REVISED: January 2016

2017Women’s, Gender,Sexuality Studies

Teaching Assistantships

Eligibility requirements for a WGSS Teaching Assistantship

Students enrolled in any graduate program at Purdue University who are in good standing, making progress towards their degree, and are seeking or have achieved the WGSS Graduate Certificate are eligible to apply for an assistantship through the WGSS website PhD candidates whose dissertation research centers WGSS perspectives and content will be preferred over MA candidates.

  • Graduate assistantsmay receive a maximum of 6 years funding from WGSS.

WGSS Teaching Assistants may serve a .5 or .25 appointment.

1.50% (.5) Appointment consists of a 20-hour/week commitment to WGSS.

  • Teaching assignment and load

TAs with a .5 appointment will assist a faculty member or have full responsibility for teaching ONE course (typically WGSS 280 or 282) with full service obligations* one of the semesters during their year-long appointment, and TWO sections (of the same course) with no or minimal service obligations during the other semester.

Please note:

Although precise assignments, teaching loads, and service obligations will be negotiated on an individual basis, and alternatives to the 1-2 teaching load (including alternative teaching loads, assisting a faculty member, teaching an upper division course, or taking responsibility for a special Honors or Learning Community section), the arrangement as described above will comprise the most typical .5 appointment.

  • Office hours to be held in Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

•Minimum of 2 hours per week, posted and announced to students

  • *Service to the program

During a semester when a TA is assigned one course to teach or assist a faculty member, s/he will also be expected to contribute service to the program in the form of attending faculty and staff meetings as needed, staffing tables at WGSS events, helping to host WGSS visitors, assisting with student outreach, engagement, and service learning, contributing leadership towards co-curricular event planning, newsletter design, social media outreach, conference planning and/or participating in other projects aimed at developing, strengthening, and improving the teaching capacity of the program as well as enhancing their own understanding of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies as a research and teaching field.

2.25% (.25) Appointment consists of a 10 hour/week commitment to WGSS.

  • Teaching assignment

•Full responsibility for one course per year plus service* to the program.

Please note: Although precise assignments, teaching loads, and service obligations will be negotiated on an individual basis, and alternatives to the teaching load described above (including alternative teaching loads, assisting a faculty member, teaching an upper division course, or taking responsibility for a special Honors or Learning Community section), the arrangement as described above will comprise the most typical .25 appointment.

  • Office hours to be held in Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

•Minimum of 2 hours per week

  • Service to the program*

During a semester when a TA is assigned one course to teach or assist a faculty member, s/he will also be expected to contribute service to the program in the form of attending faculty and staff meetings as needed, staffing tables at WGSS events, helping to host WGSS visitors, assisting with student outreach, engagement, and service learning, contributing leadership towards co-curricular event planning, newsletter design, social media outreach, conference planning, and/or participating in other projects aimed at developing, strengthening, and improving the teaching capacity of the program as well as enhancing their own understanding of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies as a research and teaching field.

SeeNextPageforApplication Instructions

REVISED: January 2016

Application Instructions for Teaching Assistantships

Sponsored by the Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Program at Purdue University

To apply for funding please submit three (3) setsof your application materials (excluding the letters of recommendation) to the address at the bottom of this page.

Deadlines: Application is due January 29, 2017!

Application Materials:

1.Cover Letter:Please address the following in a letter to the Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Advisory Committee

  • Why are you interested in a Graduate Assistantship in WGSS?
  • How would this assistantship fit into your academic program and career plans?
  • What special contributions do you feel you would bring to the WGSS Program?
2.Completed Assistantship Application Form Below

3.Transcripts and GPAThose fromSSINFOareacceptable.

4.One (1) Letters of Recommendation: Please request that your major professors, preferably a WGSS faculty member or affiliate, send their recommendation letters addressed to the directly to the WGSS office at the address below.

Attach supplementary materials to your application. Send hard copy materials to:

Kim Vestal

BRNG 6164, 100 N. University St., Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098

Application Form for WGSS Teaching Assistantship


Local AddressHome Town Address





Email address:

Phone number:


Home Department Information

Check One: ______PhD ______MA Field of Study ______

Sub Field (s) of Study: ______


Name: Dept:

Telephone:Email Address:

Do you currently hold a WGSS Graduate Certificate? YES ______What year? ______

NO ______

Principal advisor of WGSS faculty contact?


  1. Status in your graduate program:
  1. When did you enter the program?
  1. When do you expect to finish your course work?
  1. Have you taken prelims or qualifying exams? (Please list dates or when expected)
  1. When do you expect to obtain your degree?
  1. Please tell us your MA or PhD dissertation title/subject?
  1. Briefly describe your progress in your program per semester during the last year:
  1. Previous financial support from Purdue:
  2. Major department/program support- total number of years: Please indicate the type of support (TA,RA,PRF, other dates and percent of assistantship)
  1. Are you eligible for continuing support from your major program?YesNo
  1. WGSS past support- total number of years: (Also please indicate dates and percentage of time of assistantships and other sources of support):
  1. Briefly state your status in the Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Graduate Certificate Program, and the Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies or selected Gender Studies courses you have taken at Purdue or elsewhere:
  1. Teaching Experience (please list TA positions, independent sections taught, etc.)

REVISED: January 2016

  1. Other training or experience relevant to teaching (courses or workshops on pedagogy, teaching skills, computer skills, website development etc.)
  1. What might you propose as your extra-curricular contribution to Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies (refer to ‘position requirements’ at beginning of application) e.g. conference planning, newsletter, website. Keep in mind all WGSS TAs are required to contribute to events and activities sponsored by WGSS during Women’s History Month.
  1. Relevant non-academic experience (i.e., volunteer work, service):
  1. Special needs, if applicable (work-related or special circumstances, or special arrangementsneeded for you to do your job effectively):
