Criteria / Expert / Skilled / Emergent / Novice
Symbolism Interpretation and Justification / Project reveals student interpretation and explicit justification of the meaning behind all symbols represented. / Project reveals student interpretation and adequate justification of the meaning behind all symbols. / Either the justification is adequate for less than four symbols or the symbols are not sufficiently interpreted and explained. / Neither the justification nor interpretation is sufficiently explained by student.
Representation / Student has chosen appropriate and clever images or abstract ideas to portray all four symbols. / Student has chosen appropriate images and/or ideas to represent all four symbols. / Less than four symbols are appropriate or clever. / Symbols are neither appropriate nor clever.
Quality / Final project reveals maximum effort, innovative thinking, and thought- provoking reflection about the novel. / Final project reveals hard work, many original ideas, and some reflection on the novel. / Final project reveals some effort, at least one original idea, and minor reflection on the novel. / Final project reveals very minimal effort, no original ideas, and a lack of reflection on the novel.
Appearance / Overall project has aesthetic appeal and plenty of attention to detail. A balanced and creative use of space enhances the aesthetic appeal. / Project has plenty of overall appeal but it is lacking sufficient attention to detail. Spacing, sizing, or quality of graphics is inconsistent. / Overall project has adequate appeal and is lacking attention to detail. Space is not utilized or awkwardly balanced. / Overall project is unappealing and unrelated to symbolism.
Captions / Written explanation makes clear and convincing connections to the text with important and relevant evidence. / Written explanation makes connections to the text with sufficient necessary evidence. / Written explanation adequately focuses and develops ideas with detail. Analysis isn’t thorough or lacks connections. / Written explanation lacks focus or development and isn’t thorough.