Union Street Elementary

43 Union Street

Springfield, VT 05156

Website: ssdvt.org

Phone: 802- 885-5155

Fax: 802-885-8481

“Live the DREAM!”

Zach McLaughlin, Superintendent

Martha R. Potter, Principal

Debbie Smith, Building Secretary

Tammy Fountain, Records Secretary

Lisa Hall, Transportation Coordinator Central Office Phone: 802-885-5141



Our Mission

“Meeting individual needs in partnership with families through differentiation, high behavioral expectations, and diverse approaches to learning in a safe, supportive environment.”

Newsletter – January 15, 2015

“All School" Aria:

·  All 240 plus Union Street School students from Springfield got their permission slips in to attend the "All School" field trip to see, "The Secret Garden Opera" at the Weston Playhouse. Students and teachers braved the frigid temperatures as they piled into the four yellow school buses. A playhouse employee stated, "I have never had such a kind and polite group come into the playhouse. I was thanked for holding the door and told to "have a good day". Students took in the computer animated stage-set for "the Secret Garden" with awe. Fourth grader, Alexis Tewskbury said, "The opera wasn't what I expected". Later, back at school Connor McCann (fourth grader) when asked how was the field trip, responded by opening his mouth in a big circle and breathing out form the bottom of his diaphragm a lovely operatic sound. Union Street School would like to thank the following people for assisting in funding this "All School" adventure: Springfield PTA, Opera Singer; Erika Anderson, Jessica Anderson, USS Read-A-Thon and USS Mustache Day fundraiser.

·  The Craft Day held on Monday 12/22 in the library was a big success. Students left school for the winter break with their shopping bags full of creations!

·  Mrs. Rounds and the Peer Mediator Deputy Captains have put a bright collection box in the office for the “Box Tops for Education” collection. They will be promoting the collection with our students to get those box tops in!

·  The fourth graders in Ms. Rounds class are tying studies of fossil fuels and renewable energy into the history and development of Vermont. We looked at the difference between water powered and steam powered lumber mills andlearned all about log drives. We will continue to look at steam-powered enginesin Vermont boats and railroads. A few of my students are independently designing Mindcraft mills with a water wheel. In February VINS will come in to guide students' engineering of a windmill.

·  The December-January submissions for 'The Word' are in,and winners will be announced at the next All School Meeting on January 30th. Stay tuned for the next writing prompt for February-March, and remember that creative writing submissions are always open. Students should include their name, grade, and teacher on any piece they submit into the drop box.

All-4-One News:

·  Visit our website at: all-4-one.wix.com/all-4-one.

·  Session II starts January 21st! Lots of new clubs and opportunities for students to be involved in one or more days after school. If you have not filled out a club form please do so as soon as possible to enroll or get online at: all-4-one.wix.com/all-4-one.

ALL-4-one Dates to REMEMBER:


·  January 19th PJ & Movie Day at Park; 20th Winter Fun at North School 12-4! Hot Dogs, Ice Skate, Sledding, Snow Fort Building and More!

·  February 11th Early Release 12:30-3:30 at Park Street, Harvest of the Month Club and Pen Pal Club continues! Possible Swimming Trip at local pool, TBA

·  February Break 16-20! Watch for fun events and happenings at Park Street. Register on sheets in Parent Room at Park Street or email .

·  SKI DATES: January 25th, February 1 and 8th. Ski Day! Meet at RMS at 8:15 to leave by 9:00 am! Bring warm clothes and dress in layers! Bring snacks and something to drink. Pick up is at 3:45 at RMS.

If you would like more information on any afterschool program please call 885-2531!


A note from the Health Office:

·  With cold weather coming we have a small supply of coats, hats and mittens for those in need.

·  Please contact the health office with any questions or concerns you may have regarding head lice. Head lice are an ongoing problem and we are here to help. It is very important to follow all the right steps to ensure the removal of lice from both the hair and your home.

·  As a reminder please continue to use hand washing as a #1 defense against spreading viruses.

Other information:

·  Along with this newsletter are two separate packets, one is the second session of SES tutoring paperwork and the other is a copy of RULE 4500 which is referenced numerous times in our “Parent/Student Handbook”.

·  Please have your child check lost and found regularly. If your child brings home unknown gear from lost and found, please return it to school.

·  State Law prohibits the use of tobacco and tobacco substitutes on all school property, including in vehicles parked on school grounds.

·  There may be times when you try to enter the building and no one answers the door. Be aware that we may be conducting a lockdown or shelter in place drill. Please be patient and return to your vehicle until we are done.

·  A reminder to always check in at the office when you enter the building.

Our fundraisers for the winter include:

·  BOX TOPS for Education! Good news! We received our December check and thanks to all your hard work it was for over $1300.00! This included submissions from last spring thru November 2014. They help us pay for the little extras that make a difference. Last year we used the money for NECAP snacks before the tests, scholarships for field trips, prizes for good citizenship in the “DREAM” and many other small things. Please keep saving and sending in any you have collected. We are saving for the next submission in April, thank you.

·  The Plimoth Plantation spring trip quilt raffle is continuing. Ms. Sylvester’s mom Joyce made a gorgeous Cosmos green quilt and tickets are on sale thru April. If you would like to help by purchasing tickets please call the school office.

·  Team Renaissance is fundraising with the “Equal Exchange” company. The products are Fairly Traded products that include coffees, their delicious chocolate and cocoa. It also has gift items.

Events Calendar:

·  NO SCHOOL on Mon. 1/19 and Tues. 1/20.

·  Every Thursday morning the River Valley Credit Union is in the cafeteria before school for students who wish to bring in deposits for the savings program.

·  Grade 5 field trip choice permission slips were DUE January 15, 2015.

·  Grade 5 trip to Echo Lake Aquarium and Science Center 5/7/2015.

·  Grade 5 Trip to Plimoth Plantation 5/21/2015.