Miami Beach Senior High School

Instructor: Pamela Taylor

Goal & Course Description: The purpose of this course is to develop an appreciation and understanding of a wide variety of classic and contemporary texts, to practice and improve the level of expression in our own writing, and to cultivate critical and creative thinking as we discuss and write. The course will also include creative projects as well as analysis, research, and synthesis in a variety of genres. We will investigate English syntax and grammar, and sharpen these understandings as we write. If you ever feel lost or falling behind, come talk to me – I am happy to speak to you about your confusion or desperation, both of which are sometimes necessary steps in learning.

Textbook: Literature Grade 10, MacDougall Littell (available at

Contact Information:

Email: hone: (305) 532-4515 ext.2245


Course blog:

Essential Questions:

Writing & Analysis

-How does a writer make expository and persuasive writing effective and engaging to read?

-How do word choice and sentence structure (syntax) establish the voice of a writer?

-What features of an essay make its argument convincing?

-How can a writer best integrate and use various informational sources in an essay?

Reading Literature

-What does it mean to be human?

- How does literature reflect the relationship between the individual and the group?

-When you determine what is right, what do you do?

-Why is it important to defend your rights? Why is it important to defend others’ rights?

-How does literature reflect humans’ search for meaning in life?

-How can we determine whether a work of literature has merit?


Oedipus the King – Sophocles (provided)

The Twelfth Night- Shakespeare

Antigone – Sophocles (in textbook)

Macbeth – William Shakespeare (Folger ed.)*

Taming of the Shrew-Shakespeare

Poems, Short Stories, Essays, and more - via textbook and handouts

This list is tentative, subject to change by the instructor as time constraints dictate.

English Course Contract 2011 2012

Mrs. taylor

  1. Preparation for Class

When the bell rings for class, be at your seat with these materials:

  1. folder or binder with pockets for handouts
  2. sufficient paper for class folder/binder
  3. blue or black pens
  4. # 2 pencils with erasers
  5. one inquisitive and energetic human mind

Recommended: sticky notes, highlighters, jump drive, hand sanitizer, personal reading book

  1. Grading Weights and Scale

  1. TESTS/QUIZZES - 30%
  4. HOME LEARNING - 15%

A=4 points 90-1003.5 and above

B=3 points 80-892.5-3.49

C=2 points 70-791.5-2.49

D=1 point 60-691.0-1.49

F=0 points 0-590.9 & below

Some special projects and assignments may be given extra weight. In case of an excused absence, you must ask the instructor for the missed assignments.

3. Conduct & Procedures

  1. With mutual respect, we can create trust, and when we trust each other, we can make ourselves better together. These rules and procedures mean little without this shared understanding.
  2. Cell phones, electronic games, etc. will not be permitted in the classroom because they disrupt the learning environment and distract others. Disruptive devices will be confiscated and returned only to your parent when he/she comes to school.
  3. No student should feel she needs to submit at an assignment which is not the product of her own mind. If you are tempted to do so, approach me and talk about the issues that are keeping you from doing an assignment. It is all of our responsibilities to maintain the integrity of the class’s work.
  4. Challenge yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.

I have read the syllabus & contract for this class, and agree to abide by it.

Student’s name______ID#______Period______

Student’s signature______Date:______

I have read the syllabus & contract for this class, and agree to help my child abide by it.

Parent/Guardian’s signature______Date:______