to participate in this program. Other family members may participate only if specifically court ordered or allowed via the agreement of both parents.

·  The Supervised Visitation Advocates involved in the Johnson County Court Services’ Supervised Visitation Program (“SVP”) serve as impartial observers appointed by the Court. Their goal is to ensure the emotional and physical safety of the child(ren). They represent neither parent.

·  Other personnel include the Johnson County Domestic Court Services staff, the Program Coordinator, the Class Facilitator, and Sheriff’s Deputies.

The following statements further define and explain the terms of Supervised Visitation to ensure that parents and their child(ren) have visits that are safe and secure.


1. Both parents will cooperate to limit contact between the visiting parent and the child(ren) to only the Johnson County Court Services Supervised Visitation Program, unless otherwise ordered by the court or mutually agreed upon by the parents. Court orders take precedence.

2. Missed or cancelled visits or classes will be evaluated by the staff. We realize that emergencies occur. If either parent has a conflict with a scheduled visit or class, they must inform staff at the earliest possible time (913-715-7422). All missed or cancelled visits/classes will be reported to the court. Verification of reason for absence of either parent may be required at any time and reported to the Court. Absences are not considered “excused” or “unexcused.” The SVP staff reserves the right to release a family from SVP if absences or cancellations become a problem.

**The cancellation of a visit does not necessarily include the cancellation of class and vice versa. If a child is ill and cannot participate in a visit, attendance at class is still required by both parents. In families with more than one child, the children who are not ill are still expected to attend their visit.

**During inclement weather conditions, scheduled classes and/or visits may be cancelled at the discretion of the SVP staff. The program length may or may not be extended to accommodate visits and/or classes missed due to inclement weather or otherwise. When in doubt, safety first!

3. The Program Coordinator, Class Facilitator, and Supervised Visitation Advocates serve as Officers of the Court. They have the power and discretion to terminate a visit at any time.

4. Both parents will make every attempt to place the child(ren) at ease. No mention of the following subjects will be allowed: court conflicts, any court matters, child support payments, mental health issues, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, or allegations of any nature. Including the child in these matters is damaging and will NOT be allowed or tolerated.

5. The Program Coordinator, Class Facilitator, and Supervised Visitation Advocates will ensure the privacy of both parents. Neither parent should inquire as to personal information about the other party or any third party including step-parents. Questions of this nature directed to the child will NOT be allowed during the visit and are also highly discouraged on the part of the residential parent when away from the SVP setting.

6. Neither parent is allowed to engage in inappropriate conversation and/or contact with each other while involved in SVP.

7. Neither parent is to bring weapons to Court Services (i.e. knives, guns, equalizers, etc.) All persons are required to enter through Court Services’ security screening. Once admitted, no persons may exit the building until their SVP obligation has been completed for the evening (no smoke breaks or trips to vehicles to retrieve items).

8. Neither parent is to bring tape recorders, video cameras or cameras. No picture taking, unless expressly and clearly agreed by both parents. Cell phones cannot be used during the visits or the cooperative parenting class.

9. Both the residential and visiting parent will need to be available to arrive on time and attend the complete twelve week program including visits, cooperative parenting classes and conciliation. The program can be extended to a maximum of 24 weeks at the discretion of the Johnson County Court Supervised Visitation Staff and an order from the Court.

10. When there is a CIVIL nocontact or restraining order on either party, the court order for SVP will allow for the two parties to participate in up to two face-to-face sessions and conciliation while in the program. Criminal orders will be addressed on a case by case basis.


1. The SVP Program Coordinator is responsible for scheduling the start dates and times of each session for each family, and for assigning the SVP Advocate to each family.

2. The arrival and departure of both parents are scheduled to attempt to eliminate the mutual presence of both parties, to minimize tension between them, and to ensure appropriate safety. Incidental contact may occur, and is not a violation of any No Contact orders, unless such contact becomes inappropriate.

