Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Meeting held at the Stanford Centre, Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 19 September 2017 at 7.30 p.m.

11826Present: Chairman – Councillor D. Marshall.

Councillors:- Mrs. S. Greenbeck. Mrs. S. Turner. S. Murray.

Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman. Mrs R. James.

Mrs. L. Townend. Mrs. J. Howells.

Also present: Ward Councillors: Mrs. M. Dickerson & D. Hasthorpe.

PCSO M. Ireland – Humberside Police representative.

Six members of the public.

Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.

11827Apologies: Councillors:- Councillors: P. Schofield & D. Johnson.

11828Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Meeting held 1 August 2017 – proposed by Councillor Greenbeck, seconded by Councillor Turner that the minutes of the meeting should be signed as correct by the Chairman.

11829Declarations of Interests

Councillor James declared an interest in respect of Planning Application no. DM/0771/17/FUL – former little chef site application regarding parking. Councillor James’ property being a neighbour of the site.

11830Dispensation Requests – none received.

The meeting was then suspended whilst public forum too place:-

Noted the Laceby in Bloom had achieved a Silver Award this year.

Broad range of objections were raised regarding the planning application for the proposed 81 homes off Butt Lane Laceby – concerns being raised by both Laceby and Aylesby residents in attendance.

Councillor Marshall mentioned the pumping station failure and raw sewerage being pumped into a field in the village.

The Chairman then re-convened the meeting to discuss the following agenda items:-

11831Police Matters

PCSO Ireland gave a verbal report to those present and the monthly Street Brief was handed to Councillors.

Concerns regarding parking on the grass verge at Irby Hill mentioned.

Noted the Square area was to be marked out by NELC on 21 September if no cars parked there; otherwise it would have to be abandoned until next March. PCSO Ireland took leave of the meeting at this point.

11832Ward Councillor Reports

Councillor Dickerson suggested that as many people as possible speak against the planning application for 81 Dwellings off Butt Lane, and stated that it would have quite an impact on the planning committee.

Councillor James suggested that one person could speak for the application and one person against; and Councillor Marshall stated that the Parish Council were aware that those wishing to speak had to book themselves a place at the Planning Committee meeting.

11833Planning Items

DM/0803/17/OUT – Outline application for a development of up to 81 dwellings with layout and access to be considered at Lane off Butt Lane Laceby.

The following objections were raised :-

The proposed site lies outside of the village and local plans.

The proposed site lies in open countryside and could lead to ribbon development.

The site lies too close to the village of Aylesby and would set a precedent for future development towards the village of Aylesby possibly encroaching onto the strategic gap that lies between Laceby and Aylesby. At the same time, this could lead to the end of Aylesby’s status as a village and may in turn erode their residents’ choice of living in a quiet rural settlement.

Between the two mini roundabouts on Butt Lane there is a Section 106 Agreement and a section 278 Highways Condition in place and no further building can take place until these have been completed.

Once the Highways condition has been completed that stretch of Butt Lane would be 40 mph and still a dangerous road for cyclists, with no footpath to meet up with the footpath near the Mulberry mini roundabout. Residents would be expected to cross over a field.

There has been already planning permission for 100 homes off Butt Lane meaning additional vehicles travelling through the High Street and to the school; without the addition of a further 81 dwellings and associated vehicles.

The Stanford School is nearly at capacity and may not be able to take on additional children from yet another 81 homes.

We understand from Spatial Planning at NELC, that the criteria for housing within our village have already been reached – so there is no need for another development into open countryside.

Infrastructure – sewers are unable to cope, with a break down at a pumping station recently spilling raw sewerage into a field in the middle of the village.

Flooding from the Blyth Way site has already caused the Parish Council to put in a land drain on their allotment site adjacent to the field on which a further 100 homes are to be built; therefore, where will all the additional water go if yet another 81 homes are built in the area.

The new Local Plan shows there is a possibility within 2 miles of Laceby and Aylesby of yet a further 3,552 dwellings being built between Pyewipe, Great Coates and the site adjacent to Morrisons which lies within Laceby.

DM/0771/17/FUL – Amended description for planning permission for the enlargement of existing car park at the former Little Chef Site Laceby.

Members were disappointed that only 7 additional car parking spaces were to be provided. Proposed by Councillor Turner that no objections be raised, seconded by Councillor Greenbeck and carried unanimously.

Notification via email was received in respect of changes to the proposed new Local Plan and a link to the web site was provided if anyone wished to view the changes.

NELC Decision notice regarding DM/0560/FUL – Change of use of land for the siting of 26 timber lodges at Manor Golf Course Barton Street Laceby – the planning application had been approved by NELC.

Planning application relating to 9 Stanford Close Laceby to be taken at the next meeting to allow Councillors to check the site.

A letter from Larkfleet Homes informed those present that the criteria for grants had changed. Councillor Townend requested a copy of the letter.

11834Reports from Previous Minutes

Dog Leaflet – Councillor Townend suggested looking at the leaflet on the computer at the end of the meeting, and suggested another questionnaire be put out for people to state what they wanted for the village. Councillor James suggested obtaining funding criteria first.

