Technical DivisionSpecification # 5520-OP-333849

April 02, 2007

Rev. None

/ Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Batavia, IL 60510
Handling of Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) at the Material Development and Testing Lab (MDTL)
Prepared by: C. Cooper, J. Blowers
Title / Signature / Date
TD / MDTL Chemical Hygiene Officer / Charlie Cooper
Donna Hicks / Designee / 4/2/07
TD / MDTL Group Leader / Charlie Cooper
Charlie Cooper / Designee / 4/2/07
TD / ES&H Senior Safety Officer / Richard Ruthe
Rich Ruthe / Designee / 4/2/07
TD / SRF Department Head / Giorgio Apollinari
Giorgio Apollinari / Designee / 4/2/07

Revision Page

Revision / Step No. / Revision Description / TRR No. / Date
None / N/A / Initial Release / 1912 / 04/02/07

Handling of HF within the MDTL:

General Notes:

There are many procedures detailing the handling of HF in the MDTL. When the HF is not being used in a procedure though, it should be in the cabinets of Hood 1 if it is unused, in the refrigerator if it is being chilled for a procedure, or in the chemical bunker in secondary containment if it is waste. All of these storage areas are locked and have secondary containment.

  1. There must be someone at the MDTL to receive the HF acid. The driver should bring the secondary containment vessel containing the HF to the wet chemistry area and give it to the Chemical Hygiene Office (Donna Hicks), or the MDTL manager.
  2. Someone from the MDTL, wearing the proper PPE, will take the secondary containment vessel and put it in Hood 1. They will then unload the HF acid and give the secondary container back to the driver. The proper PPE is fully defined in the BCP and EP procedures. It comprises 15 mil neoprene gloves, an acid resistant suit, chemical resistant boots, a face shield and safety goggles.
  3. The MDTL employee will adjust the chemical inventory to account for the new acid.

Shipment of Spent HF to Waste Chemical Storage:

  1. When there is sufficient waste (approximately 3, 1 L bottles) the MDTL Chemical Hygiene Officer (D. Hicks, 3279) must complete a HWSF (Hazardous Waste Storage Facility) Form #10- Chemical Waste Pickup Request Form and submit the pickup form to the Hazard Control Technology Team (HCTT)
  2. HCTT personnel routinely conduct waste pickups on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Small quantity waste pickups (waste containers ≤ 5 gallons) are completed by HCTT personnel using an ES&H Section vehicle.
  3. The HF is stored in the chemical bunker.
  4. The shipment of the material to the Hazardous Waste Storage Facility is covered by “#10 Hydrofluoric Acid Waste Pickup and Transport.doc”.
  5. Once the waste acid is removed from the MDTL the chemical inventory must be changed to reflect this removal.

HF Handling at MDTLOperating Procedure

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