ArbiterGame Setup Guidelines

Navigating the site has been designed to be intuitive. Across the top of the page are Tabs. The first tab you land on is Games; this is where you will spend most of your time once Setup is complete. The next tab is Students, Payment, Teams, followed by Sites, Opponents, Officials, Reports and last we have the Settings tab. Clicking on a tab will take you to that section and sections may have sub tabs that cover other pages related to the tab you are on.

The first thing you will want to do after logging in is setup your account. You will want to do it in this order:

1.  Setup satellite Sites and Sub Sites;

2.  Add your school’s Teams;

3.  Add your Opponents;

4.  Add your Officials (for games you assign only).

Note: If you or your assigner uses ArbiterOne for assigning, be careful when entering games that are assigned thorough Arbiter. It is easy to have duplicate games if both the assigner and the school enter the game.

Setting up Satellite Sites and Subsites

Because Sites are connected to much of the information on other pages, it is important to set them up first. Make sure your home team sites are properly listed – this includes ALL sites where you schedule games as the home team. You do not need to subscribe to your opponent’s sites. You will want to make sure any location you use for home games is listed as a Site or as a Sub-site on this tab. Sites will all have a different physical address and Sub-sites are the fields or courts at that site. As an example a High School would be one site with Sub-sites for the fields and gyms or courts at that location. You might have a Park, Golf Course, Complex, Jr. High/Middle School, or Ski Resort that you send your teams to. Because these sites do not share a physical address with your school, they would be added as a new site. If any of those new sites have more than one location on the premise where a game might play, those locations should be added as Sub-sites.

Subscribing to Existing Sites (selecting from a current list of unique sites in Arbiter)

1.  Click the “Manage Satellite Sites” button;

2.  The Sites will be filtered based on distance from your school. You can adjust the distance to find sites farther from your school;

3.  Entering a Site name in the open box will filter the list;

4.  When you find your site mark the check box next to it;

5.  Uncheck Sites you no longer want as options when adding games;

6.  After selecting all Sites, click “Done”.

If any of your home team sites (including golf courses, parks, etc. you use as home team) are not listed you will need to add them by following the steps below.

Adding a Site not found in the current Arbiter list:

1.  Click the “Manage Satellite Sites” button;

2.  If you cannot find the site you are looking for, click the “Create New Site” link at the bottom of the page;

3.  Enter the name of the site, the site type (park, golf course, etc.), and address and click save;

4.  You will then be shown a few sites we have in our system that might be the one you are looking for. If it is not listed go on to the next step and you will be shown a list of locations from a Google search that might be the site you are adding. If you see the site you are adding on these lists then you are done. Select it and it will be added to your list of sites. If not go on to the next steps.

5.  You will then see the page with the option to add Sub-sites towards the bottom of it. Click the ‘Add Another Sub Site’ option. Sub Sites are the locations at a facility where events are held. For example, a school may have a football field/track, a soccer field, baseball diamond, tennis courts, swimming pool, a main gym and an auxiliary gym. Each of these would be entered as Sub Sites.

6.  Add each Sub Site for the Site you are adding. After adding your Sites you can click on any Site name to view information for the Site. Here you will also see the Site’s Sub Sites. Review the Sub Sites for all your Sites to make sure they are complete.

Note: When scheduling a game, you must indicate the Sub Site, so it is important that you enter all Sub Sites for each of your home Sites.

Adding a Sub Site:

1.  Click the Site name;

2.  Click “Add Another Sub Site”;

3.  Name the Sub Site, choose the type;

4.  Click “Create Sub Site”.

Note: You can also select what sport each Sub Site is used for. This means that when you are adding a game for a particular sport you will only see sites that can be used for that sport. A sub Site that has no sports assigned will show up for every sport.

Add your School’s Teams

Under the Teams tab you will want to make sure you have all of your school’s Teams. To add a new Team, follow these steps:

1.  Click “Create New Team” button in the upper right hand corner.

2.  Choose the Sport, Gender, and Level from the three green boxes at the top. The rest of the settings are Team default settings. To help save time, when you add a game for this team these settings will automatically be populated, however, you can make changes to default settings when entering a game.

3.  When the Team defaults are set, click the “Create Team” button in the lower right hand side of the page.

Note: Sport, Gender, Level, Site, and Sub site. If you are missing any of this information you will need to add it before adding your teams.

Add your Opponents

This tab sets the list of schools that you play. Only schools that you have selected as Opponents will appear as options when adding a game.

Adding Opponents

1.  Click the “Add Opponents” button.

2.  You can filter this list by distance using the dropdown. If you want to look for Opponents that are farther away, you can change the postal code to find schools in other areas.

3.  Mark the check box for the Opponents you want to add. (Marking the box is all you will need to do as there is no “Save” button on this page.)

4.  Uncheck schools you no longer want in your list of Opponents.

5.  Click the “I’m Done Subscribing To Opponents” when you are finished.

Add your Officials

If you want to use ArbiterGame to assign your own officials (without a third party assigner) you can add or list those eligible officials. Adding officials makes them available to be assigned to Games by you (not by your assigner). Do not use this tab or fields to list officials that your assigner manages through ArbiterOne. Officials assigned through ArbiterOne will be integrated with ArbiterGame after all training meetings are complete. You can view assigned officials under the Games tab.

1.  Click on “Add Official(s)”

2.  Enter the Officials Email address. If the email address is already on file with ArbiterSports, you will not need to enter any of the other information.

3.  Click “Go”

4.  Enter the official’s personal information. Click “Create Official”

5.  On the next page you will have the opportunity to select the sports that the official works. Select the sports for that official.

6.  When finished, click on the ‘Back to list’ button to return to the list of officials

Settings Tab

A newer tab that has been added is the Settings Tab. This tab will allow you to edit your school’s information. You will want to make sure the information is correct as well as completely filled out. In addition to the contact information you can also upload your school logo here and adjust the settings for your school if you plan to publish your games to ArbiterLive for the public.

To upload your school logo:

1.  Make sure you have the image and know where it is on your computer. Also make sure it is no larger than 5MB.

2.  From the Settings tab click on the Select image button.

3.  Navigate to the image on your computer and click Open.

4.  Your logo will be resized to fit the needs of our website.

5.  Click the “Save Settings” button.

On the Settings Tab you can also setup your group for SchoolDude if you have a Coordinator using that site to track Transportation Requests and Facility availability.

You can see if your group is set up for FSDirect or TripDirect and match your list of your sub sites with SchoolDude’s Room list. To start first click the map button and select your school name from the drop down and click save. Your page will refresh and you will get map buttons for each of your sub-sites. Click the map button for a sub-site and match it with the room name from SchoolDude and click Save Mapping.

July 3rd, 2013 Page 1