Schedule 1

East of England

Service Specification

(Care Homes & Accommodation based Services 2015)

East of England

Service Specification Care Homes & Accommodation Services


1.1The Services shall be those Services to be provided by the Service Provider, as set out below, and performed in accordance with the Contract (the ‘Services’).

1.2The Provider (where the care home is in Suffolk) will be required to register on Find Care Services and Suffolk Sourcing (or other data bases that replace these) and keep information relevant to their service updated. These website are availble to the public and shows the Provider has a contract with the County Council. This information will be used by the County Council in the management of contracts.

2.General Requirements (of regulated Service Providers)

2.1In providing the Services the Service Provider is required to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and to maintain that registration throughout the Contract Period. All Service Providers must meet the ‘Essential Standards of Quality and Safety’ as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014/2936 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009. Each Service Provider must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and will be inspected as required by the CQC.

2.3In addition to meeting the requirements of the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety as set out above, the Service Provider is required to meet the specific Contract Standards, as set out inthe East of England Service Outcomes and Standards of Care, section 12 belowbelow.

2.4Each Service Provider must ensure that it has the ability to provide the necessary Services with sufficient numbers of trained and competent staff necessary to provide care for each Service User. The Service Provider must ensure that each person responsible for the delivery of care is fully aware of the requirements of the Contract Standards as well as the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety and be able to demonstrate a commitment to maintaining and delivering high quality Services for adults with a variety of needs and/or conditions and provide a Service where all aspects of a person's assessed care are met.

2.5The Service Provider will provide Services that meet the needs of the individual and are provided by competent staff in a way that supports the safety and security of the Service User. The Services shall be responsive, reliable and maintain a persons dignity and respect at all times. The Services shall be accessible and delivered with understanding and without discrimination.

2.6Where possible Services must always be provided in a way that enables the Service User to maximise their independence, health and wellbeing and supports their social, spiritual, emotional and healthcare needs.

2.7The Service Provider shall have regard to the Care Act and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance issued under the Care Act 2014 by the Department of Health and ensure that their Services comply with The Care Act 2014 and the requirements of the 7 principles as detailed and explained in "A Vision for adult social care: capable communities and Active Citizens (November 2010) namely:

  • Prevention
  • Personalisation
  • Partnership
  • Plurality
  • Protection
  • Productivity
  • People

The Service Provider must also ensure that their Services are delivered in a manner which is compatible with the following duties placed on the Local Authority under the Care Act 2014:-

  • Section 1 - The Duty to Promote Individual Wellbeing
  • Section 2 - The Duty to prevent the need for care and support
  • Section 3 - The Duty to promote the integration of care and support with health services
  • Section 4 - The Duty to Provide information and advice
  • Section 5 - The Duty to promote diversity and quality in provision of Services
  • Section 6 - The duty to co-operate with partners
  • Section 42 - The duty to Safeguarding Enquiries

2.8The Service Provider must ensure that its Staff have regard for the Service Users equality and diversity and upholds peoples human rights (in line with the guidance outlined in the Report of the Equality and Human Rights Commission inquiry) and does not discriminate against people for any reason. Its policies will incorporate respect for both Staff and Service Users.

2.9The Service Provider ensures that all staff work in an enabling way that allows individuals to increase or maintain their level of independence, develop self caring and move to a reduction in support, where appropriate.

3.The Service: Residential Care

3.1 The Services provided in the Care Home should include a single room (unless Service Users wish to share), toilet and bathing facilities, full board, personal care, nursing care where appropriate, staffing on a 24 hour basis, and day time and evening social activities. Exceptions can be made where recorded on the Service User’s Care Plan as prepared or agreed by the Service User’s Care Manager and the Service User or their representative.

3.2 As well as personal care tasks, Service Providers should make it a clear and expected aspect of the work of their Staff that part of their role is for Staff to spend time talking to, relating with, and understanding the lives of Service Users and supporting them with appropriate activities.

3.3 The Care Home shall arrange and pay for (unless paid for by the local Primary Care Trust) any health equipment and materials, (for example, to relieve pressure, aid continence, ensure safe handling or to provide bariatric care) required by Service Users.


In addition to achieving the standards required in the East of England Service Outcomes and Standards of Care (Section 13 below) the provider will also:

3A.1Include within their improvement plan targets for achieving the My Home Life vision for care homes:

  1. Best practice themes (identifies what older people want and what works)
  2. Relationship-centred care (provides the underlying approach to deliver best practice)
  3. Caring conversations (helps us to achieve relationship-centred care)

Full details can be found at

3A.2For services caring for residents with dementia to include within their improvement plan how environmental features might be incorporated as recommended by the Dementia Services Development Centre and

3A.3All providers will be expected to achieve the following independent ratings:

  1. CQC – Good as a minimum;
  2. Environmental Health – Food Hygiene Rating Scheme – Rating of 5

3A.3.1 Where a provider is classed as ‘inadequate’ by CQC or 1 star by environmental health the Council will immediately stop referrals to the service.

