Pet Sitting Service Agreement

Critter Watch of The Woodlands provides services to pet owners that includes, but is not limited to: walking, transporting, and caring for pets. This agreement is entered into by and between Sydney Sakellakis Owner of Critter Watch of The Woodlands and ______.

______desires to engage Critter Watch of The to provide pet care and agrees to the terms below:

Injury by another animal to Client animal:

Critter Watch of The Woodlands and its contracted staff will not be responsible for any animal that instigates fights with other animals or is injured by another animal while in Critter Watch of The Woodlands care. Critter Watch of The Woodlands will take all appropriate actions to ensure that Client’s animals are not placed in the company of aggressive or violent animals and/or will immediately remove Client’s animals from any animal fight.

Injury or escape of animals:

Client and sitter are aware that the highest level of care shall be given to any and all pets under care of the pet sitter employed by Critter Watch of The Woodlands. Client is aware that pet(s) are instinctual in nature and not always controllable by the sitter even when the highest level of care is given. Should the client’s animal run away or be injured the client agrees that Critter Watch of The Woodlands will not be responsible for any liability. The above waiver of liability in favor of Critter Watch of The Woodlands shall not apply if the Critter Watch of The Woodlands sitter is found to have committed intentional misconduct.

Injury to Pet Sitter by Client’s Animals:

Client agrees to pay the full cost of and all medical injuries should they arise as a result of the Client’s animal to the sitter.

Payment Policy of Pet Sitting: We accept cash, check or credit card ($5 fee). Payment is due prior to service beginning. A $3 daily fee for payments received after 72 hours.

I have read the above and by signing below I agree to the conditions listed above:

Client Signature ______/ Date ____/_____/______

Critter Watch of The Woodlands ______/ Date _____/_____/______