Scott Foresman/6-Traits Blended Scoring Rubric: Grades 4-5
TRAIT / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Ideas / Contains clear ideas / Most ideas are clear / Ideas may be unclear / Ideas are unclear
The meaning and development of the message
Key Question: Did the writer stay focused and share original and fresh information or perspective about the topic? / __ Narrow and manageable topic
__ Goes beyond the obvious or predicable
__ Relevant, accurate details
__ Show connections/insights / __ Topic is defined, but broad
__ Content is clear, but reader may still be left with questions
__ Detail support is attempted
__ Begins to develop theme / __ Beginning to define topic
__ Lacks specific information
__Vague details
__Glimmer of main point / __ Writer is still searching for a topic
__ Information is limited or missing
__ No meaningful details
__ Disconnected thoughts
Conventions / Shows excellent control of writing conventions / Shows very good control of writing conventions / Shows frequent errors in writing conventions / Shows many serious errors in writing conventions
The mechanical
correctness of the piece
Key Question: How much editing would have to be done to be ready to share with an outside source? / __ Spelling correct even on more difficult words
__ Accurate punctuation and capitalization
__Grammar and usage contribute to clarity
__Paragraphing enhances style / __Spelling generally correct
__ Punctuation and capitalization usually correct
__Grammar and usage are correct
__ Paragraphing correct / __ Spelling correct on common words
__ End punctuation and easy capitalization mostly correct
__ Grammar errors not serious
__ Paragraphing irregular / __ Spelling errors impede readability
__ Incorrect punctuation and capitalization
__ Many usage and grammar errors
__ Lack of paragraphing
Word Choice / Demonstrates varied, precise word choice / Generally demonstrates varied, precise word choice / Choice of word is limited / Choice of words is very limited.
The specific
vocabulary the writer
uses to convey meaning
Key Question: Do the words and phrases create vivid pictures and linger in your mind? / __ Powerful and engaging words
__ Wording accurate/ specific/precise
__Artful use of figurative language
__Words/language creates meaningful pictures / __Some active verbs and precise nouns
__ Moments of sparkle here and there
__ Effective use of figurative language
__ Words enhance the meaning / __ Generally correct words; no spice
__ Language is functional
__Attempt at figurative language
__ Words convey general meaning / __ Vocabulary is limited
__ Simple words used incorrectly
__ No figurative language
__ Words do not convey meaning
Scott Foresman/6-Traits Blended Scoring Rubric: Grades 4-5
TRAIT / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Organization / Logically organized, uses transitions / Logically organized, uses some transitions / Little organization, may be few or no transitions / Unorganized, no transitions
The internal
structure of the piece
Key Question: Does the organizational structure enhance the ideas and make it easier to understand? / __ Inviting introduction and satisfying conclusion
__ Effective sequencing and pacing
__ Thoughtful transitions
__ Smooth organization / __Routine lead and conclusion
___ Mostly logical sequencing and pacing
__ Predictable connections
__ Basic beginning, middle, ending / __ Ineffective lead and conclusion
__ Sequencing and pacing confusing
__Connections awkward
__ Formulaic structure detracts from content / __ No lead or conclusion
__ Sequencing and pacing are not present
__Connections are confusing or not present
__ Hard to follow
Voice / Voice is engaging, well-suited to purpose and audience / Voice is fairly strong, suited to purpose and audience / Slight evidence of voice; may be poorly suited to purpose or audience / Weak voice, no sense of audience or purpose
The way the writer
brings the topic
to life
Key Question: Would you keep reading this piece if it were longer? MUCH longer? / __ Effective and strong reader/writer connections
__ Takes risks
__ Reflects interest in and commitment to topic
__ Purpose is powerful and engaging. / __ Reader/writer connection present but not strong
__Pleasing, yet “safe”
__Energy level inconsistent
__ Purpose is credible but not powerful / __ Occasionally intrigues the reader
__Generally “risk free”
__ Sits on the surface
__ Purpose lacks conviction
/ __ No concern for audience
__ Lifeless and mechanical
__ Flat or inappropriate
__ Purpose not present
Sentence Fluency / Sentences are complete and varied / Most sentences are complete and varied / Incomplete sentences present; little variety / Incomplete sentences; no variety
The way the words
and phrases flow
throughout the text
Key Question: Can you FEEL the words and phrases flow together as you read it aloud? / __ Easy flow and rhythm
__ Strong and varied sentence structure
__ Invites expressive reading
__ Overall sentence structure enhances meaning / __Sentences more mechanical than fluid
__Sentences usually hang together
__ Can be read aloud easily
__ Sentences begin differently / __Phrasing effects readability
__ Sentence structure impairs understanding
__ Parts invite oral reading
__Too many sentences begin the same way / __ Choppy, rambling, or incomplete
__ No “sentence sense”
__ Oral reading difficult
__ Repetitive beginnings

\\wc-04-s\Instructional_Services\Curriculum_Documents\Elementary\LanguageArts\LanguageArts5\Grade 4-5 6-Trait Scoring Rubrics.doc June, 2006