Carol A. Layton

Vita, Page XXX

Curriculum Vita


Office Home

Box 41071 3105 79th St.

College of Education Lubbock, TX 79423

Texas Tech University Phone: 806-745-7361

Lubbock, TX 79409-1071 E-mail:

(806) 742-1997, ext. 286 (office)

(806) 742-2179 (fax)

Academic Degrees

Ed.D. 1993 Texas Tech University, Special Education

Post Graduate Studies 1988 Texas Woman's University

Language Certification 1979 Spanish Language Institute,

San Jose, Costa Rica

M.Ed. 1978 Texas Woman's University

Counseling and Guidance

B.S. 1975 Hardin-Simmons University Elementary Education

Professional Experience

September 2006 Program Chair of Special Education, Texas Tech University

September 2004 to present Associate Professor, Texas Tech University

Co-director of the Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research; Program Director for Educational Diagnosticians

2001-2004 Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University

Program Director for Educational Diagnosticians

1996-2001 Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University

Program Director for Educational Diagnosticians

1999 Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska

1994-1995 Lecturer, College of Education, Texas Tech University

1995 Lecturer, College of Education, Lubbock Christian University

1995-1996 Lecturer, College of Education, Wayland Baptist University

1996 Consultant, Southeast Lubbock County Special

Education Cooperative

1994-1996 Consultant, Braille Literacy Mentors in Training Project, American Foundation for the Blind

1994  Adult Braille Literacy Empowerment Project, American Foundation for the Blind

1995-1996 Teaching Assistant, Texas Tech University

1992 Lubbock Independent School District

Diagnostic Assessment of Student with Low Vision

1991, 1994 Consultant, South Plains Educational Cooperative,

Diagnostic Assessment of Student with Blindness

State Certifications

Provisional Visually Handicapped (Grades PK-12)

Professional Special Education Counselor (Grades PK-12)

Provisional Early Childhood Education - Handicapped Child

Professional Educational Diagnostician (Grades PK-12)

Professional Counselor (Grades PK-12)

Provisional Elementary (Grades 1-8) General

Provisional Kindergarten (Grades PK-KG)

Provisional Language and/or Learning Disabilities (Grades PK-12)

Professional Certifications

Professional Recognized Special Educator

Educational Diagnostics


Registered Professional Educational Diagnostician # 1533

Special Projects/Development Activity

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. Co-directors. Endowment for the Colin Burkhart Transition Academy. Jim and JereLyn Burkhart. ($1,000,000).

Lock, R.H., Gee, Robert, Layton, C.A., Banda, D. Autism Spectrum Disorders Service Innovations Project. Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS). ($100,000).

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. Proceeds from the Autism Walk. ($5,000).

Lock, R. H. & Layton, C.A. South Plains Support Employment for Individuals with Autism. The CH Foundation. ($60,000).

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. Co-directors, The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Operating Funds, Jim and JereLyn Burkhart ($65,000).

Lock, R.H., Layton, C.A., & Elkins, L. The 3-Tier Approach to Mathematics Education: Creating an Assessment Device. In conjunction with The University of Texas at Austin. ($5,000).

Co-directors, The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Operating Funds, The CH Foundation, South Plains Support Employment for Individuals with Autism. ($65,000).

Co-directors, The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Operating Funds, Jim and JereLyn Burkhart ($65,000).

Co-directors, The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Operating Funds, Jim and JereLyn Burkhart ($65,000).

Co-director: The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Operating Funds Jim and Jere Lyn Burkhart ($65,000).

Co-director: The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Operating Funds Jim and Jere Lyn Burkhart ($105,000).

Co-director: Burkhart Project in Autism $50,000

Co-director: Burkhart Endowment in Autism $200,000

Co-director: The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Operating Funds Jim and Jere Lyn Burkhart ($55,000).

Co-director: The Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research Jere Lyn Burkhart Endowed Professorship in Autism Education ($250,000 with a $250,000 match from the University for a total of $500,000).


Tech Links Faculty Fellow (2000-2002)

President’s Excellence in Teaching Award (2003)

College Nominee for the Hemphill Wells Excellence in Teaching Award (2003)

Donald McDonald Teaching Award (2004)

College Nominee for Hemphill Wells Excellence in Teaching Award (2004)

Texas Tech Teaching Academy (2004)

Publications: Refereed Journal Articles

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. (2007). Creating introductory portfolios for student with autism spectrum disorders. The Delta Kappy Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educations, 74 (2), pp. 15-19.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. (2006). Twenty ways to support NCLB using authentic assessment. Intervention in School and Clinic. 42(3), pp. 169-173.

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. (2006). The communication notebook as an authentic assessment. Conference Proceedings for 2006, Council for Educational Diagnostics.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. (2006). Communicating findings and recommendations: Explaining evaluation to students, parents and educators. Conference Proceedings for 2006, Council for Educational Diagnostics.

