ENG1D Mythology Presentation

In class, we have been focusing mostly on Greek Mythology. Using our Book of Myths textbook (or a text approved by your teacher), select a myth from another culture and complete the following:

1)  Recount the myth to the class in a creative manner

·  Video presentation

·  Puppet show

·  Dramatic presentation (act it out)

·  Series of montages (performance with dialogue and creative use of voice)

·  Narrated diorama (performance with dialogue and creative use of voice)

·  Etc…

2)  Discuss the similarities and differences that your myth (and/or others from the culture) has in relation to the Greek myths we’ve studied. Each student in the group must provide an oral explanation using one specific example of a similarity and one specific example of a difference. Then, they must connect the story to their own lives using specific examples. Students might use a personal story about their past, talk about something they’ve learned in school or discuss some aspect of their own character. Things to consider might include:

·  The character and behaviour of the gods

·  The qualities of the heroes

·  The explanation of natural phenomena

·  Etc…

3. Within 48 hours of the presentation, each member of the group must complete the Mythology Presentation Reflection and submit it to turnitin.com. Do not begin this part until you have completed the presentation.

Presentations will start on Tuesday, April 6th in a randomly chosen order. The schedule will be posted on the class website. If you choose to work in a group, make sure you choose wisely. If you choose to use technology, you are responsible for ensuring that it works smoothly. I will provide a digital projector and my computer but you must save your work in a format that is compatible. Consider this fair warning because deadlines will not be extended. You must present one way or another when you are scheduled to go. You are encouraged to come in and test your projects ahead of time to make sure the format is compatible with the machines at the school. Do not use DVDs.

ENG1D – Myth Unit Creative Response

R / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Overall
Use of and choice/selection of costumes, props, music, etc… / No props or costumes present / Lacking creativity and originality with the selection and appropriateness of the costumes and props. / Some creativity and originality with the selection and appropriateness of the costumes and props / Demonstrates creativity and originality with selection and appropriateness with most of the costumes and/or props / Demonstrates insight, creativity and originality with the selection and appropriateness of costumes, props, music, etc…
Use of critical/creative thinking processes ( Reflection) / Uses critical/creative thinking processes with limited effectiveness / Uses critical/creative thinking processes with some effectiveness / Uses critical/creative thinking processes with considerable effectiveness / Uses critical/creative thinking processes with a high degree of effectiveness
Demonstrates the ability to recreate a myth with creativity and originality.
Demonstrates the ability to engage the audience with: 1. voice control (volume, pace, enunciation, intonation) 2. eye contact (similarities and differences)
Expression and organization of ideas and information (e.g., clear expression, logical organization) in oral, graphic, and written forms, including media forms / Recreates myth with little creativity and originality
Uses 1.voice 2.eye contact with little effectiveness
Expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness
(1.Writing 2.Presentation) / Recreates myth with some creativity and originality
Uses 1.voice 2. eye contact with some degree of effectiveness
Expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness
(1.Writing 2.Presentation) / Recreates myth with creativity and originality
Uses 1. voice 2. eye
contact with effectiveness.
Expresses and organizes ideas and information with effectiveness
(1.Writing 2.Presentation) / Recreates myth with a high degree of creativity and originality
Uses 1.voice 2.eye contact with a high degree of effectiveness
Expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness
(1.Writing 2.Presentation)
Making connections within and between various contexts (e.g., between the text and personal knowledge and experience, and the world outside school) / Makes connections within and between various contexts with limited effectiveness / Makes connections within and between various contexts with some effectiveness / Makes connections within and between various contexts with considerable effectiveness / Makes connections within and between various contexts with a high degree of effectiveness