Macbeth – Study Questions
Act I - Scenes I and II
- The witches’ refrain serves as foreshadowing, as an example of paradox, and as one of the themes of the drama. Quote it. (line 10)
- What is the meaning of this refrain?
- What quality of Macbeth does the Sergeant mention? (line 16)
- What had Macbeth done to earn this praise? (lines 16-23)
- What reward is bestowed upon Macbeth? (line 65)
Scene III
- List the witches’ predictions that are given to Macbeth. (lines 48-50)
- What effect do those predictions have on Macbeth? What might this reveal about Macbeth? (lines 65-67)
- List the predictions that are given to Banquo. (lines 65-67)
- What warning does Banquo give Macbeth in lines 108, 123-126?
- How is Macbeth affected mentally, emotionally, and morally by the realization that one of the predictions has come true? (Read the asides in lines 116-146 without the intervening comments to get the full impact of Macbeth’s secret thoughts.)
Scene IV
- What does King Duncan mean by lines 12-14?
- What dramatic irony might be in Macbeth’s entry immediately after this speech by Duncan?
- What public announcement does Duncan make as to his successor on the throne, the Prince of Cumberland? (lines 37-39)
- In the aside, lines 48-53, what is Macbeth’s reaction to the announcement? What might be his “black and deep desires”?
Scene V
- How does Lady Macbeth analyze Macbeth’s character? In what way does she present the ambivalence of his character? (lines 15-22)
- Why does she want him home soon? (lines 22-25)
- What does Lady Macbeth plan after hearing that Duncan is to arrive? What is she asking for? (lines 38-54)
- Why does Lady Macbeth tell Macbeth to “Look like the innocent flower”? (lines 62-66).
- What does she mean by “Leave all the rest to me”? (lines 66-70)
Scene VI
- Explain the dramatic irony in Duncan’s statement:
“This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air
Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself
Unto our gentle senses” (lines 1-3).
Scene VII
- Explain Macbeth’s soliloquy from line 1 through line 10.
- List three reasons that Macbeth considers for not killing Duncan. (lines 13-20)
- What does Macbeth say is the only spur that drives him to murder? (lines 25-28)
- When Lady Macbeth enters, how had Macbeth’s intentions changed? What reason does he give his wife for this change? (lines 31-35)
- What are Lady Macbeth’s reproaches and arguments in her attempts to persuade Macbeth? (lines 39-45)
- What plans for the murder does Lady Macbeth outline? (lines 61-72)
Act II – Scene I
- What thought could be preventing Banquo from sleeping? (lines 6-9, 20)
- How is Macbeth’s hypocrisy shown in his remarks: “I think not of them [the witches]….We would spend it [time]in some words upon that business”? (lines 22-24)
- How does Banquo respond to Macbeth’s proposition of lines 25-26? (lines 27-29)
- What causes Macbeth to “see” a dagger? What does this imaginary dagger reveal about Macbeth’s state of mind and character? (lines 33-49)
Scene II
- To what extent does Lady Macbeth assist in the murder? What stops her from committing the murder? (lines 6, 12-14)
- Locate the quotations that indicate Macbeth is disturbed by his deed. (lines 22-73)
- Why does Lady Macbeth return to the murder scene? What does she do to the guards? (lines 48-57)
- How do Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s reactions to the blood on their hands differ? (lines 60-61, 64-69)
Scene III
- What is Shakespeare’s purpose in having the Porter scene at this point in the play?
- List the strange events of nature that had occurred during the night. What belief of the era do these events represent? (lines 53-60)
- Who discovers the murder? Who is accused, why, and by whom? (lines 63-68, 100-104)
- Report Macbeth’s excuse for killing the guards. Was that part of the original plan? Was it wise or foolish? Why? (lines 105-116)
- Speculate on what causes Lady Macbeth “to faint” at this particular time. (line 118)
- Where are Malcolm and Donalbain going? Why are they leaving Scotland? (lines 143-145)
Scene IV
- What unnatural event is occurring? (lines 5-10)
- What is the symbolic meaning of the falcon-owl incident? (lines 12-13)
- What is suggested as the guards’ motive for murdering Duncan? Why are Malcolm and Donalbain suspected? (lines 24-27)
- Speculate as to reasons Macduff might have for not attending the coronation.
Act III – Scene I
- What thought is troubling Banquo? (lines 1-3)
- Speculate as to why Banquo has not told anyone about the witches’ prophecies. (lines 4-10)
- What motives for Banquo’s and Fleance’s murders does Macbeth reveal in his soliloquy? (lines 50-74)
- What argument does Macbeth use to convince the murderers to kill Banquo? (lines 76-78, 116-126)
- From Macbeth’s manner, what change has taken place in him?
Scene II
- How are Lady Macbeth’s views expressed in her soliloquy in contrast to the philosophy which she expresses to Macbeth ( lines 4-7, 11-12)
- What is suggested about Macbeth’s state of mind? (lines 13-22)
- What statement does Macbeth make that suggests Lady Macbeth is unaware of Macbeth’s plan to kill Banquo and Fleance? (lines 45-46)
- What does this statement by Macbeth indicate about the change in their relationship as co-conspirators?
