World HistoryWeek of: 30 January – 2 February 2017 WPHS Learning Plan

CHAPTER 26 World War One and the Russian Revolution 1914-1924 pages 814-845
30January / Daily
Objectives /
  • Summarize a short article on a contemporary issue.

Plan /
  • Review the process of creating a summary and how it corresponds to the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy (evaluation).
  • Students will read and summarize the short article “The National Chicano Moratorium.”

31January / Daily
Objectives /
  • Appreciate the varied aspects of WW I by viewing the classic black and white film All Quiet on the Western Front.

Plan /
  • Review what was leaned last week about the new kind of war; introduce the film by reviewing some of the elements of that war, such as trench warfare, aircraft, poison gas, patriotism, etc.
  • Students will finish watching the film All Quiet on the Western Front. On the daily writing sheets students will write a reflection about how the and how they found the later days of the war in the trenches, the shelling, the gas attacks, the death of their fellow soldiers, and how Paul Baumer dealt with the French soldier he had to kill. Finally, students will write a reflection on whether they think the soldiers on either side really had any idea of why they were fighting.

1February / Daily
Objectives /
  • Describe how World War I became a total war.
  • Explain the effects that years of warfare had on morale.

Plan /
  • Review the day’s objectives, and what was studied earlier this week about WW I.
  • Chapter 26 Section THREE Winning the War, part ONE, pages 829-832.
  • Review vocabulary terms in blue in the text.
  • Review the assigned pages, having students briefly summarize the major points in the subheadings on the students’ daily writes.
  • Discuss the significance of the sinking of the Lusitania.
  • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Review the WWI Powerpoint presentation; mingling to the music, students will discuss what they thought was the most horrific aspect of the war.
  • Review the Primary Source and Viewpoints handout; answer the questions at the bottom of each page in the daily writes.

2February / Daily
Objectives /
  • Analyze the causes and effects of American entry into the war.
  • Summarize the events that led to the end of the war.

Plan /
  • Review the day’s objectives, and what was learned yesterday about WW I.
  • Chapter 26 Section THREE Winning the War, part TWO, pages 832-833.
  • Review vocabulary terms in blue in the text.
  • Review the assigned pages, having students briefly summarize the major points in the subheadings on the students’ daily writes.
  • Distribute the primary sources documents about the Zimmerman telegram and discuss its impact on American entry into the war.
  • ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Students will assume to role of an advisor to the President of Mexico, and will write a one-paragraph statement advising the President of Mexico how he should respond to the proposal made by the Germans. Students will next share their responses with the other members of their desk group, and then chose the one which lends itself most readily to create a skit (not to exceed 90 seconds) which will depict three persons: the German Ambassador, the Advisor to the Mexican President, and the Mexican President himself. The skits will be presented in class.
  • Answer questions three though six on page 833 for the daily writes.