3A.3.2 The Service Provider shall, at its own expense produce a plan of corrective action specifying timescales for the plan of action to be put into place (the “Action Plan”) that are acceptable to the Council.

4.Volume of Service

4.1The Service Provider will provide places for individual referrals as agreed from time to time and as set out in the individual service contract.

4.2The Council will review the service, should Council placements exceed 75% of the homes capacity.

5.Accessing the ServicesAssessments

5.1The Council has a statutory responsibility, within its eligibility criteria, to ensure the provision of certain statutory Services in order to meet individual assessed needs.

5.2The needs of each Service User will be identified through an assessment completed by a Care Manager from the Council. If the Service User is eligible for the Services, the Care Manager will produce a personalised and outcome focused Care Plan and a Risk Assessment, with input from the Service User and / or their representative, to identify how their needs will be met and the outcomes to be achieved.

5.3The Placement Teamshall have authority to refer Service Users to the Services on behalf of the Council.

5.4The Service Provider shall nominate those persons with authority to accept referrals and shall inform the Placement Team of their names, addresses and telephone numbers from time to time.

5.5Referrals may be made by telephone or in writing. The Referral and the agreed start date shall be confirmed in writing within five (5)Business Days of the Referral being made by email, by post or facsimile transmission. A copy of the Care & Support Plan and Risk Assessment will also be sent to the Service Provider.

5.6The Service Provider shall provide the Services for the named Service User from the start date, until the Services are cancelled, suspended or varied in accordance with the Contract.

5.7The first fourty two (42)days (or any other period of time agreed at the time of referral) shall be regarded as a trial period unless the parties agree otherwise in writing.

6.Information and Guidance

6.1Section 4 of The Care Act 2014 places a duty on the Council to put in place measures that ensure Service Users are supplied with appropriate information and advice.

6.2Within two weeks of the start of the services, Service Providers are required to supply the following information to all Service Users. This explicitly includes self-funders.

  • When and how to ask for an assessment from Suffolk County Council
  • Basic information on Suffolk County Council Services
  • Basic information on what financial support is available from Suffolk County Council.
  • Signpost to independent financial advisors
  • Basic information on the advocacy service and when and how to use it.

6.3The Council will provide this information in advance to the Service Provider.

7.Care & Support Reviews / Changes in Services

7.1The Service Provider must inform the Council if they feel that there is a material change in the Service User's needs, or in the way that a Service User would prefer to have their services provided, which may require the Council to review the Care and Support Plan.

7.2A care management review will be held as often as the Care Manager considers necessary, or as requested by the Service User and / or their representative, or by the Service Provider but at least annually.

7.3The care management review will involve the Service User and/or their representative, the Care Manager or their representative, and where appropriate, the Service Provider or designated representative. Consideration will be given to ensure convenience and adequate notice for all participants wherever possible.

7.4The care management review will consider the extent to which the outcomes set out in the Care and Support Plan are being met and will identify future objectives.

7.5The Service User’s individual service contract will be amended as appropriate following the review.

8.Temporary suspension of individual places in the Services

8.1In the event of the Service User’s admission to hospital the Service Provider shall maintain appropriate contact with the Service User or their representative, unless explicitly requested otherwise.

8.2The payment arrangements that apply for temporary suspension of places in the Services are set out in Schedule 15.

9.Termination of individual places in the Services

9.1Payment for the individual Services shall be terminated two (2) days after the death of the Service User.

9.2The Council may terminate an individual place in the Services on giving not less than twenty eight (28) day’s notice to the Service Provider unless mutually agreed on a case by case basis

9.3The Service Provider may terminate an individual place in the Services on giving not less than twenty eight (28) day’s notice to the appropriate Care Manager, unless mutually agreed on a case by case basis.

9.4At any time during the trial period of occupation of the Home by the Service User (or at any time for a Short Term Service User) the Service User, the Service Provider, or the Council, shall have the right to terminate the occupation by the Service User by giving seven (7) day’s notice in writing. Notice by The Service Provider shall be given to both The Council and the Service User. Notice by The Council shall be given to both The Service Provider and the Service User. The Service Provider shall notify the Council if it receives notice from the Service User. In the event of an emergency a Service User may terminate his/her occupation without notice.