Highways Meeting Report – Chairman was disappointed that the Highways officers did not take on board the problems regarding the yellow lines on High Street with the junction of Cooper Lane and the school area problems.

Email received from Highways stated that the problem hedges at Knights Close and Cemetery Road had been passed to Highways enforcement.

Clerk was requested to check with Highways regarding the double yellow line stop point on Pawsons Corner which Ms Swatman of NELC stated she would look into.

11835Financial Matters

Proposed by Councillor Metcalf and seconded by Councillor Greenbeck that the following accounts should be paid:-

Wilson Sharpe & Co – payroll done to 5 April 2017 Account Paid – 23 August 2017 / 180.00
Lincolnshire Motors Ltd – Repairs to spare mower at Cemetery – account paid 23 August 2017 / 48.00
Anglian Water Business Ltd – allotment water – account paid 23 August 2017 / 226.35
Wages to end of September 2017 plus 8 hrs overtime for groundsman for cutting cemetery hedge / 1,529.78
Post Office Ltd – Income Tax and National Ins. payment / 133.61
D Weatherill – Clerk’s petty cash / 100.00
D Marshall – Chairman’s Allowance for August 2017 / 20.00
D Weatherill – reimbursed for telephone and broadband expenses via Post Office / 28.55
A Ringrose – Groundsman’s petty Cash / 35.00
M F Strawson - rent to farmer for allotment site land / 317.50
H Cope & Sons Ltd – skip hire for use at the Cemetery / 180.00
PKF Littlejohn LLP – annual accounts audited to 31 March ‘17 / 360.00
Peter Hogarth & Sons Ltd – compactor sacks for use by the Litter Picker / 31.90
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal – wreath for parade / 17.00

Total payments for the month of September = £3,207.69

Audit of Accounts – main audit has been carried out by PFK Littlejohn and the audit itself is correct. Issues brought to the attention of the Parish Council are the Clerk not having reinstated the new asset figures that were done this year into last year’s accounts and not putting the information straight onto the web site.

11836Cemetery & Churchyard Matters

Churchyard – wreath has been purchased for the parade and the Church hedge has been cut again. There is an additional section to the rear of the Church which was not originally part of the Churchyard and therefore is not under the jurisdiction of the Parish Council who maintains the original churchyard and wall. It was noted that this area requires some work which may be done via volunteers.

Cemetery – the new fencing was again considered with the cheaper quotation having been checked with the provider to see if they could grind out the large tree stump where the fencing is to go. It was noted in a letter from them that they could only cut down the tree stump to ground level which would allow it to sprout again. It was therefore proposed by Councillor Metcalf, seconded by Councillor Howells that the quotation for £895.00 plus VAT should be accepted since this company could grind out the large tree stump.

Hargensen Memorial open day – it was noted that 36 people attended throughout the day to look at the memorial, with one youngster wanting to see the mummy!!

11837St Francis Grove Play Area – Noted that the Jubilee tree at the play area had been broken, and another tree would be put into to replace it.

A letter from WREN, one of the grant funders for the play area, had been received by Councillor Townend. Councillor Townend had replied on behalf of the Parish Council stating that the play area was still being maintained and used. It was noted that the Parish Council had to maintain the play area for a number of years otherwise the grant funders could request their funding money back.


Various items were placed on circulation.

The Town and Parish Council Liaison meeting was noted for the 28th September 2017.

Notification was also received of the forthcoming ERNLLCA Conference to be held 17 November 2017 in Hull.

A small card of appreciation was also noted.

11839Shelters for Youths

Noted there had only been one reply to the posters put up requesting suggestions, and that reply had been from a 13 year old requesting a skate park at Victoria Park

It was noted that a Skate Park could not be put in Victoria Park due to it having been a Council tip and the refuse put in it would be too unstable to build on, plus you could not dig down into it.

Funding opportunities from Solar panels and Dong Energy were to be looked into.

A questionnaire was suggested since that had helped the Parish Council obtain the funding for the St. Francis Grove Play Area improvements.

11840Stanford Centre Group

Defibrillator for the Village

Councillor Metcalf provided the Parish Council with verbal quotations in the region of £1,400.00 to provide a Defib’ plus case. Ward Councillor Dickerson stated they would put £500.00 as a grant towards the costs of one. The Clerk stated she knew someone locally that could perhaps provide one cheaper and would liaise with Councillor Metcalf. It was proposed by Councillor Howells, seconded by Councillor Turner that the Parish Council proceeds with the purchase of one Defibrillator and case.

Discussions then took place as to where it might be sited and it was proposed by Councillor James that it should be sited outside the Stanford Centre, this was seconded by Councillor Metcalf and carried.

No further items could be discussed from the agenda due to time constraints.

The meeting was declared closed at 10.10 p.m.

SIGNED……………………………………………… 3 October 2017


Laceby Parish Council Minutes 19 September 2017Page 1