Aug. 20, 2012

Main Library partners with Urban Appalachian Council, TMC for poetry events

The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County is partnering with the Urban Appalachian Council and Thomas More College to present “Talking Poetry” and “Our Beloved Community.” Both events are part of The Appalachian Writers Series and funded in part by the Ohio Arts Council and PNC Charitable Trust.

Talking Poetry: A Conversation and Writing Experience with Pauletta Hansel

Join us at the Main Library, 800 Vine Street, at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27, for a lively conversation about poetry and the writing life, and an opportunity to start a poem of your own! Pauletta Hansel (right) is Writer-in Residence at Thomas More College and leads community poetry workshops for the Urban Appalachian Council and at Grailville in Loveland, Ohio, among others. She is the author of four collections of poetry and co-editor of Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, the literary journal of the Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative. The event will include informal discussion and Q&A about writing, reading and publishing poetry, as well as writing prompts to stimulate your own creativity. Talking Poetry is part of the Appalachian Writers Series, presented in partnership with the Urban Appalachian Council, Thomas More College and the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.

Our Beloved Community: A Performance of Poetry, Story and Song about Over-the-Rhine

Join us at the Main Library, 800 Vine Street, at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 24, for a performance of “Our Beloved Community,” poetry, story and song by Richard Hague, Pauletta Hansel, Michael Henson and Desirae Hosley created in collaboration with Over-the-Rhine residents. This performance of “Our Beloved Community” is part of the Appalachian Writers Series, presented in partnership with the Urban Appalachian Council, Thomas More College and the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. “Our Beloved Community” was commissioned by Over-the-Rhine Community Housing in 2011 and performed at their annual celebration. The piece was inspired by a series of conversations and writing workshops the four writers conducted with Over-the-Rhine residents. “Our Beloved Community” is written and performed by:

·  Richard Hague (right) an award-winning author and teacher whose recent publications include Public Hearings (poems) and Learning How: Stories, Yarns and Tales.

·  Pauletta Hansel, Writer-in-Residence at Thomas More College, an author of four books of poetry and workshop leader for the Urban Appalachian Council and Grailville.

·  Michael Henson (below) an author of six books of poetry and prose, many set in Over-the-Rhine, where he lived and worked for many years.

·  Desirae Hosley (right) a performance poet (“The Silent Poet”) who has led cultural programs at the Urban Appalachian Council and elsewhere.

Both events take place in the Popular Library Lounge at the Main Library. For more information about the poetry events, contact David Siders in the Popular Library Department at 513-369-6919.