Mancini, K. G., & Layton, C. A. (2004). Meeting fears and concerns effectively: The inclusion of students that are medically fragile. Physical Disabilities: Education and Related Services.

Griffin-Shirley, N, Koenig, A.K., Layton, C.A., Davidson, R.C., Siew, L.K., Edmonds, A.R., & Robinson, M.C. (2004). A survey of teachers of students with visual impairments: Responsibilities, satisfactions, and needs. Review 36 (1), pp7-20.

Layton, C. A., & Lock, R. H. (2003). The Impact of reasoning weaknesses on the ability of

postsecondary students with learning disabilities to select a college major. NACADA Journal 23 (1&2) pp.21-29.

Layton, C. A., & Lock, R.H. (2003). Reasoning and self-advocacy for postsecondary secondary students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 12 (2) pp. 49-55.

Layton, C. A., & Lock, R. H. (2003). Accommodation needs for postsecondary success. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 12 (1) pp. 1-5.

Layton, C. A., & Lock, R. H. (2003). Enabling tutors to identify learning style preferences in students with learning disabilities. Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 10(2) pp. 22-34.

Sutton, J., Elksnin, N., Layton, C.A., & McElroy, P.A. (2002). Preservation of a national credential: The professionally recognized special educator certificate in educational diagnosis. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 28(1) pp. 47-55.

Layton, C. A., & Lock, R. H. (2002). Sensitizing teachers to English language learn (ELL) evaluation procedures for students with learning disabilities. Teacher Education and Special Education, 25(4).

Lock, R. H., & Layton, C. A. (2002). The efficacy of the Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory in postsecondary setting. College and University. Spring, pp. 3-7.

Lock, R. H., & Layton, C. A. (2002). Isolating intrinsic processing disorders from second language acquisition. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(2), pp. 383-394.

Lock, R. H., & Layton, C. A. (2001). Confirming the need for individual specific accommodations for students with learning disabilities. NACADA Journal, Spring & Fall, pp. 59-69.

Lock, R. H., & Layton, C. A. (2001). Succeeding in postsecondary ed through self-advocacy. Teaching Exceptional Children, 32(2), Nov./Dec. pp. 66-72.

Layton, C. A., & Lock, R. H. (2001). Determining learning disabilities in students with low vision. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 95(5), pp. 288-299.

Lock, R. H., & Layton C. A. (2000). Promoting Success: Self-Accommodating Techniques for Collegiate Student Athletes. National College Athletic Association Journal, 14(1), pp.41-47.

Layton, C. A., & Koenig, A. J. (1998). Effects of repeated readings for increasing reading fluency in elementary students with low vision. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 92, 276-292.

Layton, C. A., & Koenig, A. J. (1993). Analysis of reading skills: Case study of an adult with low vision. Journal of Vision Rehabilitation, 7, 13-17.

Koenig, A. J., Layton, C. A., & Ross, D. B. (1992). The relative effectiveness of reading in large print and reading with low vision devices for students with low vision. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 86, 48-53.

Publications: Other

Layton, C. A., & Lock, R. H. (2007) Assessing students with special needs to produce quality outcomes. Columbus, Ohio: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Layton, C. A. (2003) A book review -- Collaborative assessment: Working with students who are blind or visually impaired, Including those with additional disabilities. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 97 (12), pp. 779-780.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. (2004). An overview of autism spectrum disorders. An informational guide for parents and professionals. CD-ROM and web-based.

Publications: Book Chapters

Runnels, M., & Layton, C. A.(2004) Gifted learning disabled adults in postsecondary settings. In Robert Sternberg & Tina Newman (Eds)., Gifted and learning disabled adult (pp.131-154). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Layton, C. A. (2001). Informal assessment techniques. In A. J. Koenig & M. C. Holbrook (Eds.), Instructional strategies for teaching students with visual impairments (61-99). New York: American Foundation for the Blind.

Layton, C. A. (1997.). Strategies for assessing literacy skills of students with visual impairments. In D. P. Wormsley & F. M. DeAndrea (Eds.), Instructional strategies for braille literacy (pp. 231-268). New York: American Foundation for the Blind.

Koenig, A. J., & Layton, C. A. (1995). Reading Strategy Lessons. In A. J. Koenig & M. C. Holbrook, Learning media assessment of students with visual impairments (pp. 159-173). Austin, TX: Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Koenig, A. J., & Layton, C. A. (1993). Reading Strategy Lessons. In A. J. Koenig & M. C. Holbrook, Learning media assessment of students with visual impairments (pp. 159-173). Austin, TX: Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Publications: Invited Journal Articles

Layton, C.A. (2006). President's message. Communiqué 35 (3), p. 1.

Layton, C.A. (2006). President's message. Communiqué 35 (2), p. 1.

Layton, C.A. (2006). President's message. Communiqué 35 (1), p. 1.

