Post 6872

Commanders Comments

2010 is a very important year for elections. Are you registered to vote. If not, why not? This is one of the freedoms your service in the armed forces protected. The future holds many unknowns. Now is your chance to make a difference. Make voting a priority.

PFC Jason Daniels Purple Heart was stolen from the Crowley Public Library where it was on display. There is now a $1000 reward for conviction of the thief. Jan, Andy and I met with a WFAA (8) news team for an interview at the library. Later that same evening, I presented a replacement Purple Heart to the Crowley City Council at the council meeting.

The following week, I attended the Town Hall meeting of Chet Edwards in Burleson at the new Community Center.

We have started the year off well. We still have some room for improvement. Let’s keep up the good work.

David Bowers, Commander

Quartermaster’s Comments

I know that it is still early in the voting season and you just read how the Commander feels about voting, but it is so important that you take this time in the next few months to research and educate yourself on the candidates that are running for office. One of the great things about our country is that everyone; no matter race, gender or political party has the right to vote as long as they are a citizen. I want to challenge you to look deep into the characters and qualifications of those you elect and raise to office and places of trust. Below is a quote that I came across when I was stressing the importance of voting to my Soldiers. When the last Presidential election took place, I made them all register to vote, do research and each Friday before they were dismissed they would all present to me the information that they collected and together we would discuss positives and negatives of all the candidates. It is our duty to educate others on their responsibilities, and what better way than to lead by example and get out and vote.

"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, "just men who will rule in the fear of God." The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws. "

Noah Webster, History of the United States (New Haven: Durrie & Peck, 1832), pp. 336-337, ¦49.

I look forward to seeing you all in September, and let us not forget the families that lost loved ones in the tragic events that took place on September 11. I will have the updated phone roster ready for review and, I am working on making some arrangements for some great opportunities for our Post and our families.

Erin Wilson, Quartermaster

Bingo Update

Hello Comrades! We did not have a Bingo Committee Meeting this month so there is nothing new from that front. So far we are still having a better year than we have been experiencing in a very long time. We are still getting $1,500.00 per month, which makes our new Quartermaster (Erin) (she is really great ain't she) very happy at bill paying time.

We have several special events planned during the next few months, such as special promotions for Back to School and Labor Day. By the way, a new wrinkle has come up. To all the Bingo Workers, thanks for hanging in there with me. (Comrades Bingaman, Cooper, Lawler and Milner) As always, you all are still invited to come down some Sunday evening (the fun starts at 18:00 hrs.) and spend some time with us. Who knows, you might even have fun and win some money to boot. So until the next time, ubada, ubada, ubada, Dats All Folks!

Bill Porter, Bingo Chairman

Chaplain’s Comments

Earlier this year we were told that this fiscal year for VFW Post 6872 was going to be a busy one. That has turned out to be amazingly true. What's even more ironic is that this is just the beginning of that year. With the programs that we plan to undertake it does prove that "Many Hands Make Light Work."

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage each and every Post and Auxiliary Member to search their hearts and plan to utilize what ever GOD given talent they have in order to show our Community that WE are an organization that CARES! Sometimes you may feel that the task is undaunting and impossible but we need to be positive in our thinking. The Bible gives us a good example to follow. It speaks about the parts of the body having a necessary but different function. Picture the body being one big eye or all hands or even one big ear. Not only would it be strange looking it just couldn't function. Just picture a puzzle with pieces missing. It just wouldn't be complete. Our Organization won't be complete without each and everyone of you.

On a sadder note we have lost another one of our WARRIORS. I was informed that Don Vlad took his FINAL FLIGHT early Friday morning August 20, 2010. He fought a long hard battle with Cancer. Please be in continued Prayer for his wife Joyce and the entire Family. At the time of this writing final arrangements have not been completed.


Henry L. Spells, Chaplain

Ladies Auxiliary

President’s Comments

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is doing okay.

We have had some of our members not feeling okay or in the hospital.

Marie Chapman- Global Rehabilitation in Ft Worth

Bobby White has been having some tests ran

John Bingaman is getting better on his knee; still has rehab to do

Carolyn Lawler is not feeling great

Alta Milner has good days & bad days.

Pauline West still needs our Prayers.

I talked to Vanessa she said to say Hi. She has had problems breathing.

We lost one of our members last Friday Don Vlad went to be with our Heavenly Father. Please keep his family in your Prayers. Please keep them in your prayers. Pray for our Troops.

We should have the Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen in the schools. Get Articles in the paper. Next month is Patriots Day, POW/MIA also Labor Day weekend. Go out to the Rest stop and let them know that 6872 cares. Please let us do our programs for our Veterans.

Dinner for month of September is going to be Mexican food.

" Start to Finish"

A Winning Team
Jan Seaton, President

Chaplain’s Comments

Carolyn is on sick call.

Carolyn Lawler