Please find detailed below the report for the site monitoring undertaken on14 March 2014. If you should have any queries or require any photographs taken on site please do not hesitate to contact me.

File Ref: 22 421 14 / Visit no: 1of 1
Monitoring Officer: Tom McCarthy
Tel No: 03330 136816 / Time on site: 10:00 / Time off site:
Site Co-ordinator:Tom McCarthy / Tel No: 03330 136816
Site Name: (Nazeing Quarry) Langridge Farm, Green Lane, Nazeing, Essex
Operator: Lafarge Tarmac
Site Representative: Richard Millican
Planning Permission Number:
ESS/02/11/EPF: Continuation of development permitted by planning permission ref: IDO/EPF/4/92/A for “working of sand and gravel and infilling” without compliance with condition 23 (restoration and landscaping) to allow a revised restoration scheme to be implemented
Permission Number & Romp Date Due: N/A
Outstanding Submission of details:
Permission No. / Condition No. / Scope of Condition and Action to be taken
Weather:Dry/ Windy / Rain / Snow
Noise:Acceptable/ Not acceptable N/A
Approach Roads:Dry / Dusty / Wet / Muddy / Flooded
Ground:Dry / Dusty / Wet / Damp/ Muddy / Flooded
Access: Obstructed/ Not Obstructed / Mud on Road / Ice /
Wheel Cleaning:Washer / Spinner / Sweeper / None
Hose:In use / Not in Use / N/A
Machinery:Working/ Not working
Stockpiles:Height = N/A
Bunds:SeeInspection Results Summary
Actions from last site visit:
Stone picking needs to be done
The material which was used/imported to restore the former processing area (of the quarry) was/is quite stony. However, during the visit no large stones were noted on the restored surface and there were no areas that were excessively stony and in need of picking.
Control the goat rue and goat willow
The goat rue and willow appears to be being managed more effectively than previously noted. The spread of the rue and willow across the site was not as vast as per the monitoring visit last year and other vegetation (ground cover) has taken hold.
Remove stockpiles and container
The container on site has been removed although the concrete base was still present. It appeared that the removal had recently occurred (tyre tracks across the field) and therefore it is presumed the base will be removed in due course. The stockpiles of material on-site are undergoing treatment against Japanese Knotweed. The final treatment with regard to this is expected shortly with final removal of the stockpiles before the next monitoring visit (2014/15)
Erect fence on northern boundary
This comment related to concern over unauthorised entry to the site from an unfenced aspect of the northern boundary. Since the last monitoring visit, to remedy this, a bund has been erected (outside the red-line area of the site).
Inspection Results Summary:
Although there had not been a great deal of activity at the site since the last monitoring visit, ECC was pleased to note that the goats rue and willow had been more effectively managed. It is hoped that as the site continues to mature, following the ultimate removal of the stockpiles and container base on site, that the operator/landowner will take pride of ownership of the site and seek to ensure beneficial use of the site. Effective maintenance and management of the site will be essential in establishing the species rich grassland across the site.
Access to the site was blocked at Green Lane although the access gates to the actual site were open. It appeared that the site may be in use (either formally or informally) for horse grazing. The shallow ponds to the north and west of the site, as per the approved restoration scheme, have nevertheless established well in the recent wet weather.
The access path around the site was in poor condition and in-particular a large pot hole along the northern boundary was noted. Due maintenance of this is suggested although it is accepted that the use of this provision may no longer be essential to the operator.
Compliance with Conditions
Permission No. / Condition No. / Scope of Condition and Action to be taken / Action to be taken by
Operator or MPA
Actions to be taken before next site visit:
  • Removal of the remaining material stockpiles (south-western boundary and south-east of site) and concrete container base (west of site).
  • Continual management of the site to ensure effective establishment of the species rich grassland across the site.
Note:The actions noted in this report are required in order to ensure adequate progress is made and to avoid potential enforcement action against a breach of planning control.