Layton, C.A. (2006). President's message. Communiqué 34 (3), p. 1.

Layton, C.A. (2006). President's message. Communiqué 34 (2), p. 1.

Layton, C.A. (2006). President's message. Communiqué 34 (1), p. 1.

Halmhuber, N Layton, C.A. (2006) President's message. Communiqué 33 (4), p.1.

Layton, C. A. (2006). Fifteen reasons to join the Council for Educational Diagnostic Services. The Dialog, (36 (1), pp. 10-11.

Layton, C. A. (2002). Best Practice Guidelines. The Dialog, 32(1), pp. 6-7.

Layton, C. A. (2001). Using curriculum-based assessment and portfolios to enhance and complete full individual evaluations. The Dialog, 31(1), pp. 2-8.

Layton, C. A. (2000). Working evaluations: Enhancing Eligibility Decisions Using Authentic Assessment Techniques. The Dialog, 29, 6-10.

Manuscripts Submitted

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. Case Studies in Authentic Assessment for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. (book)

Lock, R.H., Layton, C.A., Hendricks, B. Pairing Family Leisure Activities with Autism Spectrum Disorder Support Opportunities.

Layton, C.A., & Lock, R.H. Differences in Perceptions of the Need for Sibling Autism Spectrum Disorders Support Groups.

Lock, R.H., Layton, C.A., Yang, F.Y. The Efficacy of Web-based Modules for Teacher Preparation in Autism.

Layton, C.A., Lock, R.H., & Brown, D.B. Teacher Perceptions of the Needs of Preschool Students with Autism.

Broadston, P., & Layton, C. A. Assessing David: A case study on deafblindness, Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 12-01-2001.

Lock, R. H., & Layton, C. A. The correlation between postsecondary GPA and hours of individualized tutoring for student with learning disability. Remedial and Special Education.

Manuscripts in Progress

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. Case Studies in Authentic Assessment for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. (book)

Lock, R.H., Layton, C.A., Hendricks, B. Pairing Family Leisure Activities with Autism Spectrum Disorder Support Opportunities.

Layton, C.A., & Lock, R.H. Differences in Perceptions of the Need for Sibling Autism Spectrum Disorders Support Groups.

Lock, R.H., Layton, C.A., Yang, F.Y. The Efficacy of Web-based Modules for Teacher Preparation in Autism.

Layton, C.A., Lock, R.H., & Brown, D.B. Teacher Perceptions of the Needs of Preschool Students with Autism. Layton, C. A. Talking with Parents: Assessment issues and recommendations.

Layton, C.A. Talking with siblings: Self-identity and family relationships.

Lock, R. H., & Layton, C. A. Determining the needs of families of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. Highlighting the needs of families with students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. Postsecondary transitions for students with autism spectrum disorders.

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. Using authentic assessment in postsecondary transition planning for students with autism spectrum disorders.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. Issues for inservice teachers working with students with autism spectrum disorders.

Lock, R.H., Layton,C.A., Finstein, R. A. Using sibshops to improve outcomes for students with siblings with autism spectrum disorders.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. A parents' guide to transition services for students with autism spectrum disorders.

Creative Activity

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. (2005). Module Two: Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders. A web-based module for providing information to families and professionals. Also available on CD-Rom at no charge. Funded through The CH Foundation.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. (2005). Module Three: Social and Behavioral Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorders. A web-based module for providing information to families and professionals. Also available on CD-Rom at no charge. Funded through The CH Foundation.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. (2005). Local curriculum for Sibshop Program based on the research-based, nationally recognized Sibshop program.

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. Strategic plan for the Burkhart Center for Autism Education and Research. Texas Tech University.

Layton, C. A. (1994, September). Braille Literacy—Annotated Bibliography. (Available from American Foundation for the Blind, 100 Peachtree Street, Suite 620, Atlanta GA 30303).

Layton, C. A. (1994, February). Mentoring and Inservice Training. (Available from American Foundation for the Blind, 100 Peachtree Street, Suite 620, Atlanta GA 30303).

Workshops and Inservice Presentations

Lock, R.H. Layton, C.A. (2006). The communication notebook as an authentic assessment. Conference Proceedings for 2006, Council for Educational Diagnostics. (national)

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. (2006). Communicating findings and recommendations: Explaining evaluation to students, parents and educators. Conference Proceedings for 2006, Council for Educational Diagnostics. (national)

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. (2006). The Burkhart Project at Work. The Council for Exceptional Children. Salt Lake City, April, 2006). Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. Performance-based Authentic Assessment. Council for Educational Diagnostics, Alexandria, VA, November 2005.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. Teaching Assessment Courses: Innovative Approaches. Council for Educational Diagnostics, Alexandria, VA, November 2005.

Layton, C.A. & Lock, R.H. Eligibility for Student with Learning Disabilities. Council for Educational Diagnostics, Alexandria, VA, November 2005.