Scene III
- The climax occurs in this scene; the fortunes of the tragic hero Macbeth irreversibly turn for the worse. Specifically state the climax. Explain how this development affects Macbeth’s state of mind. (lines 21-25)
Scene IV
- Why does Macbeth think the seating at the table is full?
- How does Lady Macbeth explain Macbeth’s strange actions and words? What aspects of her personality are revealed by her manner? (lines 53-58, 117-118)
- Who is absent from the feast? (lines 128-129)
- What is revealed about Macbeth’s state of mind by his keeping “a servant feed” (paid a spy) in each subject’s house? (lines 131-132)
- Why does Macbeth plan to see the witches? (lines 134-135)
- What are Macbeth’s feelings about his situation? What are his intentions as revealed in the lines beginning “I am in blood”? (lines 136-140)
- What is Macbeth’s explanation for his agitation and sleeplessness? (lines 142-144)
Scene V
- What characteristic of Macbeth does Hecate refer to when she says he “Loves for his own ends:? (line 13)
- In what specific ways has Macbeth already fulfilled Hecate’s prophesy that “He shall spurn fate, scorn death, and bear/His hopes ‘bove wisdom, grace and fear”? (lines 30-31)
- What according to Hecate is man’s “chiefest enemy”? Is this true in Macbeth’s case? Explain. (lines 32-33)
Scene VI
- What is the indirect suggestion of Lennox’s true feelings/meanings in his remarks in lines 1-17?
- Why is Macduff in disgrace? (lines 21-23)
- Why has Macduff gone to England? (lines 24-39)
- What condition is Scotland in under Macbeth’s rule? (lines 33-37, 48-49)
Act IV – Scene I
- Why is the witches’ refrain, “Double, double toil and trouble,” appropriate for Macbeth?
- How had Macbeth’s attitude toward the witches changed since their first encounter in Act I? What character change might be indicated? (line 48)
- List the three apparitions and the prediction of each. (Note stage directions and lines 68-94)
- When Macbeth asks if Banquo’s issue will ever reign, what is he shown? (stage directions and lines 112-121)
- Tell how Macbeth’s words contradict or belie his actions with regard to the witches. (lines 138-139)
- In light of Macbeth’s reaction to Lennox’s news, what had Macbeth been planning? (lines 142, 144)
- What murders does Macbeth plan now? (lines 150-154)
- Why are these murders considered to be the climax of Macbeth’s crimes? What change in his character is evident?
Scene II
- Of what does Lady Macduff accuse her husband because of his flight to England? What does she tell her son? How could you explain her actions? (lines 8-9, 31-32)
- What is Shakespeare’s purpose in including this humorous scene at this point?
- Explain how Lady Macduff’s words echo the theme of the witches’ refrain which opens the play. (lines 72-75)
- What are the consequences of Lady Macduff’s failure to heed the warning of the messenger?
Scene III
- What does Malcolm suspect Macduff’s motives to be? (lines 115-120)
- Why does Malcolm portray himself as a potential sinful tyrant? (lines 114-120)
- How does Macduff’s reaction to Ross’s news of the deaths of his wife, children, and servants contrast to his wife’s accusations in Scene II? (lines 220-230)
- What does Macduff as Heaven to do? (lines 231-234)
Act V – Scene I
- In what sleepwalking activity does Lady Macbeth engage? (lines 23-25)
- What are her concerns? (lines 19-20, 33-34, 36-37, 42-43, 52-54)
- What does the doctor diagnose as the cause of her affliction? (lines 70-73)
- What does he fear? (lines 75-76)
- How has the sleepwalking scene been foreshadowed?
Scene II
- Where do the anti-Scottish noblemen plan to meet up with the English forces led by Malcolm, Siward, and Macduff? (lines 5-6)
- At which castle is Macbeth making his stand? (line 12)
- What is said of Macbeth’s mental and emotional condition? (lines 13-14)
- What is his political/military condition? (lines 17-20)
Scene III
- Upon what two prophesies does Macbeth rely to banish fear and to build his confidence? (lines 2-10)
- In the face of his diminishing military support from his thanes and the size of the enemy forces, what might be a wise action for Macbeth to take?
- What is Macbeth’s punishment for his crimes? (lines 20-28)
- How does he seem to feel about his crimes? (lines 20-28)
- What are the various emotions Macbeth is experiencing in Scene III?
Scene IV
- How is one of the witches’ prophecies coming true? (lines 3-7)
Scene V
- Explain Macbeth’s view of life as revealed in his “Tomorrow” soliloquy. (lines 19-28)
- What causes Macbeth’s confidence to be shaken? (lines 34-35, 42-46)
- Why does he decide to leave Dunsinane?
Scene VII
- In the face of being betrayed/misled by the witches, what prophesy continues to give Macbeth confidence? (lines 2-4)
- Why is Macbeth allowed to be victorious over young Siward? (lines 12-14)
Scene VIII
- Why had Macbeth avoided Macduff? What emotion does this reveal? (lines 4-6)
- Why does Macduff consider himself not of “woman born”? (lines 13-14)
- Why does Macbeth fight Macduff since Macbeth’s “charmed life” is broken? (lines 23-32)
- How had Lady Macbeth died? (lines 69-71)