10How and what we will monitor

10.1The Council is responsible for monitoring the quality of the Services provided and for reviewing the individual needs of Service Users. However, the Council may also monitor with other strategic partners and the Provider acknowledges that the Council may undertake monitoring visits with these strategic partners including other Eastern Region Authorities and the local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s).

10.2As part of this Contract the Council will periodically monitor the Service delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Standards, The East of England Service Outcomes and Standards of Care, its Terms and Conditions as well as the Contract Schedules, and to assess the quality and performance of the Services being delivered to Service Users in relation to meeting their outcomes.

10.3To do this the Council will use a variety of methods. Assessment will include (but not be limited to) the following:

  • feedback from Service Users and/or their carers on the standards of Services being provided;
  • feedback from Council officers reviewing whether or not the Service is meeting the Service User's assessed needs and meeting their outcomes in the best possible way;
  • systematic monitoring of the Service Provider by the Council, in order to evaluate and record the Services delivered against the Specification;
  • consulting with Service Users and/or their representatives;
  • the investigation of complaints and / or safeguarding instances;
  • Service Provider Performance Monitoring Forms.
  • reviewing written procedures and records for both Service Users and Staff;
  • the Service Provider, submitting to the Council an annual report detailing the outcome of quality assurance processes, including its service improvement plans;
  • through external compliance reports from QCC

10.4The Service Provideris also required to return on an annual basis the Periodic Information Return attached at Appendix 1 of this Schedule.

10.5The Council is mindful of the need to apply a proportionate approach in respect to the monitoring of Services

10.6Additionally, the Council will carry out a formal Contract Review. The Service Provider should be prepared to attend, at 4 weeks notice, a meeting with the Council to review performance under the contract. The meeting should be used to share good practice and to agree areas for improvement.

10.7At the request of the Council, the Service Provider will return the following additional information on an annual basis;

a)Business Continuity Plan.

b)Accounts for the most recent completed financial year (audited if required by law).

c)Insurance Schedules and Certificates.

d)A Copy of the Service Provider Compliaince Assessment tool (PCA) or equivelent The Council will examine the PCA or equivellent to identify good practice and areas for improvement.

e)Results of the Service Provider’s Annual Service User Satisfaction Survey. The Council will use the results from the Service User Satisfaction Survey to ascertain views on the quality and performance of the Services.

f)A copy of the Service Provider’s annual report including their Service improvement plan.

g)A copy of their training matrix for all staff.

h)A copy of the Care Quality Commissions Quality Risk Profile (QRP) for the Service Provider.

10.8The Service Provider acknowledges and agrees that Officers of the Council may take evidence of risks and concerns identified during contract monitoring visits, including photographs and photocopies, and for this to be used to formulate a plan of action to ensure the Service Provider complies with the Contract.

10.9The Service Provider is required to register with the Skills for Care National Minimum Dataset for Social Care (NMDS-SC) and will:

  • Complete an NMDS-SC organisational record and must update all of its organisational data at least once per annum;
  • Fully complete individual NMDS-SC worker records for a minimum of 90% of its total workforce (this includes any staff who are not care-providing). Individual records for workers which are included in the 90% calculation must be both fully completed and updated at least once per annum.

10.10The Council is part of the eastern region collaborative and as such will share information gained through the above monitoring with regional partners. Also Council’s within the region may conduct monitorign visits with, or on behalf of, other regional authorities.

11.Notification to the Council

11.1Without prejudice to its responsibilities underHealth and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014/2936the Service Provider will be responsible for notifying the Care Manager within the Council as soon as it is practical to do so, if any or the following occur:

(1) Any circumstances where the Service User has consistently refused provision of the Services, medication, or medical attention.

(2) Serious accident, serious illness or serious injury to the Service User.

(3) Death of the Service User.

(4) Outbreak of notifiable infectious disease in the Home.

(5) Any emergency situation e.g. fire, flood.

(6) Legacy or bequests to Service Provider and/or staff.

(7) Unplanned absence of the Service User.

(8) Hospital admission.

(9) An investigation related to Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

(10) Change of manager

(11) Changes in service user circumstances that may affect the amount the

council pays. EG. The award of CHC funding.

12.Behavioural Standards and Codes of Practice

The Service Provider and its staff shall adhere to the relevant codes of conduct for their profession:

The General Social Care Council Codes of conduct available at:

The Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) codes of conduct available at:

13.The East of England Service Outcomes and Standards of Care:

13.1In addition to meeting all of the above requirements each Service Provider is required to meet the specific Contract Standards, as set out in the East of England Service Outcomes and Standards of Care as set out in the attached document below: