4th September 2017


Please do come and chat to either Mrs Mattinson or myself if you have any queries or concerns.


We would like the Nursery children tohang up their own coat, change their own shoes and go to the snack table to practise writing their name. They should then sit on the rocket mat with a book.

Reception children will need to sort their shoes, coats and book bags and then visit the creative table to practise writing letters, before going to their carpet place with a book.Please support your child in this, allowing them to gain independence as time progresses.


Reception children will need to bring their phonics books and reading diary every day in their book bags. Initially children will have sounds and/or words to learn. As these sounds and words become familiar, reading books will be given. We firmly believe that all children need to read at home every day. Please support your child in this. From experience we know that children make greatest progress when they read regularly. Please take every opportunity to share a wide range of stories with your child. Books can be borrowed from class.


Your child will need to have indoor shoes (black plimsolls) and a pair of wellies in school all the time.

Please ensure these are named. Wellies are kept on the named wellie shelves in the Nursery cloakroom. There is a huge possibility that children will get dirty and wet!!!!! Please provide an ‘all-in-one outdoor suit’ if you are concerned about dirt.


We will endeavour to support you and your child as his/her personal hygiene needs develop. It is best if your child has spare underwear in school at all times. All soiled clothing will be sent home.


Fruit and milk is provided for children each day. We ask for a voluntary contribution of £1 a week (or 20p a day for part timers) to help towards the cost of other snacks that are bought to supplement the free fruit. This can be placed in the tin in each cloakroom. Water bottles can be brought in and kept in class.


At 6pm on Tuesday 12th September there will be a short meeting to inform EYFS parents of how we will be approaching Maths, Phonics, Reading and Handwriting. It would be good to see as many parents as possible at this meeting.


Please see Odele in the office if you need information regarding Nursery lunch payments or extra session payments. This is currently £15 for an extra day, £4.60 for lunch time supervision with a cooked lunch or £2.50 for lunch supervision bringing own healthy packed lunch.


If your child is ill and therefore will not be in school, please phone Odele in the office to let us know as soon as possible. 016973 43119


Fridays at 1.45pm until 3pm in the school hall. All welcome.


Monday 4th September: Term starts

Friday 6th October: 7pm Fashion Show organised by Friends of the School

Friday 20th October: School closes for half term holiday

Monday 30th October: Staff Training Day – School closed to pupils

Tuesday 31st October: School reopens to children

Tuesday 7th November: Parents Evening

Wednesday 8th November: Parents Evening

Friday 24th November: EYFS Class Assembly 9.10am

Saturday 2nd December: Christmas Fayre

Wednesday 13th December: 10am EYFS Christmas Performance

Thursday 14th December: EYFS Christmas Party

Friday 15th December: 2pm Carol Service & Break up for Christmas

Many thanks

Mrs Nicholson & Mrs Mattinson