Homework Policy


Homework is a valuable part of schooling. It bridges the gap between learning at school and learning at home. It reinforces work done in class. It helps develop skills such as research and management. Homework helps to establish the habits of study, concentration and self discipline. Parents/caregivers have the opportunity to see the progress of their child. Homework provides challenges and stimulus to gifted and talented children.


Teachers will:

-Explain to students and their parents or caregivers the purpose and benefits of homework

-Ensure students and parents or caregivers are aware of the school’s homework policy

-Provide quality homework activities related to class work

-Set a suitable amount of relevant homework which is appropriate to the ability of each student

-Ensure that students are aware of what is expected of them and how their work will be assessed

-Give students sufficient time to complete their homework, taking into account, as far as possible, completing home obligations and extracurricular activities

-Mark homework, maintaining homework records and providing feedback to students and parents or caregivers

-Alert parents or caregivers of any developing problems concerning their children’s homework and suggest strategies that they can use to assist their children with their homework

Students can help by:

-Being aware of the importance of homework

-Being aware of the school’s homework policy

-Completing homework within the given time frame

-Alerting parents/caregivers to homework expectations

-Seeking assistance from teachers and parents/caregivers when difficulties arise

-Showing their homework to their parents/caregivers

-Ensuring that homework is completed to the best of their ability

-Organising their time to ensure that sufficient time is given to quality homework with set timeframe

Parents and caregivers can help by:

- Taking an active interest in homework

- Ensuring that there is time set aside for homework

- Encourage homework,helping and supporting students to complete it

- Providing where possible, a dedicated place and desk for homework study

- Encouraging their children to read and take an interest in current events

- Assisting teacher to monitor homework by signing completed homework if requested and

being aware of the amount of homework set

- Communicating with teachers any concerns about the nature of homework and their

Children’s approach to the homework

- Alerting the school to any domestic or extracurricular activities which may need to be taken



The following table indicates an overview of the homework practices evident across the Learning Teams of William Dean Public School. The timeframe is meant to be used as a guide only for the approximate time to be spent in the completion of homework. These times may vary from week to week depending on the homework activity.

Early Stage 1
(Kindergarten) /
  • Students may be asked to bring something from home to support the work being taught at school in one or more KLA’s e.g. cutting out magazine pictures, items for news, a ‘colour’ item
  • Reading of books is always encouraged- parents reading to children on a daily basis; children reading to parents (from pictures) or from home readers sent home from the start of term 2
  • Sight words from the term are sent out at the start of each term.
/ 15 minutes each day
Stage One
(Years 1 & 2) /
  • Stage one homework commences in term 1
  • Spelling list- LOOK, COVER, WRITE & CHECK- spelling words are to be written out using this strategy on a daily basis
  • Home Reading- Books to be organized by the class teacher and sent home to be practiced. These books should be able to be independently read by the students without too much prompting.
  • Worksheet/homework grids- based on work taught in class or as revision for all KLA’s
  • Possible list of websites- for extension activities.
/ 15 minutes daily
Stage Two
(Years 3 & 4) /
  • Literacy homework includes: Spelling, reading, writing, talking and listening activities, reading and writing
  • Mathematics includes: Revision, drill and practice and problem solving
  • Homework grids are used at times to cover both home and school extra curricula activities and subject areas.
  • Mini projects are also set during the year.
When applicable ICT activities/ tasks are included as homework. / 20- 25 minutes daily
Stage Three
(Years 5 & 6) /
  • Spelling
  • Comprehension
  • Language
  • Research/ Task
  • Home Reading / Book Reviews
  • Problem Solving
  • Multiplication Tables
  • Mathematics
With an emphasis on technological applications as applicable / 30 minutes daily

Reference: N.S.W Department of Education & Training Homework Policy: August 2000