3. The 5:45 visiting parent is expected to arrive at 5:30 and wait in the Court Services Lobby for their Advocate to escort them to the visit room. The 6:45 visiting parent will proceed to the Court Services lobby immediately following their class session to wait for their Advocate. In all instances, the visiting parent remains in the visit room until dismissed by the SVP Advocate.

4. The residential parent will bring the children to Room 1005 (in the Public Classrooms hallway, just past security) 10-15 minutes prior to their visit time (either 5:30 or 6:30) to wait for their Advocate to meet them there. Once the children have left the room with the Advocate for the visit, the residential parent will proceed to the classroom.

5. After either one hour visit, the Advocate will take the children from the visit room back to Room 1005 to meet the residential parent. The residential parent and children will then leave the premises immediately. Visiting parents will be dismissed after residential parents and children have left the premises.


1. All children are expected to behave in a way that would be acceptable in a classroom or any other public/professional setting.

2. The visiting parent must take the initiative to be in control of the child(ren) during the visits.

3. The child(ren) will not be allowed to display violent or verbally abusive behavior toward the parent, other siblings or any SVP staff including volunteer Advocates.

4. The child(ren) are not allowed to run around the visiting area or in the hallways in disregard of their own safety or building property.

5. If the children’s behavior is not controlled by the visiting or residential parent, the SVP Advocate will take appropriate action. The Advocate will identify the inappropriate behavior to the child and request that it stop. If the behavior continues, a period of “time-out” will be taken. “Time-out” involves sitting on a chair in a separate part of the room.


1. The residential parent shall ensure that the child(ren) have had adequate meals and rest, and that diaper changes or bathroom needs are met (if possible) prior to each visit. The child(ren) are expected to be appropriately dressed for each visit.

2. For children still in diapers and/or bottle feeding, the residential parent shall ensure that adequate diapers, wipes, a plastic bag and bottle/supplies are prepared and given to the SVP Advocate for the visiting parent’s use during the visit. The visiting parent may also provide these items once it is known what is needed for a particular child.

3. Supervised visits are limited to only the individuals ordered by the Court (and/or mutually agreed to by both parents, with prior approval from SVP staff).

4. The visit shall be confined to the assigned location (the Justice Annex building meeting rooms, and the Justice Annex building outdoor picnic area (outdoors only with both parents’ approval).

5. The visiting parent should plan for and prepare age appropriate activities for the visit before it occurs. It is not the child(ren)’s responsibility to bring activities to the visits, though they may bring activities (including homework) should they so choose. Any/all activities should enhance interaction between the child(ren) and parent. Examples of appropriate activities for different ages of children can be provided and serve as a guide for the visiting parent.

6. The visiting parent is responsible for clean-up, and leaving the visit area in the order in which it was found. Paints, other than watercolors, are not allowed. If there is a problem with clean-up, the Advocate reserves the right to ask the visiting parent to not bring that activity again. If a parent has a question about a particular activity, they should discuss this with the Advocate or Program Coordinator, preferably in advance.

7. SVP staff will assume no responsibility for any toys. The visiting parent is responsible for all items used during the visit.

8. A small snack/meal and drinks (within reason) are allowed during the visit time. Visiting parents are responsible for napkins, plates, utensils and clean up. Candy is discouraged. If the visit area is not cleaned up, no food/drinks will be allowed at future visits.

9. Gifts are only allowed on (or near) actual birthdays and relevant/typical gift-giving holidays (such as Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day) if those occur while the family is participating in SVP.

10. Any and all written materials desired to be shared with the children by the visiting parent shall in advance be reviewed and approved by the Advocate and Program Coordinator prior to the visit and outside the presence of the children.

11. The visiting parent will not be allowed to visit if his/her behavior is not suitable to promote a safe, secure and nurturing environment for the child(ren) during the visit. Examples include:

a. The visiting parent will NOT be allowed in the presence of the child if alcohol and/or drug use is evident at the time of arrival. Determination that there has been use is left to the discretion of any SVP, Court Services or Sheriffs’ Department staff.

b. Use of offensive or abusive language will NOT be allowed.